Mu now defends posers

>mu now defends posers
what happened?

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Other urls found in this thread:

everybody is, get with it

Yea Forums has always defended posers, at least the good Yea Forums. nu-Yea Forums unironically defends pop and is full of poptimists. bring elitism back

based. we need to chase all the plebs out with sticks

this. make Yea Forums great again. Shame tourists, praise discovery, praise actually putting effort in searching for new music.
Praise not being a drone of someone else's taste. Praise individuality.

You faggots are the plebs, you don't care or know anything about music, you just whine about everyone else's tastes.
Make your own threads
Reply to each other's threads
Stop whining and be the change you want

I already know I am the change I want. I know my taste isn't derived from some clueless pleb out there, I know how to forge my own identity.
Problem is whenever I want to discuss an album that isn't predictable Yea Forumscore I get little to no responses and my thread gets 404'd fast.
I still browse here for the generals when they are up but the overall population of Yea Forums is absolutely cringe and doesn't have the slightest interest in art.

>TND followers

still mad that no one, not one user called you cool or based
having a tantrum wont change that kid

Multiple anons agreed with me, try harder.

funny, most people ITT disagree

samefagging does not count
at least you arent denying that you are having a tantrum because you didnt get all the accolades you were hoping for

Wow, you mean to tell me that the thread I made mourning the degradation of this online community has anons of poor quality in it? Gee I'm so surprised

Keep telling yourself that. And no this isn't a tantrum, it's a passive lamenting of a bygone era that you dont even have the integrity to imagine

>check out what i said to my "friend"
>wow, you are a shitty friend, and you sound like the poser not him
and now
>n-n-n-n-n-n-no you
dont get mad, get better

you have two thread whinging right now

You seem pretty mad

Hilarious you guys dont realize you kept me laughing all day yesterday and like clockwork you return with your nonsense

>more n-n-n-n-n-n-no you
no more (You) for you

Lol wow you had to be told straight up that you were taking bait and now you act like it was your idea. It's ok, my victory lap is complete anyway, I have shit to do now.

sure kid, whatever you need to think.

youre not wrong in that theres a lot of people with this mindset you describe, i hate those just as much as poptimists. i myself AM the change i want because i know JUST whining isnt constructive, but its sometimes hard not to whine when threads get buried under FOTM RYM music or "the latest king gizz!!!!!!"

>Hilarious you guys dont realize you kept me laughing all day yesterday
you cannot make this shit up, damn son, are you twelve?

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Why the fuck does anyone care about shit like this


they are literal children

>album comes out
>people talk about it
its almost like this is a music board dumb nigger

>album comes out
>along with literal hundreds of other interesting albums from multiple genres and artists
>board makes 20 threads of shitposts and "discussion" of the one album that fantano will rate
you are one stupid ass nigger indeed, kys

if you don't enjoy shitposting why are you here? you must be one dumb motherfucker

not everyone here is a fat unemployed pedo like yourself

so you have a job and you still waste time on this bullshit?

>if u listen to noise ur a pedo
Wtf happened to mu?

righteous bump

how the FUCK did you come to this conclusion? user, please follow the replies carefully

There was nothing to imply I'm a pedo. He suggested that I was underage, which has nothing to do with me being a pedo, in fact it would exempt me from pedo status. YOU need to follow this more carefully.

Ahh, the joyfully joy and harmony of peace that's always been Yea Forums.
It's like going home after a long day of work.
So festive and relaxing.
Thanks /mu.

Also, there are far more worst musical forums around, I was in one full of metalheads (focused onto a pair of big proggy metal bands) and it was horrible asslicking of mods, and insulting around whoever had a minor different take on things.

Source: formerly metalhead here.

>hates fur n meat
Fucking animal haters man

I'm unironically convinced that this is how we will fix Yea Forums

t. zoomer poptimist


see above zoomerposts

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>see above zoomerposts
Ive read the thread many times now. There are a few implications that noise fans/posters itt are children, but still zero pedo accusations until that one guy brings it up out of no where. wtf are you people talking about?

Yea Forums has always been nothing but posers, how new are you?

Wtf is your problem user, are you still mad with your friend for that bullshit? Also stop wasting your hard-disk space with FLACs, you cannot hear the difference between mp3s on your fucking laptop speakers.

I don't listen on laptop speakers, and you can

No you can't on that speakers, fucking pseud FLAC hoarder waster of digital space

can you read?
>i don't listen on laptop speakers
plus, you totally can

Yesterday you said you used only your laptop speakers, and now you are changing your version?

you have zero reading comprehension and that seems to be a running theme around here. I never said I only used laptop speakers.

Stop trying to change your version pseud

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that was years ago you dumbass. read the whole thread.

I still stand by my statement that anybody that says or thinks they "like" Merzbow only does it for the purpose of feeling like they're unique, not that they actually like him, that part is pretend.

Hes just playing a synth through a distortion pedal its not a conspiracy against you

No, it's not a conspiracy, it's shit that people pretend to enjoy. Plain and simple.

Maybe you could work for tmz and be a papparazzi

a more respectable line of work than what merzbow does desu

You should find a noise artist on facebook and harass them

the guy who got called a "pedo" is the one who is anti-noise, no one associated noise listening with being a pedo

what, ALL of them? who is their leader?

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Nobody, they are devoid of personality and taste.

i think you might be a little naive my friend

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t. pretends to like garbage

the only problem is that "elitists" nowadays are usually underaged right wing cucks. if we did a successful /pol/ purge most of our work would be done

im more inclined to say i actually like garbage
well, what would you prefer user? what do you like?

you don't, stop deluding yourself

They wont get rid of it because they site maker is one of them.

i dont know man, im listening to it right now

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i actually do feel sorry for you, you're actually forcing yourself to listen to garbage just to "prove" that you actually like it when you don't. the sad part is you know it yourself too, you just hide it away

>formerly metalhead
You don't grow out of metal retard

im not gonna lie grampa, im gonna have to unplug your life support if you keep this up

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you don't have the balls to admit you're pretending to like garbage

thats it, were transferring you to the mental asylum

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>harsh noise

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ill say it again, if you put this in a mega I will download it and listen. Otherwise I can't be fucked. I know thats selfish but I'm sorry it's the only way cause I don't wanna listen online.