/prod/ - music production general

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Meme of the day

WebM edition

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Busy works stole my girl now I can't watch his videos anymore, how do I start producing without watching 1000 hours of seamless?


free iTunes gift card for anyone who makes it through this mess

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Anybody else music sound good high but shit sober

That's because your standards drop as fuck when you're high. The same reason why you can have an epifani staring into an empty roll of toilet paper and think you understand the universe when you're high. Everything seems profound when you're high.


Stop making music when you're high.

I agree with this guy. When you're high, a bag of doritos seems exquisite. The same with garbage genres like trap and hip hop.

here's a loop I made under the influence

is it trash clyp.it/mjvcn1ai

>trying to analyze a melody so I can get better at making them
>yeah alright, you just vamp a chord progression in a certain way, I'm starting to get the hang of this
>suddenly a note leaves key
>feel retarded an confused and lost all over again
Oh my fucking god. It's just basic cringe melodies for me huh?

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ya doin the lord work

let's hear it user maybe we can help

>tfw an entire generation of musicians and producers will make the most safe, stale and boring choices because the youtube algorithm incentivised a generation of music educators to make the safest, boring choices when teaching because they could make more money that way

vicious cycle.


Im pretty sure the progression is i-iv in am harmonic, but the melody plays a g for some reason. How do I make cool piano melodies?

people who pay attention to safe boring shit make safe boring shit, that's not new lol. it's not like they would otherwise get super inspired to make some experimental noise shit if the youtube teachers were less stale- they never had an interest in it anyway

>How do I make cool piano melodies?
learn to play the piano.

It's like asking for help to program heavy metal guitars while not being able to play one.

But in your case, you need to look up the blues scale.

that's just a bluesy lick dude, do you know theory?

Jazz evolved out of the 2-5-1 progression right?
Is there something inherently special about this progression that makes it viable for extensive experimentation?
Or would any other concept evolve in a similair way if it went through decades of experimentation?

don't get me wrong, safe, boring tunes have always been the status quo - it's why they're safe and boring. but the algorithmic funnelling of people (both consumers and creators) towards this sort of content will only compound the problem.

>but the algorithmic funnelling of people (both consumers and creators) towards this sort of content will only compound the problem.
Like the music industry and music schools have been doing for 300 years?

There will always be outliers who make shit their own way, like there always have been.

What would be a good, not too resource heavy or overly complicated, all-in-one VST for orchestral instruments like strings, drums, brass, harps, choirs, etc

Really been getting into soundtrack stuff lately and learning the genre, but I've been getting by on samples. I don't want to commit to a massive Kontakt library or anything like that since it's not my main project and my PC is literally dying on me atm.

i've always interpreted the opposite:
people who are inclined towards weirder stuff always seek it out and the people who historically would have just been dissatisfied with the normal stuff but were unaware of alternatives are now exposed to a wider variety of content (and even normies can like a few out there things)

i think the larger pool of shit to sort through really fucks peoples perception of it; consider that if 1/100 releases 50 years ago were "weird" it looks like there's more normal shit now even though the 10000/1000000 today is the same ratio... if you catch my drift. there's just a larger pool of shit to sort through today to get to the good stuff, which is why curators have risen in importance

i don't think that exist user

most likely what you'll be looking for is a bundle; good orchestral shit is costly and complicated. one off simple shit of actual quality exist but it's usually for one particular sound

I do yeah.
I'm trying. But what I'm asking is what part of learning the piano should I focus on.

>I don't want to commit to a massive Kontakt library or anything like that
Well you dont have many other options other than that unless you want to use freebe orchestra VST's which are all abysmall.

But you might want to try the old Miroslav Philharmonik which is pretty lightweight if you just want to compose, but you wont get any fat and huge (or zimmer BWUAAAAAMS) out of that library.

Or the older versions of East West/Quantum Leap Symphonic Orchestra gold edition, which is slightly heavier than Miroslav but sounds alot better and more powerfull.
Both of these have torrents out for the old versions if you want to try them out.
EastWest is about 20 gigs and Miroslav around 12 gig.

Then you have the most popular all encompassing kontakt libraries of today.
Spitfire Albion (ca 40 gig)
Orchestral Tools Metropolis Ark 1 (ca 60 gig)
Project SAM: Symphobia Series (dunno)
Big Fish Audio: Complete Orchestral Collection (dunno)

These are like good at everything, but master of none, but enough to make mockups with and convincing low budget scores with a little technical know how.
But they cost a fair bit of dough though.

they have, but certain mitigating factors have been removed.
schools for examples, don't incentivise teaching in short, punchy, 10 minute chunks. nuance can be discussed at length and if you want to do well, you're generally encouraged to explore ideas beyond the surface.

while the hegemony of post-colonial british and american popular music has certainly played a part in shaping music around the world, it's never been as pervasive as it has today.

information isolation of communities, even within the states and the uk, created the subcultural movements that spawned many of the genres we know today (you can generally point to places and a group of originators for these).

the internet with its easy access to information and tools hasn't suddenly resulted in individuals creating fantastical, unheard, fusions or totally unique sound languages. it's seemingly done the opposite, possibly because it's reinforced the idea of 'everything's been done' or just made it easier to find stuff that you like and thus want to sound like. it's also helped to kill off those isolated communities imo.

the 'global' nature of success creates even more problems, where you begin to see a cross-cultural homogenisation of pop music, designed not for millions of sales but for billions of views.

there are exceptions of course, there always will be, but there's a trend towards safe-ness now that is different from what's come before.

Well tbf soundcloud trap was pretty scene-like

Looks like I'll have to sit down this weekend and set up Kontakt and "acquire" some decent libraries then.

Seeing as you're knowledgable on the subject, do you know of any tutorials/series worth checking out to learn and improve on making soundtrack and orchestral type stuff?

I'm fully aware it takes years to learn and a tutorial isn't going to teach me, but anything helps. I'm an experienced producer already, but I understand this is a whole other game and much more complex and deep than making bleeps, or recording a band in a DAW.

I appreciate your appreciation.

>do you know of any tutorials/series worth checking out to learn and improve on making soundtrack and orchestral type stuff?
Good god, you might as well ask me to teach you rocket science.

Give me 15 mins and I'll make a do's and dont's of "my first time orchestrating, where I'll go over the typical things one do wrong when you start out orchestrating.
Just need a ciggy first.

i suppose soundcloud/mumble/ w/e you wanna call it hiphop scene can be seen as a successful internet movement (it's also been exceedingly dull imo but that's just opinions). there's been others as well witch house, vapourwave, (seapunk lol) but those died almost as quickly as they were created.

shouldn't there be a lot more of this? the internet, in theory lets you create communities around fringe interests, but it hasn't really proved to be a good space for fostering creative music communities.

it doesn't help that the web 2.0 era has largely concerned itself with nostalgia and a sort of taking-stock of literally everything that's come before (and iterating on it). almost like having all that information makes you less interested in creating new things.

Rate lyrics.
>I called myself
>to see if I'm still Phil
>but then I
>thought "hey"
>"shit, I was never Phil"

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fuck off with your spamming

Fuck you, nobody responded to me in the last thread so I'm posting it again.
If you don't like it get your mom and have her yell at mine.

Yeah, was there ever anything even close to a site like that? Where musicians could gather around similair musical ideas they'd wanna explore and create stuff led by a singular vision?
>almost like having all that information makes you less interested in creating new things.
It probably does, I find this to be the case with basically every music college graduate I've encountered irl and on the internet.

If you're serious I would honestly appreciate it, will check back in a while

>it doesn't help that the web 2.0 era has largely concerned itself with nostalgia and a sort of taking-stock of literally everything that's come before (and iterating on it). almost like having all that information makes you less interested in creating new things.
I can see why someone might see all the stuff that's been done and convince themselves that every idea has already been explored (Dylan if you're reading this please ignore this whole post), while someone who isn't exposed to the vastness of music creations might lean more toward the belief that you can "easily" be creative and make something new.

Heres some of the "mistakes" I hear when someone picks up orchestration in a DAW for the first time.

1. Brass and winds (flutes) need to breathe. I hear this especially among the Hans Zimmer copycats who wants that BWUAAAm all over their track.

Brass and wind players need to breathe so you cant have them playing piano-pianissimo for long stretches without writing in pauses where they can breathe.This sounds complicated at first but it's usually just a matter of ending notes a little a head of time. If you're struggling with it, just hum the melody and you'll soon figure out where it's natural to have pauses.

2. You have more velocities than 127. I hear often people have their ostinatos playing full power for long strected without any room for neuance or dynamics. This sounds very robotic after a while and is tiresome to listen to.

3. Having the double bass playing every note the cello plays.
It's very frequent that the cello and bass plays the same thing just an octave apart, but it fast passages, the bass should only play some of the notes that the cello plays or else you'll just end up with muddy shit down in the bass registre.

4. Learn the position of the players.
This is mostly a matter of panning and how much reverb each instrument should have. Further back in the room, more reverb. See pic related.
In film scoring it's frequent to place the french horns more to the left (french horns left, trombones right), basses and cellos closer to the center. But this is a matter of preference.

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5. Voices.
Alot of people will have sections of instruments play more voices that they would realistically be able to. For example a 4 piece french horn section playing 5 voices (like a full chord)
Another example would be the string section playing 7 or 8 voices while they should only be playing 5.

6. Unatural audio levels.
Some mix their audio really weird to compensate for bad orchestration.
Some pull their string section up to be as loud as the trombones and trumpets while the brass should be alot louder than the string section. The same thing with percussion. Depending on how hard the percussionist hits his instrument, if it's maxed out in velocity, it is easily the loudest thing in the orchestra.

7. Only using Strings, Horns and Trombones.
I get it, I am sometimes guilty of this myself, but you need to give some love to the winds and tubas.

And thats what I can think of right now. Tell me if there something that was a little unclear.

dubstepforum maybe for a couple of years.

it doesn't even have to be about the 'everything's been done' sentiment. it could just be as simple as

>i've found this stuff that is so specifically speaks to me that all i want to do is make more of it

it's easier to find something like that than it's ever been. not only that, it's easier to find resources to make more of it as well.

Oh and finally.

Listen to alot of classical. Head over to the Classical general, they have a megaupload link with more classical music than you could possibly consume. For inspiration to write film music, I would probably reccomend Gustav Mahler, Richard Wagner, Gustav Holst, Igor Stravinskij, Dmitri Shostakovish and Krzysztof Penderecki for horror films.

Pay specific attention to orchestration and what plays what so you dont end up writing lines for the horns that would be better suited for the trumpets with their higher registre.

Well the 5-1 part is because it's a super nice sound that works everytime I imagine the 2 part is because there needed to be something before the 5-1 so why not 2.

>There will always be outliers who make shit their own way, like there always have been.

Can’t stand these YouTube production teachers so have never made it through an entire video.

I actually prefer reading manuals.

the samples from mars drum machines are very good and comprehensive. everyone looking for good classic drum machine samples should get them.

yea I got the full bundle for like 20 shekel last year it was worth it

>not shills

there are several compilations of literally hundreds of classic drum machines floating around the internet for free. clean and dry.

you don't have to buy them they are pretty good though im sure they have the full bundle uploaded somewhere by now

you have no serotonin and cant enjoys things unless you're high


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he seems pretty based

Anything like Modo Bass but for regular guitar? Tired of downloading 5 gig Kontak libraries that suck

there's a link to the full collection over at rutracker and also audioz. go ahead by all means.

i already have some of those big classic sample dumps. the mars ones are, as i said, very comprehensive - often multi sampled and most pitch variations covered. plus, they come with good ableton drum racks pre-configured. they'll probably the last 'clean' samples i get of the machines they've covered.

the guys who make chromaphone have a really awful sounding guitar one fwiw.

Thanks so much for this, I'll copy and save this for when I need it.

Really, thank you for taking the time to write this.

I am interested in learning how to make noise music // how to precisely make the textures/samples I want. Does anyone know of any good resources to learn this?

experimental / noise / sound design focussed in general is about learning fundamentals

you're not going to do a search on youtube and run across a bunch of merzbow breakdowns and recreations etc bro

learn to make techno first

or like put some contact mics on a sawmill

Spend at least 2 hours per day with FM and additive synths, just tweak shit as you feel.
Record everything.
Buy a portable recorder and hang around loud areas, or very quiet areas and crank the recording's gain.
After at least a year of this drop to 1 hour of synth fuckery and add 2 hours of sample layering and manipulation.
Also start buying every piece of distortion gear you can find and ideally learn about electronics so you can build some of your own.

I have acid Pro 7, is it worth the $25 on Hungle Bungle to get pro 8? I already stick to Reaper and Reason for most of what I do but I like Acid for hiphop stuff. I just don't know if it's significant enough of an upgrade.

Is there any reason to use an SSD over an HDD for music?

less loading time means you can better capitalize on creativity before you lose the feeling

Press record

Have you tried (Kontakt Library) Impact Soundworks Shreddage 3? I think its pretty good.

you guys still do feedback?

dude this sounds like shit.... there's so much noise, you can't hear any notes, it's just a bunch of drums man

haven't -- will check it out! thanks

That droning bass synth should be toned down
It doesn't sound too bad

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>Also start buying every piece of distortion gear you can find and ideally learn about electronics so you can build some of your own.

This is important

the only thing worth $25 dollars in that bundle is the fact you are donating to charity, and even then i'd just do it directly.

if you are using large orchestra samples and shit then sure, but otherwise not really. but SSD's are great and they are pretty cheap now

How do people care about lyrics? Is it just non musicians? Do you personally listen to lyrics?

shut the fuck up retard.

What the fuck is your problem? I just asked a question

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please dont be rude in my thread

There's nothing special about it, it's the framework that classical has used for centuries. The majority of classical is based on tonic/dominant 1-5-1, move away from the consonance of the tonic to the dissonant dominant and resolve to the consonant tonic, it's the hero's journey of music. To make it more interesting you insert chords inbetween the 1s and 5s, most commonly the subdominant (2/4) because it is the dominant of the 5, thus 2/4 pushes to 5 and 5 pushes back to 1. To spice it up even more you substitute chords: ii II bII IV iv Italian Neopolitan German Neopolitan French Neopolitan etc for the subdominant, V v vii-halfdim vii-fulldim bII/tritone sub IV iv etc for dominant, and I i vi Vi bVi bVI iii III bIII biii etc for tonic. All basic harmony.
What makes jazz interesting is its exploration of harmonic extension of the chords via the melody (see tension notes and playing in/out), but its all been done by classical.

What's the best free DAW and how do I get started? I wanna make ambient and glitch and that sort of stuff. I tried cakewalk but I felt kinda overwhelmed. Pls help me I'm a dummie

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hi, i am looking for advice on mixing this

also, does it work in general? it goes up to a bpm of 228 in the second half and i dont really want to slow it down but if its just irritating then i guess i can

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>tfw finally got a ryzen 2200g and 16gb ram that allows me to run my fancy VSTs smoothly and don't force me to freeze tracks at every move I make
Feels good bros

Can I record good electric guitars with a LDC, a SDC and a beta 58 copy? Or do I need a sm57? My fear is recording everything with the LDC would make the sound too big

dot com

Try a demo of audiomulch. Without a doubt my favourite thing for making ambient music with

I'm a Reaperfag trying to make programmed music.
Rn I have EZdrummer (with the electronic and pop expansions), NordRack synth vst, Sonata violin and flute, and Pianoteq.
How am I doing? What else do I need?

go on free vst and take your pick. although overall you don't need anything

>look up a production tutorial channel
>good informative content from a professional producer
>one video is an hour long rant about how you shouldn't get good at recording your own music because it will "take away what makes you unique as a musician" and how you'll "turn into a sound guy instead of an artists"

Oy vey!

Pirate Kontakt and get some good drum samples.

Isn't Kontakt too damn heavy and large

I've been using it with Reaper without too many issues. Just route your effects instead of applying individually and don't have more tracks than you need.

Kontakt isn't, but libraries often are, so if you have a problem with that, just get fewer/smaller libraries.

grug press keys until it sounds good

is there any specific equipment I could use that would make it easier or better?


why not maxmsp instead

Wrong board for that, friend. Maybe he could try looking on Reddit.

>although overall you don't need anything
Yeah I just need to whistle the instrument parts and work with that right?!

if you had the skill then you easily could. but clearly you lack it.

Fuck you
And I am a good Whistler

Depends exactly what you want to do really?

Yeah why not, I’d imagine that’d work too. Although personally I don’t have experience with that and op said free, although mulch isn’t free I think the demo is just limited and the licence is pretty cheap. Where max/map is quite expensive I believe?

prove it

sending a beginner to mulch/max/pd is like telling someone to use matlab before they even understand the concept of addition

cecilia 5

The order shouldn't matter since everything is self taught anyway. If you want to, you'll learn how to use it regardless of complexity.

Mulch is pretty easy to understand it was actually the first bit of software I bought after beta testing it. So I don’t think it’s that complicated. For ambient stuff the loop players are pretty handy, connect them to a mixer module then add effects chains between and automate shit.

i guess i should learn mountaineering by climbing k-2

I think that’s a shit comparison. You might not physically be able to climb that well and die...but maybe there are easier bit on k2 you could practice on?
No one is going to die if they don’t understand how some software works within the first few days

Yeah I do, what else am I gonna sing along with?

>No one is going to die if they don’t understand how some software works within the first few days
No but it's going to be a massive pain and unless they have a very strong will, they're gonna be much likely to fail at it and drop it, as opposed to having a normal progression that goes from learning easy topics to increasingly harder ones, which will not only make them more likely to stick to it, but it will also make it easier to learn the difficult stuff.
Starting with the hard parts first and doing the easy parts later is just an all-around retarded idea.

Just whistle it

Can you maybe sorta let me know how I should learn stuff then?

What's easy, what's intermediate, what's hard, what's extremely hard? How should I progress.

Well I didn’t actually suggest pure data or max I suggested mulch which i think is easy to get the hang of. If someone has never used a daw before I don’t think mulch is any harder than logic or Ableton etc, I’d go a far as to say in my experience it’s easier for what I was suggesting to use it for.


I do that too for instrumentals.

>ambient and glitch and that sort of stuff

He vst too got damn big for he daw

This isn't some objective list, but in my opinion:

Basic music production, which includes:
-Composing melodies, chords, rhythms
-Basic sound design, which includes knowing basic audio manipulation techniques like pitch-shifting and time-stretching, as well as being able to program basic synth sounds and edit presets
-Basic mixing and mastering, to a level where you know how to set your levels, compress, equalize, etc.

Doing the above very well and expanding onto the different techniques other than the basic ones (for example, being good at FM synthesis instead of just subtractive, etc.)

Doing the above at world class level (needs so much more effort due to the diminishing returns that will make you work twice as hard just to see SOME improvement)
Branching out into related areas like building your own gear or making your own software.
Using "DSP" platforms like Max is the easiest way to do that, but still extremely hard to do if you're a beginner at production as a whole.
As you learn about music production and you go deeper into its technical topics, it will become easier for you to do things with it (as the really hard stuff is already done for you inside the objects that you just need to patch up).
The most difficult way is to make your own software from scratch, since you can't really use shortcuts there and you need to do everything at a very deep level.

I've never used AM personally, but I always thought it would be similar to the other DSP platforms with a knowledge of how digital audio works as a bare minimum requirement.
If that's not the case I apologize, but I'm pretty sure it's way more complicated than the >Easy tier stuff listed above.

Appreciate it. Thank you.

You're welcome user.

Mind you, this is for computer music production.
There's other ways of making music, and those have different progressions.
I'm only a computer producer so I can't speak about those.

What are /prod/'s PC specs

Well I mean I'm using FL studio and I just want to sometimes make something depressing like X, sometimes something like Frank, sometimes something like Earl, sometimes something like daniel ceasar.

I'm sure this works for me since I will also be making music on computer until I get the hang of this. Then I will probably learn instruments too.

still running a 4690k but starting to hit walls occasionally. prob gonna upgrade to a 3900x or smth in a year when prices come down.

8700k OC, 64gb ram, 2tb SSD main, something like 14tb for storage/backup/aux sample libraries
I write full time so I have to keep all my stems just in case though

>hit walls occasionally
Give me an example. The 4690k has similar performance to my recently acquired 2200g. Also have you considered overclock?

64gb ram
1tb os ssd
1tb scratch ssd
2x4tb raid1 local
48tb zraid2 direct attached 10gbe

If you're in it for the long term and want to actually get good, focus on learning all the basics well (Easy tier) so you have a foundation to build skills upon (since you'd have an, although shallow, broad understanding of the discipline), then move on to perfecting those skills into the Intermediate range.
After that it's all practice until you're very good.

>Then I will probably learn instruments too.
Learning an instrument is very beneficial.
I suggest starting ASAP and putting in some practice every day (doesn't matter if it's 15 minutes or 15 hours, just play every single day) so that your brain internalizes the (hopefully) good songs that you play and your "musicality" improves, making you create better-sounding stuff than you would without playing any instruments.

I suggest the keyboard, since everything in software is set up with that in mind, but most instruments should be fine and will have different benefits. For example, a guitar will have you get better at harmony (and a bit at melody and rhythm too), while a drum set will make you excellent at rhythm (but not at much else).

A basic work flow in mulch for ambient stuff would be as simple as selecting a loop player, right click on it select insert after and selecting a mixer, then right clicking on mixer insert after audio output. Now you have a sound source, mixer and audio output. Click load file on loop player select from browser an audio file (loop), on the loop player you can adjust length (pitch) if loop. Now you have audio going to mixer and output you can insert between loop player and mixer any effects, reverb, eq’s Etc. Right click on any of the knobs on any of the contraptions and you’ll get the option to automate that knob in the automation pane. You can automate anything from volume to wet and dry effects to filters. Absolutely anything.
On a basic level that’s all there is to it. It’s straight forward and much like adding say guitar pedals in effects chains. It’s intuitive as fuck. Obviously you can do the same in logic or any other daw but there’s by no way that it’s harder in mulch if anything it’s easier.

i already have a slight OC to 4.2.

walls only tend to get hit on fairly heavy sections - something like multiple instances of u-he synths with effects chains firing off with maybe couple dozen other tracks with effects doing their thing. it's easy enough to just freeze or print the audio. hasn't really gotten in the way of actually writing anything which is why i'm in no rush to upgrade.

i just want the 3900x for 3d rendering for the most part, but even there i'm just considering switching to a gpu renderer instead.

Hmm I see. Maybe I will pick up a keyboard soon. I'm using a 25 key midi for now to make music though.

That seems closer to how you'd do it in Max than how you'd do in in a DAW where you don't have to think about inputs, outputs, and whatnot. Just drag a sample into a timeline, drag an effect onto it, and you're done.
If you're moderately computer literate you barely even need a tutorial to use a DAW since it's so intuitive, while to do what you described you need to actually know that you have to keep all those things in mind, and how to do what you need.
Are you sure it's not just intuitive to you because you're good at it?
Imagine how a beginner would feel opening it for the first time vs opening a DAW.

Maybe, like I say it’s what I started with and found it easy to work with and intuitive as the 3 screens show exactly what’s going on.i was from a hardware background before that though so maybe that’s why it clicked for me.
I should have just suggested fruity loops desu

official VCV Rack VST when.

It's just another vst, nobody cares

Hopefully never.
Let the software plebs suffer.

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it's a bit more than that, but sure.

lel. i think andrew's still expecting to put it out before the end of the year. it'll be nice to have a candidate for one-synth-to-rule-them-all in software form.

Would the VST version of VCV Rack also have the VST module?
If so, could you load VCV rack instances inside other VCV Rack instances?

this dec sometime. but seriously I can't believe that wasn't like the first thing they did. fucking thing is a bitch to get sync'd with any DAW and then super unstable anyway. as much as I like it and would use it, I'm not sacrificing my workflow just cause the devs are idiots

The rubiish tip. Go and live their and recycle cans for cents. Die alone

That’s the fucking spirit my hardware senpai

i'm not sure if there's been any confirmation re: VCV host being compatible with the VST. i would expect it to work though, since it makes VST modulation a breeze.

i think VCV core is almost entirely the work of one guy. he's been fairly candid about how much of a clusterfuck VCV bridge has been. it's still possible to get good sync out of it but it involves running an audio trigger pulse from the DAW.

it's documented here:
fb /groups/vcvrack/permalink/310333899626761/

but yeah, it's a pain in the ass and keeps me using it in-production. it seems like it's on the right track now though.

>documented here*
i'm referring to comments on that post, not the video itself. the video method still causes clock drift.

I mean, the whole point of owning hardware is to look down on those who don't, so obviously I'm gonna have that attitude, or else I wouldn't have spent all my father's inheritance on it.

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Materialistic people are a joke and a cancer

poorfag cope

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Well that and not to have to use a fucking computer to make music.
I’m in the process of selling my flat and recon I’ll be spunking 90% of the money from that on gear.

Nerdseq is fucking sick...although I get the feeling maybe that’s not your setup and you could be a tender troll

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>Well that and not to have to use a fucking computer to make music.
Nah, I still use a macbook to make all my music.

>I’m in the process of selling my flat and recon I’ll be spunking 90% of the money from that on gear.
My nigga.

I need to hear this flex

Why do you type of people hate other types of people that use hardware so much that you take the effort to insult them in a music production thread? It really beggars belief!
Surly if you’re into making music and production you’d want to have some nice gear too?

It’d be like sim racers insulting someone for going to a track day because they drove a real car around a track. Stop being so fucking hateful

I’d honestly want a big stack of 18s behind all that to hear it flex proper

>makes only slightly worse sounding recordings with modern plugins and a laptop
Take that, kid.

Grow up mate your not here to impress anyone

You just made a post you own these gear just to shit on those who don't. And you wasted your father's inheritance for it.

On top of everything you're an hypocrite.

No I didn’t. I’m not who you think I am obviously.

I’m sure he wasn’t being serious in the original post either. I’m the user that is surprised that it’s standard here to hate on anyone that owns gear to make music, its fucking ridiculous

I gotta go now, but here's the last thing I did with it.
Again, I don't normally use it to make music. It's just for fun jams, and it got me laid once, so it basically paid for itself (not really).

>got me laid once

Did she have a fetish for small flashing lights?

If you like your gear so much then go use it and leave

No, she was an 18yo wannabe art hoe.
I told her I'm a techno producer who's famous in Germany and she was all over me for some reason.

Have you ever been to a actual studio?

This is a production thread not a software only thread so I’m not going anywhere

lol stop ragging on the hardware dude.
if he wants to spend his money on modular gear, that's his choice. not like he's going to give u the cash to buy plugins.

Exactly. A friend of mine blew all his inheritance money on gear when he was 16. Never seen anyone so fucking happy desu

Probably quite a good investment in all fairness

I wish I hade a rich relative leave me a good inheritance so I could buy a fuckton of guitar pedals and some guitar to use them with.

>I wish I hade a rich relative leave me a good inheritance
yeah i wish my parents died too
gear > family

Me too apart from the guitar bit user. Luckily we live in an age where you can buy pedals for less than £100 so start buying now.
Unfortunately my relatives are broke as fuck so if anything I’ll be left with a funeral bill when they die.


feedback pls

>missing kick (too quiet)

>I’ll be left with a funeral bill when they die
I don't know who that is or what he does for the funeral, but I bet it's better than nothing.

Everything is better than nothing, even software synths

Alright, the last time I did anything musical was school choir back when I was 13. Time to make music!

Meme of the day

ITT edition

Attached: 'gear before family'.png (1024x795, 783K)

Love it.

Are you trying to use positive reinforcement on me to make me make more memes?

Your post quality has really declined, not even just the daily memes

>not even just the daily memes
w-what are you alluding to?

Does this need more instrumentation? I personally like how sparse it is, but I might be biased since I don't like expending effort.

I swear if you're about to confuse me for the shitposter again I'm gonna have a hearty lol at you.

>find an artist with an interesting but accessible sound
>dozens of albums of decent quality
>most popular track has related artists are similar nobodies
>performing at bars if at all
Seems like this is common in every genre. The algorithms keep them separated from popular acts as well as “underground “ ones with the same sound.
How much control do labels and artists have over their similar artists and inclusion in playlists? It has to lie somewhere between totally organic machine learning and 100% paid for

hey dadady

why THE FUCK would you keep a Euclidean Circles down at the bottom of your case!?????!

why what's it do?

depression day

give sound design challenges to distract from the crushing emptiness pls bros ;__;

Attached: 1551200646841.png (450x475, 463K)

make sum of the sounds on dis

Maybe he uses it laying down in this position.

Attached: fwoozbh4rk4qtzsxcny2.jpg (800x606, 74K)


Euclidean Circles is a 3 part euclidean rhythm generator

here is a video that explains what euclidean rhythms are but using a different module

Attached: 7401.f.jpg (374x963, 108K)