

Attached: 800px-Autechre.jpg (800x292, 45K)

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Not music

that and aphex twin
perfect those clueless about the true potential of electronic music


>le stockhausen face


autechre is great but aphex is fucking shit

autechre is good you fucking mongs. Enjoy listening to K pop tho or whatever the fuck you 17 year olds listen to

You don't have a brain.


Attached: chadtechre.png (602x623, 678K)

>bleep bloop schreeeech

if you think that's what electronic music is you're beyond saving

EBM >>>>>>> IDM

Academic electronic music > EBM >>>>>>>>> IDM = EDM

autechre is fucking awful

childish experimentation > academic wank

Autechre fan spotted

Enjoy your worthless braindead 4/4 music with no imagination.

Yep, you don't have a brain indeed.

Attached: synthesis.jpg (399x526, 26K)

t. gaysex twink fan

He's right though, modern academic electronic is absolute garbage.

Attached: 1977039.jpg (460x687, 123K)

Electroacoustic > all of them.


yeah desu

lol this is horrible

should I make a different general if I want to talk about and discover new autismo bleep bloops like pic related or is here my best bet? Also where do ae fans stand on Merzbow?

Attached: supercodex.jpg (1280x720, 353K)