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It’s Serge for me
For me it's just below the ms-20, but some fag already claimed that
memorymoog desu
I have an MS-20 and 0-Coast. Aside from stupid panels, Make Noise > brittle korg box
do you mean the ms 20 or the "mini"
Aren't they basically the same synth aside for some small differences?
if you mean small differences like the ridiculous amount of noise then yeah
onions desu senpai
i'm less worried about modding a mini.
This overpriced piece of shit.
Wait pls explain this is dope
ur all a bunch of faggot plebs
Never the got the hype about this particular synth desu
Nice, Jelly
The original is such a weird synth. It isn’t on a volts and octaves scaling, inverted gates, etc
But overlooks like not pulse wave modulation cv, additional outputs for creating fuller voices, ring modulation, and FM (excluding the MS-20’s LFO because it is barely audiorate for modulate the VCO enough to be usable FM) and more. I believe the MS-20 was designed in kind of a bubble with Korg at the time, so it lacked a lot of common features other synth manufacturers were offering at the time. The MS-20’s benefit is primarily two things: its dual HPF/LPF and patch panel. It is a very fun substitution for a TB-303 because it offers so much just in tuning or modulating the filters. I love that synth, and incredibly simple modifications expand that synthesizer’s possibilities so much.
I don't get any noise on mine
Fucking strange i’m thinking about getting a synth.
really good sound
really expensive
it's the mercedes benz of synths
aka over engineered german crap but it's still really good
Eat shit poly-fags
>brought one from guitar center for 299 which is the new price
>didn't come with patch cables
>aka it wasn't new
>returned it
shame it was really dope
you all are BABIES compared to me
I never liked those. I get sort of annoyed with how Roland has settled on constantly reproducing the same two analog kits for decades instead of introduce a new classic analog kit like Korg did with the Volcas, but the Roland TR- series is infinitely more playable as an instrument and versatile in electronic music than any Linn machine.
What benefits does it offer that samples of it on my MPC can’t replicate identically?
I want to get behringers 101 clone along with their 808 clone when it comes out
was it worth it ?
i’ve never used a synth but really like ambient house.
i’m actually stuck in sober living so i think an analogue synth would be really fun to kill time. i’ve always wanted to try it.
Why? Behringer sells instruments they have completely stolen and cheaply manufactured. A Roland TR-8S is a better investment.
yeah i want it back but i'll just end up getting a used one on ebay since it's like 40-60% cheaper then guitarcenter
tr8s can play samples can't it?
but yeah i do agree that they are lazy
I'm torn on either the Moog Grandmother or the Microbrute. Eitherway I want a compact, analog synth
grandmother is like 4x more expensive
i'd get that one because it will hold it's resale value for a while and the microbrute could be gotten for 120~$ if your smart
you could literally buy 6 microbrutes for 1 grandmother
8S plays samples. I’d take an Akai X / Live over an 8S as my sampler any day, but if you’re okay just firing off drum loops quickly with a very limited amount of features or distractions, it is a fantastic machine.
Sounds based except the 101 clone is kind of SHITTY. Dirt cheap but yeah. The 808 might be ok.
Why does it need to be analog?
good taste, also my fav. here's my super clean 101 and his qt little brother
Get a manther instead
Cuz I like how analog synths sound
*puts it in harpsichord mode*
>Ti Virus is a high-maintenance Golddigger
>Could only dream of an Novation Ultranova.
Who else likes the digital sound?
Novation are proper synths or glorified controllers? Do they need a pc? Sorry to sound like a noob.
thanks d00d
My wife, the novation peak
the only good synth in this entire thread
this but the black serge on which i learned how to synths
can you feel it coming...
the behringer clone? sure can
dibs on jarres laser harp
The Microbrute is gr8 and you can find them used or for sale really cheap. I got mine new for sale at $200 when the Microfreak was announced
Had one and traded it for a microkorg, every sound to "clean" and soft with the *novas, I know ppl dig that character but not my cup of tea
I claim pic related, never used one but love the layout the synth engine is gr8
Look Mum No Computer?
Whatever was used in Situation by Yazoo, im sure people know the base we are talking about
The one used in the pop rock masterpiece invisible touch.