Song you're listening to

>Song you're listening to
>where you land on the spectrum
Matt Corby - Miracle Love
Strong Men

Attached: 1540216903509.png (543x474, 278K)

blackpink - ddu-du ddu-du
between hard times and strong men

>>where you land on the spectrum
yea the autism spectrum lmao

Gene Clark - True One
Weak Men

British Murder Boys - All the Saints Have Been Hung

Attached: 035bad8dd7c9443a8a5df350c167786c.jpg (600x800, 74K)

Chic - Good Times
Good Times

The Cure - Close to Me
Good Times nigga

Candlemass - Where the Runes Still Speak
Good Times

The Police - Deathwish

Attached: 1551159958296.png (543x474, 364K)

Pat Metheny - Unquity Road
Good times

Attached: 1560257265683.jpg (1030x1060, 160K)

>strong men

Attached: bahahahahha.png (635x1621, 1.13M)

>off topic post
Read the rules if you're new to the site.

>strong men

Attached: 1543465696943.jpg (404x600, 30K)

Neutral Milk Hotel - Song Against Sex

>authoritarian center

Attached: ecelebs.jpg (2000x2177, 2.77M)

>30 years ago
Alex Jones is fat af now dude

He looked like a dollar store Gosling back then.

hard men good men

James Ferraro - God of London
weak nigga but my dick tall

If this image was true then sub-Saharan Africa would be a superpower.

>No Action by Elvis Costello
>ML but land on the bottom left, as all other ML(M)s I've met

>varg down there
>crowder there

Based greentext poem


Beat Happening - Our Secret
Weak men

bladee - Decay
Hard times

the pic refers to humans

Authoritarians = cucks

I don’t think anyone in the top right likes tommy.

this chart is retareded but who is that qt between green and red?

Frank Zappa - Willie The Pimp
Good times


Attached: 1564953812566.jpg (807x654, 83K)

Imagine watching or caring about any of the people in that chart. holy cringola

libertarian centre
nothing RN but just listened to some Scratch Acid

Don Caballero-Repeat Defender
Good Times

Gates of Eden, Bob Dylan
Strong Men(I OHP 180 for 5)

Hard times
Good Times
You know I hard my share
Whatever I want, retard.


Coltrane - the father and the son and the holy ghost

apparently im a weak man.

>claims to be strong
>couldn't even get a gf and blames the jews for that

don't be self-hating, chaim

>Read the rules if you're new to the site
literally kys this is a shit thread to begin with

Carnivore - Angry Neurotic Catholic
close to center but in good times

>people age
wow, who would've guessed!
fuckin retard. and I don't even like alex jones.

Then why are japanese men so weak?