Love this album. Can't believe this came out in the 80's

Love this album. Can't believe this came out in the 80's.

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i know it's so good, any other good albums that rip it off? pic related is good dino jr worship: Ovlov - Am

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the band Weed

>Can't believe this came out in the 80's.
Why not

Similar for me in I can't believe this album came out in 1983.

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Yeah OP listen to this
They have a couple of other albums which are definitely worth a listen too

Fury Little Things intro is so fucking sick. Sucks me into the album every time.

Lol I forgot about this album. It's great.

The first thing I ever heard from Dino Jr and I've been hooked ever since. As a 13 year old who had only listened to radio and like Disney songs I'd never heard anything like it. Really Fury Little Things changed my life, set me down a path of appreciating a much wider range of music I would've missed otherwise.

Thank You Goodwill for selling cassette tapes 10 for $1.

OP pprobably meant to say that its ahead of its time or something like that

what's the best deep cut on this album and why is it Tarpit

I like Dinosaur Jr, and I LOVE several other homestead artists(big shoutout you phantom tollbooth) but I fucking can't stand Sebadoh. What gives?

without a sound is so cute too

graveyard shift, factory belt...lotta good songs..passion.

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hey this is pretty sick, what else would u reccomend by them

One of the most underrated bands in all of rock, for sure. I mean, they're fairly popular but I wish they were bigger.

why? so all the normies can love them, ruin them by hearing them on the radio all the time, then half of Yea Forums hating them because now they're popular?

Fuck off hipster cuck


awful opinion get outside once in a while

treepeople, california x's first album

Yuck, self titled

fuck, this album rules and i'm only 1/3 of the way through it. thanks a tonnn

Ahead of it's time for sure.