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Other urls found in this thread:

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more like poona

a red velvet album but instead of pop songs it was
kingdom come
sunny side up
so good
i just
eyes locked, hands locked

and you heard all these songs for the first time when it came out.

Umpah Umpah!

Attached: ECfzTnOU8AA9hGV.webm (800x678, 400K)

For me, it's Jo Yuri

Attached: V LIVE IZ_ONE ENOZI Cam EP.31-143205-04.55.200-05.04.100.webm (574x962, 2.66M)

add bad boy and it's litreally all my favourite songs

only black women like rnb

Attached: 1565454880690.jpg (1333x2000, 242K)

our FREAKIN girls

nice thread friend

Attached: 1539047905138.jpg (960x960, 90K)

our freaking girls

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wish she'd choke my chicken

might as well listen to loona at that point

our girls

Attached: 0Lt1551226535172-600.jpg (600x400, 115K)

>not including perfect 10

Das a yikes from me famalam
Also he should grow a beard

i will never give up

Attached: 1558726383512.jpg (440x440, 20K)

we wanted a seulgi thread

Attached: 1565412227453.webm (530x600, 2.79M)

not this time

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she's not for that

Attached: KMImX3kMurkH8YAc.webm (720x720, 841K)

bro you fucked up again

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I actually have a lot of respect for Loona. They're pretty successful for a group that doesn't have a single good looking member

Attached: lisa09843504.jpg (1079x2017, 152K)

dont do that

you got dabbed on too

Attached: 1558978990407.jpg (1280x1920, 425K)

irene beats my meat with her feet

add body talk as the first song and look as the last

i don't know if it's a thing anymore but can someone bubble this

im cooler than them

slug needs to be more careful
she cant just go up on the roof like that, during a storm

Attached: ECV36tdVAAISVjl.jpg (1334x750, 78K)

>you got dabbed on too

Attached: 1566248048012.webm (900x762, 2.55M)

"he" is here
i'm not powerful enough to fight him

Attached: 1547156824355.jpg (600x507, 35K)

she's not fooling anyone

u let her down.

Attached: 1564869925509.jpg (1564x1564, 735K)

i like happy reeny

Attached: ce6d752.jpg (1200x1800, 180K)

i've been eating mcdonalds breakfast more lately because that's jisoo's favorite

stop doing that to me you idiot i mean it

Attached: 1538643367508.jpg (2288x3427, 1.02M)

this break would be the perfect oppurtunity to grow the beard he always wanted

Attached: 181230_12.jpg (721x960, 91K)

do we like mamamoo around here?

Attached: 1419160178316.jpg (1000x1498, 194K)

irene having smelly wet sexy 2bh

freaking omo

Attached: 1566407651859.jpg (1171x1757, 329K)

hi jisoobro I missed you how was your day?


Attached: 2019042509164216836.png (1200x1556, 830K)

just watched the new red velvet & everglow MVs. this has got to be the most beautiful face in kpop now

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1459x720, 242K)

Ooga chaka ooga chaka

yes and especially wheein

ew no


Attached: minju033.jpg (1000x1096, 76K)

So.... will Mina appear tomorrow?

any cool world chads in?

geting girls' day flashbacks from the latest rv
some oldschool cuteness going on here

Attached: cuterin (7).webm (934x940, 459K)

i am probably the healthiest person here

i was awake a few hours ago but i was still tired so i took a nap
and it's great so far friend

Attached: 1548370412663.jpg (886x856, 122K)



Attached: 1419160178320.jpg (560x909, 142K)

shame about being literal ccp porpaganda

>girls day mentioned
reeee i miss my noona

someone post the webm of jisoo getting mogged by irene

Attached: 6_h8dUd018svcxwiipm0grj4m_ce7uov.jpg (1919x1279, 726K)

the old girl's on the gin

>a white chad grabbing jenny's teen tits while some beta licks her fingers as she makes the v for vagina sign
Absolutely pure.

Attached: jenny.jpg (960x720, 566K)


kys poohanti


Attached: wheein_cream.jpg (1920x1080, 1.06M)

I love their music and I respect them for not being idols.

fugly tranny

how are they not idols

this should be good

I wonder how high your cuterin counter goes

Attached: sr.webm (900x506, 2.74M)

Attached: wheein summoning ritual.webm (480x480, 1.3M)

its on trash, its gets too lewd for mu

that's the opposite of what happened

those are her gay friends

post the webm irene getting mogged in the bubble

she doesn't have a sns


he's gonna say they're a vocal group masquerading as an idol group for sales

It appears that I have zero Girl's Day webms. What the fuck, shame on me.

Attached: small girl bullying.webm (960x540, 1.32M)

link to this?

Yulhee was too big.

>two japanese comebacks in a row

I'm fucking pissed, AkiP is monopolizing their releases and giving them shit songs, and the korean side let's him do it because it brings in so much jap money

Attached: iy2nvkxaach31.jpg (3072x3072, 927K)

brutal stuff!

They don't present themselves as perfect pure dates, they're just women with their flaws and shortcomings. And they don't do fanservice at all.

didnt know Wheein was a SuperM fan

Attached: 1566002373443.jpg (680x680, 125K)

I was laying in bed with my eyes closed when this happened and it woke me tf up

Attached: ECf6mXhX4AASKMB.jpg (1920x1080, 130K)

Attached: ECgEsjpUIAA3mnU.jpg (683x1024, 58K)

>And they don't do fanservice at all.
........their whole shtick is lesbian baiting fanservice
RV only have 2 good songs this year and its this and Sunny Side up


Attached: cuterin (61).jpg (1800x1567, 883K)

Attached: DZsR0r0U8AU683Q.jpg (2441x1626, 365K)

queerbaiting is fanservice

>don't do fanservice at all
they did tons of gay fanservice when they were starting out

i need to get this photocard

Attached: ECdX98XUwAAeQp1.jpg (360x360, 30K)

i want her to step on me

is there any legit reason why there jap songs after suki to were so shit?

Attached: 1546022713588.webm (744x720, 2.8M)

thoughts on yiren?

Attached: yiren.jpg (1280x1920, 289K)

Queendom Wheein mogs Solar out of the water which is insane

that's pretty high dude

>shilling your twitter account on kpg

raincoat slug changed the game

Attached: 1566241423769.jpg (1307x1125, 204K)

>target is shit
>tomorrow is shit
>human love is shit
>BA is shit
lol based deaf bro

too cute to resist

top 5 visual in kpop rn


that's at least 5 songs

Wheein is unironically the best singer and prettiest mamamoo member
Solar is just ""conventionally"" attractive so she gets more attention
Out of the 3 vocalists in mamamoo, Solar is the weakest

Attached: ECfctJuUEAEOX6_.jpg (1555x2177, 264K)

Hot Chinese girl and I want to taste all of her tight little holes. One of the few good things to come out of the shithole that is China, but still fuck chinks overall.

Let's see Paul Allen's feet.

they gave them akb48-style songs (unison singing, etc)

There's a reason if kpop is the genre that blew up

just looked in the mirror - fuck i look good

is that airing already? i must have missed it

i want them in my mouth
and i'm talking about her feet



Attached: Chuu 7.png (728x762, 732K)

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>calling yourself friend

bit scary

Attached: DklyYnAWsAAhqo7.jpg (800x1200, 258K)

I just listened to buenos aires and target and I think those are pretty shit. Especially buenos aires and that's the one they promoted the most

slugs kate bush to yeri's bjork


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Attached: 1542383687993.webm (344x468, 1.31M)

Target is the best song on the BA album lmao

They're starting on the 29th but they have already released the introduction videos
Wheein used to be absolutely positively the ugliest member for like the entire existence of the group.


is this wayv


Attached: 1566300099_1482855.jpg (658x1005, 75K)

slug is megacute in that mv
(but also always)

Attached: 67202743_767870257001010_5697767125154229418_n.jpg (1080x607, 96K)

Based Nukum.

fuck china but this girl is so pretty and tight, holy shit

i want to bully the yiren

do the stripe thing to a soshi


who else

buenos aires is the laziest, most cynical shit
appeal to the japanese and latin american markets with a melody the company bought in a garage sale

my favorite sluts

this retard cannot wait to tout his shitty opinion every single chance he gets

I fucking hate these Yiren shills. She is fucking ugly


Attached: ECgY7x6U4AEoMLZ.jpg (1800x1200, 179K)

clc yeeun


Attached: aQRmLFb.jpg (1000x1500, 239K)


Is there an issue?

Attached: f4dfa25be226ab356478abb116c93e9dea3303.jpg (1278x1920, 1.53M)

its one guy who is also the yeonwoosamefagger

post your waifu


pomeranians are sexy goddamn you

Attached: DZthVlpVwAAHwrr.jpg (1333x2000, 459K)

Attached: 1560790649141.jpg (1062x847, 135K)

eunice yt channel is pretty comfy...

Attached: 1565680658213.jpg (2048x1158, 163K)

Very true

>Rich man's suzy
>a fish

>generic chan filename
shit falseflag

suelgi is a top visual
and jung chaeyeon

Attached: 1479380377023.jpg (1733x2600, 2.27M)

That's an objective list agreed upon by many mukpgers

busan thighs

it's the kei poster lol

Attached: 1566300243_1482858.jpg (658x1017, 92K)

Attached: yujin_thighs.jpg (1052x780, 156K)

sluggo is the ugliest tranny and everyone agrees


Attached: 1546906195336.jpg (680x1024, 105K)

If I wasn't burned out on that albatross song I would probably like adios a lot more

my waifu is a top visual and i agree

Olivia Hye is top 10 right guys

he uses random filenames because hes a coward and/or ban evader

sexy fucknugget nako


Attached: 1566231055356.jpg (3840x2160, 632K)


Attached: D5sja2bU0AAWuSj.jpg (1592x2048, 439K)

I need another SSD. My Reeny folder takes too long to load anymore

Attached: DmZ3g1tX0AAl4ga.jpg (819x1024, 89K)

not anymore

Attached: 1566093317523.jpg (540x810, 92K)

that is correct

Attached: EA8x_fuU0AEC-kt[1].jpg (720x960, 84K)

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>no minju

Attached: kconlamin.jpg (279x783, 34K)

rip roc. long live the prc.

i don't even know who yiren is

not even the best one in elris

yea, same

>I'm beautiful in my own way and I'm gonna own that. I'm gonna continue to be an inspiration towards those that have been told their entire life that they are never enough. Fuck anyone that thinks otherwise. Love yourself

Attached: ECNf8CBVUAE820W.jpg (857x1783, 364K)

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some chinese traitor, not important

I want busted irene mommy feet on my face

Attached: 1558849335578.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

they are all great

Attached: 1419160178317.jpg (1280x1920, 193K)


this bitch is impressive, and she doesn't even look plastic

change it to Jinsoul and top 5 and you've got yourself a deal

Attached: 9397e656389303907284aaf1af59c52e.jpg (512x768, 68K)


Attached: yiren38.webm (454x996, 2.44M)

some nugu chink. used to be called pinky or some shit

>i don't even know who yiren is
desu if you know any idols past Kara and 4minute then you're a newfag

yikes she's like melted icecream

Top visuals actually

Attached: 2019-08-21 20_45_45-Kpop Deepfakes - Fap To Your Idol - Chromium.png (389x687, 20K)

she has over 200 million followers on weibo. everyone knows her.

now THIS is meido



Attached: sana2.jpg (1280x1920, 668K)

Sohee >> Yuky >>> Hyeseong > Bella >> Karin

Attached: blrischad.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

Based ESLbro

love our cute rosie

leave her alone

>used to be called pinky
oh, so some failed idol

yiren looks like lauren mayberry

what the fuck shartmenbros?!

dude I'm on no fap here

top tier female visuals in kpop, the objective list
Elris Seohee
Loona Hyunjin
Special mentions: Yiren, Jiho, Arin, Bona, Saerom, Shihyeon, Yeeun, DIA Chaeyeon


fuck you nobody wants to become the next keklo
if people recognize you in kpg it's time to seek chemical aid
i mean professional help

her feet aren't busted

Attached: yiren34.webm (1062x1024, 2.91M)

ceos shouldn't ruin their own stocks

Attached: rough ceo-nim.webm (540x960, 2.95M)

Attached: 8.jpg (3840x2160, 607K)

cringe fagget

the average kpg poster right here

hideous tranny

any sharkman in

>Kim Minju not mentioned
>Kang Hyewon not mentioned
shit list

there he goes again posting his irrelevant opinion in list form

how insecure is that guy that he has to seek validation so often

top 5 active visuals



More like degenerate meter, invert it and you are golden.

Attached: 1565740096863.jpg (1600x2400, 2.21M)

got destroyed by pinky and cx

you fucked up

youโ€™re just assblasted your ugly waifu wasnโ€™t included lol

based bella bro

Attached: D9QM2zfU0AA9Oxb[1].jpg (2048x1538, 454K)

checks out, teebs

only us shartman

>not jisun
extremely unbased and not breastfed as a child

heejin looks like she eats a lot of ramen before she goes to bed

Attached: 1566301199191.jpg (2160x3840, 730K)

get her ass

Very true but Somi instead of Yiren


Attached: 1566174447033.webm (1076x1080, 2.73M)

Attached: rough marks.webm (540x960, 1.95M)

not sure if yiren can be kicked out
maybe somi could replace tzuyu

2 of my waifus are on it actually

doesn't change what i said

top 5 active visuals

very true

>that guy
a lot of people posted lists why does it have to be one guy? when its obvious like keklo or sluganti, it is one guy but right now everyone is discussing this
are you mad your waifu isnt on there?

I'm unironically mad that people post things I like

Yeji is the most beautiful idol and everyone agrees

Attached: 1554871488921.jpg (1199x1800, 309K)

so many top tiers missing from this

she is also the sluttiest of the list

Attached: wong-eeron.jpg (1280x1920, 318K)

pinky loses a lot of points instantly for having a 2spooky body


very true


Attached: 201810301454774677_5bd7f23d45204.jpg (530x616, 69K)

now we need that actual important list

best FEET?

it is one guy posting his list multiple times

white stripe bro do you have more cooking or should i finish now? my legs are getting numb

Attached: 1566153362466.jpg (720x822, 369K)

go away wumao

Attached: 1552856639449.webm (1024x576, 1.88M)

very true friend

jisoo (bp)
jisoo (busters)

yiren is easily #1 for me, 2-5 is pretty close

your mom

Attached: h5PuEXA.jpg (1500x1001, 211K)

we know keklo and the legendary spreadsheet user, and we know them well
there's definitely a presence from a sluganti, but what else do we know about him?
kpg lore.........

Attached: qVsoO3b.png (372x408, 162K)

Attached: 15197574615583.jpg (2000x1331, 246K)


what are we gonna do about the olivia hye situation?

is he also giving himself yous?
are you also him?
is he me aswell?
damn bro you got us

Rosie :)

Attached: TRWJUVF.jpg (1000x1500, 249K)

Attached: 190821_3.jpg (1000x1498, 282K)

notice how he changes the order and his punctuation to try and make it seem like it's not him over and over

it's a classic cripple tactic

>jisoo (bp)

just leave hyejoo to me

I mean these are the golden standard.

Attached: 1565379518351.jpg (1080x1080, 632K)

wrong. just plain wrong

i canโ€™t believe yves, chuu and gowon left olivia hye in that mansion with that white woman so they could go be gay in the woods

if anyone on your top whatever list has busted feet, then theyre automatically cut from the list

Chewy, Yiren OUT

she looked pretty fat in uh oh, maybe put her on a diet?

Attached: jisoo.jpg (579x564, 65K)

we know he spams the same way as keklo

based taste

>calling yourself legendary

post yiren feet


yiren's feet aren't busted

has to be said "fancy" is a wonderful slice of pop.

yiren IN

make it a yeji thread

until sana's part comes on then *mutes*

make it a cringe thread for the cringebros

it was pretty rude

Attached: 1556635772149.webm (962x542, 1.69M)

chewy's toes are top tier

Attached: 1543251250494.jpg (1800x2700, 526K)

i miss her so much

>not wanting to suck on these

Attached: 31cb1ce17a014b9bbcae39cf9c07cd8cf759acff.jpg (2510x4039, 2.79M)

but that's every thread

make it a cub thread


Attached: 1552858701066.jpg (1735x2595, 929K)

Attached: ChimpRun.webm (566x356, 1.13M)


>grannyrene feet
bet they smell like cheese

prove it


t.literal n*gger

Attached: 1546372904945.png (244x169, 99K)

I'm not gonna act like she's ugly just because 'he' posts her now. her ceiling is really really high, at her best she's a fucking goddess

bona and joy

how do we save jennie?

Make it a babysoul thread for the chads



this is the most high def kfeet pic I've ever seen