my sister's boyfriend listened to Queens Of The Stone Age for 3 songs on spotify, then he decided their logo 'looks cool' so he made my sister get matching tattoos of it. I have been listening to QOTSA since 96 and own every album on vinyl, but now everyone thinks my sister and his gf are the biggest QOTSA fans around. They posted pictures on facebook and everyone replied with congratulations but I know for a FACT they have never even heard a whole album by them. Would you know it, I'm totally ok with it and don't consider them shallow or posers in the least. Do you have any similar stories of people you know being so cool?
My sister's boyfriend listened to Queens Of The Stone Age for 3 songs on spotify...
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I wasn't even born in 96
lol that sucks. but what can you do? you don't want to be "that guy" who goes up grilling people about their favorite b-sides or lineups of a band or whatever. it'll just make you look like an asshole, even if you're in the right.
>my sister and his gf
So your sister is a tranny?
>who goes up grilling people about their favorite b-sides or lineups of a band or whatever
More people need to do this honestly
Oh shit
>sister's boyfriend
>everyone thinks my sister and his gf
How many people are involved in this madness?
QOTSA tattoo, no big deal.
If this was a kyuss tattoo, this would be a different story and I myself will find and laser off the unworthy ink.
Qotsa, is to my ears one the worst thing homme did.
queens of the stone age is easily better than kyuss
i've never been able to get into kyuss because i hate their singer
they are all shitty buttrock lol
this story is fucking retarded
you are fucking retarded
go fuck yourself
which songs.
which QOTSA album is your favorite? mine is self-titled
...Like Clocwork, because from I Sat by the Ocean till the end it is perfect, but all of them were my favourite at times
I'm the Hipster. Idgaf. It's decent music but I was too old to get into it by the time I got around to hearing it. If ur in high school it's probably great.
>gf at the time asks me what I think of tattoos
>I reply "I think they are unconditionally shit but if the stars align there's one motive I might consider"
>tell her about it
>we break up, lose contact
>later we resume contact
>she now has my tattoo
>tells me it reflects her personality super well
Not music related but I came to think of it because it's related to tattoo-cringe.
>Songs for the Deaf is great, but why did they go soft with Like Clockwork?
Memes aside I do think Villains sucks. Its just not something I could find myself listening to.
>...Like Clocwork, because from I Sat by the Ocean till the end it is perfect
Ah, so you don't like the only song on the album that actually sounds like Queens of the Stone Age.
I like Andy garcia work and brant bjork work more than home's things.
It's just me though.
OT: jalamanta is a good albumzz, far better than any kuyss. Buttock or bimborock, or trance, callit what you will.
I like it.
>actually sounds like Queens of the Stone Age
But, user, nothing sounds like Queens of the Stone Age
>Would you know it, I'm totally ok with it and don't consider them shallow or posers in the least.
Yeah, sounds like it.
Based josh
you’re all retards for enjoying such shitty mid music
no u
I fucking love these threads. Please tell me this is in direct retaliation to that Merzbow-posting fag, or was that your handiwork too?
I guess i'm a Boomer Nick?
I think it's an obvious reference to that thread. OP is trying again to grab some (you)s
they're not worth a tat anyway. Get like a MEtallica tat
Not this shit again
yeah why the fuck did you spell it that way
I hope this story is true and someone as pathetic as you actually exist
yeah listening to that buttrock is pretty pathetic
me too
I have the same problem except my body is covered with QOTSA tattoos and this faggot inlaw wannabe thinks just because he has ginger pubes he's allowed to come upstairs while I'm blasting Kyuss whether my parents are out or not
what super mature music do you listen to now
merzbow, duh
Imagine dealing in a 5 year-old's psychological currency that's easily counterfeited by social simpletons