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"Punks" were always faggots.

Punk was always kinda gay bro.
If you didn't know that, you're not a punk

The word punk came from the New York slang for homosexual prostitutes.

That's literally gay.

punk was always like that you retard

Sneeds before
Sneeds now

Falafa punk rock jajajajajajaja

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Only good things to ever come out of punk was gothic rock and thrash metal tbqh

Thanks for giving me a chance to post this, OP.

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Reminder that if you don't lift you'll never be punk under any circumstances.

You look like you'd post or say "late-stage capitalism" unironically.

You look like a bootlicking wagecuck.

you look like a corporate bootlicker

Can't wait for this stupid bait thread to get 200+ replies.


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There's a lot of great punk happening right now in crust, metalcore, post-hardcore, and folk punk. I just ignore the "SJW" stuff, the same way I ignore shitty music in any genre. Punk tends to be political. Inevitably, some of those politics will be a little cringey. Who cares? Why be bothered by that? Sad.

>call others bootlickers
>worst crime ever commited is buying weed and you probably look down whenever you cross policemen
oh no no no no

Metalcore, crust, folk punk, post-hardcore
Was never good and will never be good
>inb4 buh-buuhht converge

That is unironically true though, try and say something like "thank god for capitalism" unironically around most young people and they will seethe fucking hard.

No, those are all great. You just have really bad taste.

Why are you making things up?

>thank god for capitalism
Why would you say something as ridiculous as that in the first place?

ye I'm the same way. just always ignore the ideologues, they never seem to genuinely contribute to the production of whatever scene they're in

It's just an example lad, replace it with whatever.
>We really need to get that border secured.
>Gosh wouldn't it be nice if families stayed together instead of giving up on marriage so easily?
>The lack of religion in people's lives has left them really quite immoral
Also, there is nothing retarded about stating capitalism is great and if you have been involved in a conversation with some peopel under the age of 25 recently, you will find them say "god what we erally need is socialism now!". It's not hard to imagine one saying the opposite in response.

>not Chucks and Sneeds

Its unironically not. Its not the new fucking anything. Punk and hardcore are ideas but theyre also a specific type of culture. Its just not the same thing. Go to a hardcore show and spout about conservatism being the new punk and let me know how well it goes

There's always a guy at every hardcore show that says this and nothing ever happens. I think I've seen more people fight each other because of their exes than to political ideologies.
I agree with the rest, tho.

Are you seriously suggesting that conservativism is akin to punk? That comparison is used for just that, a comparison.

They use that phrasing to show how fringe and unusual both of them are, and how outside the dominant ideology they both are.

No one has ever once suggested that the bands that played punk are now writing songs that are explicity pro faith or pro gun. Or that rightwingers are wearing leather and sporting mohawks.

Capitalism is great if you worship money instead of a deity and want to destroy the planet I guess.

I think you're confusing conservativism with communism.
The Ramones (you know, one of the earliest and most influential punk bands of all time) were right wing. (Except Joey the Jew)

I think you're a retarded brainwashed mutt.

Not even American
Not even right wing
The Ramones, however, were both those things.

Im not saying im gonna beat you up or someone will, but spout that bullshit in front of the actual people instead of to pol and the reaction you get will be very different.

No, im not suggesting that. But the comparison is fucking lame and tired and only the most retarded would actually make it or think that way. Great way to spot someone whos totally delusional

ok boomer, nothings changed

Still retarded I guess.

Maybe my scene is mild, because I'm telling you that there's always an outsider at gigs saying this kind of shit and nobody cares.
Then again, my scene seems to be super woke, as in border town full of charity drives for the migrants.

Real punks make sharp songs in their bedrooms on their laptops.
"Real" punks are just loser alcoholics desperately trying to get female attention.

their goal seems to be the same

so you ignore the entire history of punk ? good luck with that you cunt

/pol/ has no idea what they are talking about yet again

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Maybe, but that's not the point, the point is how counter cultural it is amongst the generation wearing those polo shirts.

>But the comparison is fucking lame and tired
It is the only comparison really. Being a young lad wearing a red MAGA hat is transgressive for sure. What other transgressive acts are their in the modern world like that? Maybe wearing a Black Sabbath t-shirt during the Satanic Panic is more fitting, because their more hysterical opponents look at them as amoral and possibly supporting evil. Burning babies for the satanists, locking babies up for the trump supporters.

Im in ny, mostly various towns upstate. The felon to regular showgoer ratio is generally more felon than a lot of places (not gonna go into cleveland hc) so people do not voice right wing opinions if they have them from what ive seen. But upstate is kind of its own thing a little bit

>/pol/ has no idea what they are talking about yet again
/pol/ is always fucking right in the end

Punk was always anti racist, but it didnt come off like a total faggotry.

If you think all punk is SJW, YOU have no idea what you're taking about.


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It's not counter cultural, everybody is either a wagecuck or obsessed with money and "making it". If anything, it's completely entwined in our shallow and vapid soulless global culture.

Thanks god for capitalism

And in the respect that you are treated like you have leprosy or something, it is exactly like being a metalhead in the Satanic panic.

Weren't ramones anti-communists?

Its not and youre lizard brained

It is, and I have seen it happen, people are repulsed and unnerved by people who simply say they'd like to secure their own borders. It's like the person was defending animal abuse.

I’m positive this meme was made in Mexico

I wish i had the video of that one philly noise show with that loop repeating GET IT GET IT YOU DONT FUCKING GET IT. I e been looling everywhere for it tecently but i cant find it. Does anyone know what im talking about and have that link? It made the rounds a year or two ago i think but it could be older

how can you genuinely play the victim when the leaders and former leaders of the majority of the world, the business elite, and everyone else who was on epstein's island agrees with you? oh boo hoo college kids don't like me better right a bestselling book about how I'm not allowed to speak

yes, which is why they're the one punk band that retards can listen to and not be challenged at all and think that they're "punk" while they work for a startup that disrupts the milk labelling industry

completely botched a potential joke, user.

Sneeds now
Formerly Chucks

Maybe in your head, schizo.

Oh he's seething!

t. /pol/tard

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Literally not what I said, you silly fuck.

Recommend me some good punk albums from the last 5 years.

deep blood by city hunter


why can't dsa kids come up with their own shit
why do they have to dig up scene feuds from 35 years ago

The plus side of socialism is that there will be no reason for the shit genre known as punk to exist anymore

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Rockabillies are literally the worst people on earth and should be erradicated

>The Ramones
nice try buddy


no it didnt come from there, asshat.

Daily reminder that Sid is the epitome of punk

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Oh I guarantee a bored complacent unemployed society will invent new problems for themselves to fight so their lives have meaning again. You can already see this behavior in the wealthy woke white people of today. But if we ever have a world where nearly everyone is unemployed and worthless because of automation I'm sure some shady ultra rich people will just release a disease that kills off most of Earth's population.

punk is inherently aesthetic

it matters not what politics you mix with it tbqh which is why you need to call out the wierd ass and completely abominable trend on this website to make conservatism some sort of punk rock act

you look like you gargle cocks unironically

>it’s a “people argue over the definition of punk” thread again

This shit was already tired by the 80s

lel the business elite, the leaders of the world and the American elites want to secure borders and stop illegal immigration but somehow they can't do that, even-though the vast majority of their population agrees with it and much poorer countries have no problem controlling their immigration flux
yeah right

like clockwork

>the USSR didn't at all harm Russia's environment
>Mao's China didn't at all harmChina's environment
>ok they did but they were capitalism all along
>I thus support a mode of production that has never existed, will conserve the benefits of industrialization, but not the environmental harm, and no, I'm not retarded, why would you think that?

Post-punk was great too

uh ohhh

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>>ok they did but they were capitalism all along
Yeah, pretty much.
>>>I thus support a mode of production that has never existed
Read theory.

not an argument

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Based Sneedcord

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would probably go well at a hardcore show considering that the majority of NYHC fans tend to be right leaning....

Honey! The larping antifags are back!

>muh antifa
Fat mutt wagecuck at [generic fast food restaurant] detected.

kek nobody is saying liberalism is punk though so nice try schizo. Every meme you make is just a reaction to some shit liberals do apparently.

why is this fucking shit bait thread still up can all of you just fuck off

The problem with SJWs in pjnk is that trying to be good is very un-punk.


Black Flag more like Black Fag (NO RACIAL)

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punk is shit

>duuude I'm so punk lol I just support the status quo and traditions and shit lol

Whatever helps you cope.

they're going to do that well before automation creates all that projected surplus population
conservatives are liberals

Life is a struggle worth coping.

>status quo
it's not the 1950s anymore

>conservatives are liberals
This is true.

>duuude I'm so punk lol I just support the Democratic Party and Popular Opinion and My Wife's Boyfriend lol

Conservatives are liberals. They've always been in power since the 19th century. That's the status quo.
I'm not on that side either, retard.

They also have GG Allin, Skrewdriver and Misfits but keep thinking you're being challenged by west coast homosexual jews crooning.


punk was always about pissing your conservative parents off
it's just that now your politics aligns exactly with the conservative parents and not the punks
and given how much you snowflakes get triggered by trans people existing, I'd say it's working.

>pissing your conservative parents off
I thought that was the purpose of rock

>how much you snowflakes get triggered by trans people existing, I'd say it's working
You know very well the problem people have with that is their insistence of pushing their mental illness on childs and forcing society to accepts they aren't freaks. It's working on creating even more rejection

>gg allin
shock humor, provacteur, rubbing shit on yourself isn't "right wing"

>rubbing shit on yourself isn't "right wing"
Yeah it's rubbing shit on others

thank god for capitalism

Fuck that shit just do hard-ass manual labor. Get your boots fuckin thrashed for free eh

the right wing has no reason to get angry over mentally ill people existing

>Being a young lad wearing a red MAGA hat is transgressive for sure.
Not at all. A punk with mohawk and spiked jacket looked completely wild in 1977, a polo and kakao pants eating MAGAtard look like is climbing to a now-gone past and onestly also like a retarded social climber

>If you aren't a radical leftist you must be a nazi

actually based

Does skramz counts?

>dude...punk rock used to be so freakin epic!!! make punk great again

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All punk is faggy shit

They hated jesus because he spoke the truth.


Your conflicting opinions with this and violently assaulting people don't add up.

wow that's a really convincing argumentation there. i am convinced.

>Reverend Farrakhan now finally admits that Black brothers in Africa sold Black brothers to Dutch traders. We all knew that but now he’s admitting it. You can’t rewrite history; everybody’s family at one time was a slave. If there was a war and you were captured, you were a slave. The Romans had Greek slaves and the Greeks weren’t Black. Historically, slavery is not just Black people in the United States. There’s slavery going on right now with Asians and I don’t see everyone freaking out. There’s slavery where young blonde girls go over to Japan and are never heard of again. If we really want to comment on slavery, let’s not just go back to the 1800s. Someone might say I’m being insensitive but I’m being realistic about it. It’s an insensitive subject.
>Why would I not be proud of being White? "Look what all the White people have done --" Well, look what all the Black people have done. Look what all the Mexican people have done. Every race has a shadow east over it at some point in history. What race am I? I'm a mutt, I'm a mix of a bunch of different stuff and so is everybody else. There is no "original" race anymore. As far as me being an Aryan or a racist, anyone who knows me knows that's bullshit. But if there's a race war, what I am going to do? Twenty Black guys with guns aren't going to care that I'm not with anybody.
>We’ve had slavery forever. It kills me when everyone acts like Black people were the only slaves. Tell that to the Spanish people down in Mexico who were made slaves. Tell that to the families in Germany and England who were all slaves at one time. Tell that to the people in England who had to give up their wives the first night of their wedding because they weren’t people, just part of the land, and the king could have any wife he wanted on the first night of her marriage.

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can both the left and right agree that: jews = bad?

>122 replies

You “punks” are pathetic. History will remember you as misguided children who bought into a fad of social justice and far left political extremism. And the majority of you who are transgender will regret transitioning and hate your lives in about a decade. You deserve all the suffering you’re going to face.

No. Kill yourself, fascist.

why do you defend them? please i'm willnig to hear you out.

and NWoBHM