queen of kpg

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Other urls found in this thread:


kpop is good

i need hyewon pics


Attached: ECZwwc0UEAAINHc.jpg (746x1120, 113K)

for real though, dubu needs to stop dying her hair, her roots must be screaming stop

anybody got a picture of Gyuri's back mole?

for me, its twice

hate kpop
love cute korean girls

twice thread please

more like saggy (tits)

hayoung is so last month

Attached: 1559517788030.jpg (1050x1500, 230K)

the only time her roots scream stop is when i pull on her hair during some rough _____

bini ini pini

post idols on their knees


why isn't anyone posting hyewon?


yeah, her natural color would be better with dem milky skin

Attached: dubu sit.webm (1012x1800, 2.42M)

praising her singing talent

Rosie :)

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My wife hasn't sent me anything recently so I can't post

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>another blackedzy thread

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milky white dubu thighs

queen of kpg? more like queef of kpg

but there's no gay marriage in korea femanon...

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that's a real woman

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me on the far right

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For me it's CX.

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thinking about Dami..

is there a worse fate than being a black kpop fan?

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shes just another slut whore prostituting herself for attention on behalf of jews
shes not your pure virgin maiden princess


I am a male (boy)

communists ruin another thread

Attached: tzuyu bday slice.jpg (960x960, 743K)

yuna is alright
yeji tho

having no kpop

she looks like she's about to apologize to china

did Han Seo Hee give her that shirt?

For some reason I've just assumed everyone on kpg is white. Not true?

Attached: download.gif (369x444, 1.79M)

want to see a massive black man split a tiny korean girl in two

all hail the queen

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k-pop unironically saves black lives




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Part white here (unfortunately)

how so?

it's seahours right now

hey blo, do you have her number?

Attached: WANG!.png (637x486, 167K)

A-am I doing it right?

Attached: 1851.jpg (1400x1229, 498K)

ryujin's thighs though

CX should apologize to china for joining in the CCP's godless agenda

cheng lied, HK died

stop you're making me want to post her

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by giving them something to aspire to besides a criminal existence

show me a black k-pop fan and i'll show you someone who didn't become a gangster or teen mom at age 15

Attached: 15.jpg (800x533, 98K)

>those aspects ratios

pre-jawshave wendy

based as hell, just missing ryuchin

Attached: ECViDQxUIAALB4s.jpg (1000x1500, 282K)

good, you kinda fucked some waifus proportions tho

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anyone got a template or generator for the kpop harem?

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post CEOs

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don't KKK-post with Binnie

your waifu...

im in love with this girl

sometimes i think how great it would be to meet your idols but then i remember how short they would be irl

>Aspect ratio

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this is some oddly wholesome racism

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queen yuna loves you too

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cute somi

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kidnapping nako....

hows that a bad thing?

i still don't know if k-pop is real

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why does it matter unless you're also short?

kpop for this feel?

yes this is true,I'm not black but I can voucher for kpop being a good outlet. like anime it bombards you with good propaganda and you now strive for that "ideal" like if I want to be with momo or mina i gotta lift hard and have a seven figure job and eat healthy , instead of hearing Arianna grande talk about being fucked so hard she walks crooked now.

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all of them are rigged

post the turtle

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Make Arin Fat Again

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someone should shop gasmask bat dude in the background

this is a very primitive yet oddly compelling quilt of images

reminds me of michel houellecq iykwim

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>mfw fromis disbands before izone

Attached: IMG_2919.jpg (1228x2048, 387K)

fucking lazy, do a real image like this one
or like this one. kpop harems are for lazy turds who don't really like there wafiu or are normal fags

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idk why but i instinctively hate izone

how many ceos you think this slut slept with?

that's the best part

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i imagine her reaction to it would be your pic related, enchanted and repelled.

Momo doesn't care about MMA you chump. what she needs is an MD/PhD who can inject her brain with stem-cells to repair th damage

as always

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you are doing it for Mexico?

is chaeyoung hotter than saerom


For me it's a 3 way.

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chaeyoung seems more sexually experienced but it's not really hot

only if she has a fever

that song was unironically good

objectively speaking

arin > jiho > binnie > hyojung > yooa > mimi >>> seunghee

what is this gay shit

they really love those meme pants there

i wonder if she can see in this hat

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i'm glad it wasn't a meme song through and through

seulgi >> yeri >> irene >>> wendy > joy

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hating seunghee is disgusting

but ranking arin above yooa is blind

meme pants are next level

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-20-22-16-40.png (1440x2880, 632K)

for the first minute

yooa is busted as fuck

are you saying the chorus ruins it

beats, pacing and dance was on point. chorus was good too

seunghee might be the best person in the world

Attached: besthee.jpg (653x1200, 105K)

she cares about your body and that you have a highly highly successful self employed six figure job.

lol no, the USA if anything. I have to edit that pic.

IZONE objectively sucks.


don't mind me just posting my wife

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Me too but I hate Aki-P and Sakura disgusts me

hate sejeong

she uses echolocation and the earth magnetic field

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shes pretty gud

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their singing in general

that is an exceedingly accurate description

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does kpg like her?

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post your favorite group

i do

Me? Why yes, indeed I exclusively listen to Twice for my KPOP needs. How could you tell?

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i still haven't heard
>oompah loompah
>whatever the weki meki is

what am i in for?

right amount rin...

bang minah

i definitely like her feet

Attached: yeri feet 2.webm (720x1280, 2.26M)

I'm a twice fan but I really love yeri, mainly because she shares my fetish and gives good content of it and I don't even have to tell you what it is because you already know.

i don't dislike her

i was going to post her ass but can't remember where my mina ass file is

that was the best part

>comfy summer tune

Literally who?


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for me, it's yua

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Tzuyu is a fucking BITCH

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yes, she seems really funny and not braindead on camera

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is she aware she's turning us on?

KTL for slavs
something forgettable
no idea

red velvet, but their golden age was ice cream cake -> bad boy and they're going downhill

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imagine taking a footbath with yeri

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dang more Latin American kpop ? who was the first group to do it this generation? I remember Gfriend " me gustas tu" was really popular.

>you have a highly highly successful self employed six figure job
implying you could get a top tier idol like Momo with just 6 figures

Attached: chaeyeon-1.jpg (512x768, 75K)

why do red velvet fans always make yeri akgaes look bad


Attached: yeri feet.webm (720x1280, 2.54M)

when will she have another cumback?

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can i blame clc for ruining g-idle

Tiki Tiki Taka little more (Yeah)

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awww everyone likes yeri

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better not
that one mentally ill shitposter will get upset and spam again

those mcdonies

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pls don't tell me

but why?

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gotta watch out for her hidden agenda..

don't let that placid well-fucked look fool you. japanese people all have creepy secrets..

Cute, she peaked at 17

i blame g-idle being shit for ruining g-idle

anyone is fan of black bunny?

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ya at least 7 for a highly sought after girl like her, I was definitely wrong. she is more beautiful than the milky way skyline.

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the music is good but why is it all in chinese?


is it true that large-breasted idols are more pure?

she will not be forgiven for the boots being her own solo with backing vocals

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my wife

latata was a banger

i only care about gugudan

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blame jellyfish

Yes in Nancy's case

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very pure kid

Why is Momo so dumb?

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i fucked her brains out

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Attached: jihyobounceeee.webm (518x900, 2.8M)

Nancy'ss eondonghae


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i wish arin could be 16 forever

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i blame 2nel for ruining blackpink

my favorite sluts

She isnt (at least not dumber than the average idol), she's just playing it up

ahin pureness level?

Attached: D0UDo0gVsAAD1N4-.jpg (720x876, 85K)

they're the most sought after rare commodity in korea, there isn't a single pure big titted idol, think of that one kelis song

holy cow

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because playing dumb can be profitable in her position

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she got bleached

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Mina and Sana pushed her head first into a locker while she was running when they were kids and scrambled her brains.


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in all seriousness she was pushed into a brick wall and hit her head and her speech was never the same , remember that whole "protect momo phase of kpg? that was really a fun time and 70%of the posts were about protecting momo, when that info was released.

also her dad was a bodybuilder and may have taken steroids when he had her

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>the cute one in the background
very sad now

pootis chootis nga lampkingangka o jisoo palaygo barulam blackpink :))))

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i'll protect her with my life

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Tiki Taka is surprisingly the best out of the three

she mogged other members in dancing skill and was lobotomized to decrease her level

i blame them both

Attached: 1469979753620.webm (626x360, 1.3M)

A bad time

candy is such a bitch for kicking her out

Izone is better than Twice. Itzy is better than Blackpink

don't mention gugudan here

only true miracles can understand this innocent beauty

days of heaven

momo is lucky that she only lost intelligence

i had a concussion in childhood i'm still smart but i have huge emotional problems

statistically speaking most females hide their intelligence at some point in their adolescence

but momo has a hard case-history going back to earlier life

They're all shit so it don't matter

word and based

Ok, she didn’t have to go THAT hard

but we love gugudan here

gugudan-hater with worst bait in KPG history

>Izone is better than Twice

OMG is motherless without JinE

Why do my waifus always leave?

isn't gugudan the drug dealing group that was bragging about banging all your oppas

only since i was working on a tiermaker

Attached: bb.jpg (112x112, 8K)

stop talking about groups that lost members i liked

yes she even lost her ability to speak English and does a concussion effect emotions? I never knew that, I myself had had many but never as extreme as momo or you

welcome we have cookies and beer every Wednesday and Saturday. we also switch out looking after her. my shift is Sunday

Remember when OMG beat Itzy

maybe you just haven't found the waifu of your laifu

or it could be that you're going to go 2-D

Depends. TWICE has no more underage so they are better than TWICE in that department.


jine left omg so she could openly get dicked

that was a real rollercoaster drop of ugly girls
who are you going to choose next chungha?

true candy is more of a kid than a mother

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yes i remember 1...2...3 days ago?

is that really important? chewy is only like 20 so she still has couple of years in her at least.

Wait are you joking? Momo could speak English?

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i'm worried about them

elris or gugudan who bows out first?

reminder that if you have not seen at least one live kpop performance you are NOT allowed to post here

elris has way worse sales

i want to be a motherfucker

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not fluent, but she knew some words and was OK at it. she said after she woke up she couldn't remember a lot of things and her English was what suffered the most especially her pronunciation.the "protect momo" phase lasted a good 8 months here.

you already know what's going to be said so there's no point

was that in some intervew or show?

i'm too poor to see any blackpink's live performance

we want a seulgi thread

Reminder to everyone to buy ReVe Festival Day 2

Irene's feet are in the booklet, that is reason enough.

Attached: ECeB-9EWsAEEeTp.jpg (1689x1150, 269K)

are you the same guy who keeps slandering gugudan

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Make it a babysoul thread for the chads

>Overhyped. Since Blackpink debuted, they have received immediate attention and are actually treated like veterans of the game instead of rookies.

>Blackpink aren't anywhere near the most talented girl group in this generation. Lisa is probably the most overrated dancer in the history of K-pop, I think Momo, Chungha, might even say Seulgi are comfortably better than her. Jennie may have the ability to rap real fast, but rapping isn't about fast talking. Jennie has no flow unlike some of the best rappers like CL, Basedeon, and LE. Rosé.. I don't even need to explain, she's being forced to sing in a nasal voice and that can damage her voice permanently. Regardless of the reason, Rosé is levels below Jihyo and Yeonjung, let alone Yuju and Wendy.

>Apart from Jisoo, the rest of Blackpink are often called fake and so, I completely understand why.

>Nonexistent stage presence. Self explanatory, especially Jennie.

>Blinks. Arguably the biggest reason why Blackpink are hated. Blinks get way too ignorant and defensive when it comes to Blackpink. Insulting other groups aren't anything new for Blinks, with Twice being an easy target.

did hyeyeon leave jellyfish yet

Attached: Kwon Eunbi Chair.webm (1222x1080, 3M)

define slandering

ty bro

the only one i like in gugudan is doyeon

i only have feelings for kang mina

how do i get it?

the only one i like in gugudan is wendy


it was first revealed on some show but the hosts turned it into a joke and everyone here was extremely angry about that. she has said it at random times in random interviews, you have to really be in to twice to know everything that goes on in there life tho.

already ordered it but this is icing on the cake

guguhaters out
diahaters out

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haha this is from chokeslut day

but was she like serious about it when she was telling the story?

alcoholic choding pool shitter spotted

chaeyeon drinks because dia sucks

yes she was trying to be serious on why she was so clumsy but the hosts took it the wrong way and turned it into a joke, fucking idiots man.

Finally somebody with a brain.


multi devicing again

Do you have a link for this?