The Beatles are the best band of all time.
Hot take
no shit sherlock
Hot take; it’s tvu
wow rude
Why the homophobia user?
Penny Lane is the best song of all time
Not even the best side of the single
Agreed user
the single was a double A side, loser
Huh? I know. SFF is the best side
You didnt know
??? How so?
Listen to more music
Have done and nothing compares (with maybe the exception of Pet Sounds)
Not even the best pop rock band of the 60s, let alone all bands ever.
Listen to more music
based, Beatles are equally entry and exit level
Actually true
Yeah it’s weird. It’s like you start with them, listen to other bands, think the Beatles are for plebs, and then you love them again.
This is the real redpill.
I...... Agree
It was exactly this way for me. I got WAY into music, and eventually came back around to them.
Based. Had the Beatles not amassed such considerable mainstream attention there would be none of these silly doubts about them.
Your meme will never catch on, user.
You posted this same thing a couple days ago. Beatles fans are chads. Beatles haters are ALWAYS fucking nu-males. Nothing will change that.
That was my first ever post on Yea Forums