Thoughts on Charlie xcx

Thoughts on Charlie xcx

Attached: DasxPM_U0AABhc7.jpg (901x1200, 154K)

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i think she's a nice person

she looks trashy af

good body of work

how do we stop women bros?

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I wanna see her live

Attached: 2414214214.jpg (1950x3000, 678K)

Love her. I just finished jacking it to her too

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she is

You know how

Attached: CAoxkIsVEAE4xz8.jpg (608x1200, 197K)

honestly that's fucking disgusting

imagine having so little self respect to show yourself in public like that

reddit redpill nonsense

Prove it wrong fag

yeah well I like that

Get laid weirdo

>Get laid weirdo

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this is just another imaginary celebrity they invented like nipsey hustle or gerald ford

Boom brap the sound of my fart


Probably she's about to break:

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holy macaroni that's one scuffed broad

>liars have prefrontal white matter
>women have prefrontal white matter

OK, so now try to reason your conclusion from these two statements

True Romance is gold, and she was only 16 when she made it. A melody maker genius.

She was hot at 18 years old. Then gained weight.

I wanna see her live on my dick

Wow 2 statements that don't contradict each other u really got me

>he doesn't even understand the criticism
the bar has been lowered

T. Enraged whore or cuck who looks like pic related

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Based M4rcus poster