did Kurt Cobain actually manage to make a DEMO of a Beatles cover song that's better than the original?
did Kurt Cobain actually manage to make a DEMO of a Beatles cover song that's better than the original?
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wow never heard that before. It sucks. Kurt really needed top notch production to become Nirvana. Ironic and very similar to the beatles career wise. Both were boy bands in the end.
ye much prefer Kurt's
but it just sounds like any other guy who cant sing at open mic. You need to get out more. Ironic he coined the line give me leonard cohen afterworld upon hearing this rendition.
i mean i don't think he was really trying that hard
most of his demos sound like this
it was probably mostly just so he could remember riffs and a basic concept
the comments on that second demo crack me up
Seething beatles cuck
>any Nirvana cover
>better than the original
No the demos they released since like 2006 have been overrated to shit. They put out all the best unreleased material with Nirvana (YKYR) and the With the Lights Out box set. The rest is all garbage that Cobain probably would have never released himself
Man Who Sold The World and Love Buzz are both superior to the originals
The Nirvanas are just the New Beatles. Every 5 years we will get some sort of campaign to suck in the next generation of consumers for what is nothing more than a corporate entity. There was nothing remotely spectacular about either band. They both played it safe. They both have their faux edgelord and nice guy to keep selling the lie. Dave Grohl is Paul Mc cartney perpetuating the myth of what the were.
i'm a huge nirvana fan and i actually like Bowie's original 'The Man Who Sold the World' better
i like almost every other Nirvana cover better than the original song though
how did Nirvana play it safe?
they made a pop-rock record that sounded like nothing that had been in the mainstream at that point and then proceeded to make a noisier, harsher album instead of continuing with a second Nevermind.
they didn't do anything crazy and out there, but they didn't just follow trends.
>Man Who Sold The World
Bowie was either being nice or being an idiot. He liked Lulu ffs
>Love Buzz
Awful take, this makes me legitimate angry. Fucking kill yourself
It was called alternative music. Not following the trend was the trend. You had to be there. You are just buying into the myth. In Utero was nothing groundbreaking. I have read enough posts declaring it to be noise rock to see where you are getting your opinion from, but you are just buying into the marketing same as the beatles being groundbreaking with psychedelic music despite being a year late to the Kinks and the San Francisco scene. Do you think that rappers are really criminals as well? They are all actors. Kurt could have been a Calvin Klien model.
The only thing cringe is listening to teeny bopper music of yesteryear
dilate harder, faggot
That is a good cover, but the original is good, too. Thanks for sharing, user :)
i like you. in another life, perhaps we would be friends. maybe we'd share our darkest secrets with one another.
Maybe we'd even be lovers.
Tranny movement is for kids. Keep living in the kiddyshpere. Have sex.
Bitch faggot whore die of HIV ASAP
So youre 13. Cool got it. Run along and play with your nintendo.
Yes, what is it, my child? Were you about to compliment Kurt Cobain's fantastic Beatles cover?
This was Kurts best cover IMO