What's your fav?
CHRIS OTT's 100 BEST albums of the 90s
Chris Ott is a humongous faggot
Laughing stock and spiderland
no big black cringe
>100 BEST albums of the 90s
man likes the jesus lizard
never heard of them, 2bh
The 90s was so damn good.
top 100 of the 90s and no becoming X?
You are missing out
it's not some lame ass sad indie boy shit that sounds like everything else, is it?
Its literally noise rock
any list without duster being top 5 is shitt
this is an objective truth btw
bump bump
Anyone with even the tiniest thing going on with his life has no idea who this guy is.
If you know the guy, let alone care about him in any way just give up
So many better Dino j albums than that. I wouldn't put that album in my top 3
probably 40 Oz to Freedom by Sublime or Aenima by Tool
a sprinkle of good albums amidst a sea of same ass muh indie rock bands
If this is all I had to listen to in the 90s I would have blown my god damn brains out
>Aenima by Tool
That and pic related are objectively the two best albums of the decade
alien lanes, spiderland, and emergency & I
oh right I forgot about Dirt
okay those 3 would probably be my top 3 of the 90s.
and 36 Chambers
>Peter Gabriel - Us
Always come back to that karate album even if i dont listen to a lot of rock music anymore
pretty fucking generic uni student just getting into music -core
I don't see the best album of the 90s so I don't care.