10/10s only

10/10s only

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Other urls found in this thread:


This generations Trout Mask Replica

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omg what a pleb thread

oops my bad meant to use this image

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i didnt watch much ed edd n eddy when i was a kid so this album kind of goes over my heard unfortunately.
I will say though, the show had an excellent soundtrack.


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The only acceptable answer for this day and age



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holy mother of cringe

not even close to the best gizz album
and even then none of them are 10/10

Op asked for 2. I give one more, cause I'm unselfish that way

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>no hosianna mantra
>no future days
what happened


I disagree on both counts.

some please post the other one so this garbage thread is fixed

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Fuck off mom

lol memes dude xD !!!!!11

ok, no more fuckin around

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>slightly interesting lofi beats to study & relax to

>there are people that actually think this way

the whole album 19 minutes of modes and changes
all improvised
nothing written down

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I couldn't love you moooooooore
Ay ya ya!

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God I would destroy her pussy

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you start

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Based retard

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I don't disagree but if you ever reply to more than 5 posts in a single post you deserve to be hanged, drawn, and quartered.

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>on patrol
>not a 10/10

I'll start.

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Best picks so far

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Have to say a modern 10/10. I love every song on this album and its been over a decade since I could say that.

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Hot take

Change my mind

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the entry level on this retard

only correct answer is this thread so far

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