why do genres like prog rock, hard rock, metal and classic rock trigger nu males and soiboys so much?
Why do genres like prog rock, hard rock, metal and classic rock trigger nu males and soiboys so much?
too gen x and het
they like to pretend they're not the target demo for that shit especially dadrock
condé nast told them "the poors" don't like or engage with it and that developing taste is fascism
You realize soiboys are also into that as well dumbass
Different yet related reasons
>prog rock
Hated because critics hate it. (I believe critics hate it because critics need faux authenticity, so they decided punk was “real” and prog was “fake.” I guess it’s cause punk is made by people who don’t know how to make complex music and they just scream about the government, while prog is very noodly and is about wizards and magic and shit. I could be wrong, but that’s okay, the point here isn’t why critics specifically hate prog, but rather just saying critics hate prog). Nu-males and soiboys are slaves to critical taste, so they hate prog
>hard rock, metal
Even though these are different genres, I’m putting them together cause they hate them both for the same reasons. They’re both incredibly aggressive types of music that aren’t “socially conscious.” They hate aggression, unless that aggression is directed at society or politics or some shit. So Death Grips is good cause it’s a black guy, but metal is bad cause it’s mostly made by white people.
>classic rock
As above, nu-males and soiboys like to appear socially conscious. Part of that entails being “current.” If you listen to old music, you’re “conservative” and “stuck in the last.” r/lewronggeneration am I right? So if you listen to Lou Reed Sing about banging trannies, and even go so far as to prefer it to listening to e.g. Ariana Grande, you’re automatically some stodgy old fascist who hates change and wishes we lived in the 50s
That’s why
I don't see prog get hated on though to be honest, maybe by critics like Christgau, but prog seems like the "classic rock" genre most loved by those types....plus they all love Opeth and start Perpiphery type bands and call it "prog" and claim Pink Floyd influence.
>punk is made by people who don't know how to make complex music
I don't entirely disagree but check out Streetlight manifesto. The basslines and the brass sections are out of this world. Still one of my favorite bands of all time considering my favorite genres are prog/math/post. Their lyrics are amazing as well. Toh Kay could've easily made it just releasing his poetry imo
Yeah it really was noticeable from Christgau and his generation. Even completely removing social consciousness, lyrics, and politics from the equation, punk just seemed far more popular among rock critics than metal ever was.
>Opeth and start Perpiphery type bands and call it "prog"
I really find it funny how these bands get called "progressive" yet they all follow the same exact formula.
metal is dogshit that all sounds the same. you can't even tell the difference between the thousand subgenres or million generic bands. don't believe me? do the pepsi challenge
im a nu male who hates trump and israel and i love all those genres
How can they hate it when they comprise most of those genres’ fan bases?
that's true for literally every genre though.
music is literally dogshit
you dont have to be a numale to hate israel, you just have to be aware of the truth about (((them)))
*scoops out two handfuls of mayonnaise*
*starts clapping in your face*
ummm back to /pol/ with you will not be tolerating racism here
lol the only people who hate israel are (((secular jews))) and shitskins. israel is as american as apple pie faggot.
>Black Sabbath sounds like Iron Maiden
>Iron Maiden sounds like Motley Crue
>Motley Crue sounds like Metallica
>Metallica sounds like Morbid Angel
>Morbid Angel sounds like Pantera
>Pantera sounds like Darkthrone
>Darkthrone sounds like Korn
>Korn sounds like Killswitch Engage
Okay brainlet.
it seems like prog is liked basically exclusively by basedboy hipster types, not sure what you're talking about there
Nice try Shlomo
zionism is antisemitic
jews are white
house of saud = omega satan baal jr
fuck apple pie i wanted meat
Killswitch Engage is punk
boomer faggot
hhhmmmmm i wonder who could be behind this post....
Can't wait until this stupid fucking wojak is phased out in the next couple years and you move onto shitposting something else
Prog, while probably my favorite genre, is often very much up its own ass and elitist.
While that elitism is great for maintaining quality what happens is that it feels disconnected from the 'real world'.
Rock in the late 60s to the mid 70s was still pretty rebellious and counter-culture, so long as it wasn't The Beatles or another band on that level. Punk fit into that counter-culture in a way that Prog didn't. Rather than being made by educated and often rather affluent shut-ins, punk was all about the poor rising up, perfect for a musical scene looking to escape the breakdown of large Rock Groups like The Beatles and Hendrix and several others I won't bother listing.
If it comes from the poor and uneducated then people lap it up for being 'authentic'. Not to disparage any punk or early rap artists.
This comment is a bit scattered, it is very late in my area.
>If it comes from the poor and uneducated then people lap it up for being 'authentic'.
lmao a lot of punks come from middle to upperclass families
That’s not the image the majority of punk artists convey though. Most punk artists, especially hardcore punk in the 80s, made waves for acting like they had a chip on their shoulder.
So did a lot of Rap and Jazz artists, however the music is stereotyped is important.
Many prog musicians lived like trash in the middle of nowhere - that didn't mean that a stereotype of the prog artist being 'upper crust' wasn't created.
Punk artists could come from wherever they wanted and from however much money they wanted, as long as people thought they were poor and rebellious, they were kosher.
>That’s not the image the majority of punk artists convey though
Yeah, its rich white kids LARPing as poor people just like today, totally unauthentic, fake and gay. Biggest offender, German Punkband leadsinger Campino.
rock is for the biggest faggots ever
you can't be over 18 and still enjoy the self hatting ear bleeding faggotry of rock
nice loaded question, kid :^)
I see it like this: Are you more of a Dream Theatre/King Crimson prog fan, or a Rush/Yes fan?
The former tend to be more upstart and pretentious. The latter just find prog fun to listen to.
Damn you're right. I just can't tell the difference between Electric Wizard and Galneryus no matter how much I listen to the two. Literally the same band.