Hey, big guy, would ya mind posting the Kanye leak?

Hey, big guy, would ya mind posting the Kanye leak?

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-08-20 at 7.30.45 PM.png (1314x830, 1.06M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Hi Nick,

How much should I Venmo you for you to cut your own testicles off?

Why would I do that? I'm not even left wing.

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Hearing this guy in any form of debate is fucking hilarious. Every single argument he has is just "the bible says".

Is this some incel larping as dave letterman boomer talk show host or something?

Nick, you say and do a lot of shitty things, but I loved how you destroyed that retard Mr. Little

No, it's just some christian fundamentalist cashing in on the already dying conservative wave on youtube that started in 2017

That's not even kind of true.

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Oh yeah? Let's talk about Israel then.

The truth is, my friend, we're bigger than ever, ok?

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Sounds horrendous

Sure thing.

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Not at all. It's getting too obvious that both sides are corrupt to the core.
Oh it is. Muh traditions and all that.

>4 fucking hours of hypocritical youtubes trying to act bigger than they are
No thank you, man.

im out of my alt right phase but nick is still funny

You sound like someone who's never watched. America First is not beholden to any political party, and is extremely critical of every side.
Also, for ,
VERY critical of America's relationship with Israel.

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Daily reminder that this dude is cringe and a grifter who still shilled for Trump into 20 fucking 19

Why has nobody posted the fucking leak?

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Nicky boy when are you gonna quit faggy youtube politics and become a fortnite streamer? Can't ride Trump's dick forever pal.


bumping until it's posted

God i really miss being 17 and racist as shit. Unironically had so much fun and i miss it.

racism isn't real

2017 was the best year of my life. I hope 2020 will top it but i'm not holding my breath

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destiny ended this kid
destiny ended styx
destiny ended nobullshit
destiny ended that ape kid
destiny ended dick masterson
the list goes on...

Wouldn't hate this guy as much if he wasn't such dishonest scum. Just say you're an anti-semite, stop hiding behind layers of irony. Cowardice.

lol destiny only loses

imagine unironically following nick and no bullshit

but anti-semite is a meaningless term, just like sexist, racist, homophobe, xenophobe, transphobe, etc.

I dunno how this fucking guy ever had a following to begin with. Most of them can at least be charismatic sometimes, NoBS sounded like a fucking retarded fat tow-the-party-line fag to begin with
Not a single original thought rolling around there.

Based Nickposter

lmao imagine unironically following this hack

Only loss I ever saw Destiny lose was with Metokur.


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imagine unironically praising this total faggot

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These two are literally indisputable losses

Alright, then just say you don't like jews. Quit the dog whistle, irony bullshit. I've got more respect for someone like David Duke who says what he believes openly.

They're all losers, we're talking youtube political streamers here.

David Duke doesn't say he dislikes Jews though. David Duke's rhetoric isn't even extreme at all, people just assume that because of the KKK thing. If you listen to him talk, he mostly talks about "white civil rights" and the Zionist lobby.

But the issue is deeper than. "durr don't like jews xD." That's the problem with you lefty intellectual midgets: you need a buzzword to explain away a massive topic. The real conversation is happening somewhere far beyond your feeble understanding.

this, even people who "debunk" him are clearly charmed by him.


t. richard spencer
t. matt walsh
t. patrick little
t. razorfist
t. wacky steve
t. cassie dylan

After you eat the big mac you stupid bitch.

Stop being edgy libertarians and become a Strasserism like a real adult right winger

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based post

>he doesn't like my guy?
>he lefty!
Nice tribalist mindset, faggot. You know what I'm getting at and yet you play this semantics game. He doesn't like jews, thinks they control the banks and media, yadda yadda. I just want him to come out and say what he believes without acting like a weasel.

Nick is not a libertarian

he's a cringe librarian

tiny dick masterson and bullshit never started, so they can't be ended.

Razorfist is the biggest trump dickrider evrr though

I know but the majority of his audience still hasn't ridden themselves of boomer rightism otherwise known as libertarianism neither has Yea Forums in general unfortunately

We need zoomers to be a nazbol/strasserite influenced generation if we want to have a shot at the survival of the human race generally and the white race in particular

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Libertarianism has been dying, it hit it's peak in like 2012. /pol/ mostly mocks them for being boomers or greedy.

not sure if you've actually watched america first, but nick fuentes is very hostile to libertarianism and openly claims to be an authoritarian statist. he says he's indifferent to forms of economy as long as it serves the national interest

Well that's good. I haven't been on /pol/ since Trump got elected and they started sperging out by calling anyone even mildly critical of him a shill.

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>indifferent to forms of economy
I understand this but having a firm theory regarding economics is important because it limits corruption within a movement and creates a baseline which can't be too deviated from without suspicion

Saying "dude fug egonomics I just want a his nashion" is a bit lazy imo

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if you're an ideologue about economics, you become a materialist and lose sight of what actually matters.

It's just getting worse.

>lose sight of what matters
Yeah dude it's not like the main way Jews destroy nations with globalism is by capturing the economic system or anything

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Boomers are pretty bad there, but they get shat on usually

yeah they "capture" it regardless of the system.
do you think jews weren't behind bolshevism? this is redpill 101

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My nigga look at how good Jews are doing at making North Korea a nation of degenerates lmao. Or the GDR vs the West kek.

"Muh Jewish soviets" is some stupid bullshit too. If Hitler and Stalin would have made Molotov-Ribbentrop a full blown alliance against the West you would never have gotten
Divided Germany
Divided Poland
The EU
The defeat of imperial Japan (and thus would have never gotten the creation of the cesspool that is South Korea)
The Vietnam war
A war between Vietnam and Cambodia
Hong Kong (literally THE liberal shit hole of Asia even more so than South Korea or Taiwan or Thailand)
A split in the Baath movement
Defeat of the Pan-Arab movement

Get fucked boomer, America and American capitalism has been a disaster for statist projects ever since it decided to become an anti-empire built on miscegenation and Jewish liberalism. Every nationalist movement on both the left and right for last 100 years found its death at the hands of America and the proxy states and crying because now new nationalist movements don't want to include your retarded mutt bucket in their midst will get you no sympathy from me
>inb4 you post a bunch of cucked infographs from CIA-infiltrated "national socialist" org's about how literally every bad thing that happened to Europe was because they didn't let American Jews cuck them even more than their national Jews

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this isn't /pol/.
get out.

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Shut up faggot

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Holy based


Nazbol gang we out here

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>My nigga look at how good Jews are doing at making North Korea a nation of degenerates lmao
what are you talking about?
>North Korean girls are somewhat similar to the middle-class girls of Victorian England when it comes to such ‘delicate’ matters: as it was in Europe 150 years ago, ‘innocence’ is seen as the natural and desirable state of mind. It was (and still largely is) assumed that any decent woman should postpone sex until she is married.
>Some North Korean females who became young adults in the 1970s and 1980s recall that, until their early 20s, they thought that holding hands with a male for too long could lead to pregnancy.
>There are no condoms in North Korea, because people don't have sex before marriage.

>"Muh Jewish soviets" is some stupid bullshit too.
stalin purged the jews who originally used marxism as a bludgeon against the tzar in order to secure their ethno-nationalist interests and go from a powerless minority threatened by pogroms to the ruling class.
if you're obsessed with economic ideologies, you'll get infiltrators who are 100% purists on the economics but give no fucks about the actual ends of your society. that's how you get hijacked.

>Every nationalist movement on both the left and right for last 100 years found its death at the hands of America and the proxy states
yet you're the one posting CNN-tier anti-DPRK bullshit

This is now a nazbol music thread

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fucking this. this entire fucking thread and no leak wtfffff

His point about DPRK was there are no Jews in the country, so it shows an example of a socialist nation without Jewish influence. It's not something that is conducive to socialism. I think it was sarcastic

Lmao senpai I literally said that the Jews are doing a shit job at making the North degenerate despite then literally existing because of the USSR's help. You literally are saying I am saying the opposite or my point kek

>if you're obsessed with economic ideologies, you'll get infiltrators who are 100% purists on the economics but give no fucks about the actual ends of your society. that's how you get hijacked.
Nope. You get hijacked by faggots who say "I hate niggers but love le free market" and then let Trump assrape them and their families while playing defense for him 24/7 to trigger libtards


DPRK removed all references to marxism and communism in their state materials and are moving towards a syncretist economy


>despite then literally existing because of the USSR's help
DPRK is an ethno-nationalist, fascist state. Juche is more about the people than it is about the means of production and surplus value

forgot to quote


Also you're missing the point stupid. What I meant wasn't "don't give a shit about social issues" it was "don't disregard economics". Strasserism isn't full socialism in the Marxist sense either but you got triggered because you're a brainlet who probably can't comprehend anything that isn't rage comic tier propaganda

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>destiny ended styx
They never debated. Styx is the only political person on Youtube worth listening to btw.

How do people listen to nasheeds and think they are better than this?

Fuck I hate that Islamism made a comeback in the Middle East. Another thing to thank the American-Israeli "right wing" for innit it?

look faggot, do we both agree that DPRK is a good county and better than any country with central banking? if you want to be a sperg obsessed with the purity of some arbitrary economic ideology because you think it totally won't get hijacked by jews because you've found the one special secret code, go ahead, but no one is taking you seriously.

>faggot shirtless LARPagan

The people are what should matter first, but in capitalism 1% of business owners and the wealthy will have disproportionate influence they can use for their own benefit at the expense of the other classes of the nation. A socialist system ensures the workers interests are the center of it and will be more beneficial to the development of the nation as a whole rather than creating a large wealth gap.

>if you want to be a sperg obsessed with the purity of some arbitrary economic ideology because you think it totally won't get hijacked by jews because you've found the one special secret code, go ahead, but no one is taking you seriously.
Lol imagine strawmanning this fucking hard because you're butthurt that you misread my argument due to being butthurt over me maybe suggesting you read something that isn't "my twisted world" by Elliott rodger

Americans prove they're incapable of having educated opinions yet again

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>in capitalism 1% of business owners and the wealthy will have disproportionate influence they can use for their own benefit at the expense of the other classes of the nation
that's why you remove democracy and put in place mechanisms for workers to report abuses to the state, where the state has full authority to hang abusive capitalists for going against the will of the people. the productive power the free market shouldn't be disregarded due to the flaws of democracy
>rather than creating a large wealth gap.
inequality is not bad in and of itself

So we should just stick with neoliberalism for eternity since any other system will potentially get subverted? I'd rather push for change before the planet falls apart.

you call yourself a Strasserite lmfao, you're a joke dude, get real and stop playing dress up

no, we should embrace nationalism while being open to whatever economic policies benefit the people. fuck "theory"

It's so funny how every faggot who claims not to be a boomer libertarian ultimately ends up using their talking points kek

Get fucked faggot, National Bolshevism, Strasserism, and other forms of rightist socialism will dominate the 21st century, and you can either get on board or go cry to your boomer daddy about how le evil opportunists are coming for your sweet shekels

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I agree, but I highly doubt liberal capitalism is it. It's not going to be sustainable in the future.

>stop playing dress up
Imagine being an American Right winger saying this to someone with a 100 percent straight face

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imagine actually embracing a historically jewish movement. cringe department?
>other forms of rightist socialism will dominate the 21st century
nationalism + economic centrism is what's actually rising in europe. do you think viktor orban is a socialist, or jewed? (protip: the answer is neither.)

i bet you listen to eric striker

we don't like anyone who takes it up the ass

Wow dude I can't believe that what is rising in Europe (ie what the EU establishment and it's proxies are allowing to come to power to pacify the people so they don't go any further) is centrist and doesn't actually threaten the system or power structure at all.


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netanyahu is an ethno-nationalist for ethnic jews, of course he shares things in common with white nationalists.

if you think orban is bad then you're worthless to the cause of nationalism. keep screaming into the void, you're detrimental to the survival of the white race and will never contribute to anything.

>if you actually want to defeat jews you are detrimental to the survival of the white race
Stay cucked, stay mad, dilate, cope etc

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>Hey guys if you don't call yourself a (((Bolshevik))) I hate you regardless of any other agreements we might have!
>We must purity spiral towards complete ideological obedience to the eternal wisdom of (((Karl Marx)))!
>Viktor Orban closed all immigration, is paying for white families to have babies, and is destroying Hungary's democracy and the stability of the EU? Yeah well, this one Jew likes him, so we must oppose him!
>Fuck raising the white birthrate, we must instead promote communism, because Jews hate communism!

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>neoliberal globalization is fine as long as the person doing it makes the center-left party and their petty bourgeois vassals mad
>also I am going to ignore the history of sho actually kept degeneracy out of Eastern Europe and Asia cuz /pol/(which is now 100 percent infiltrated by boomer americans) told me they are bad and facts hurt muh feelings
>pls don't insult my daddy he gibs me big cummies

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hey retard, i literally said north korea is good and central banking is bad, and that *still* wasn't good enough for you. have fun trying to build any kind of movement and affecting any political change whatsoever you absolute fucking spastic.

>please be centrist even though centrism is the root of all deadlocks in politics since the end of the 1950s
Keep taking those boomer pills friend I'm sure it will pay off one day

Pee Pee Poo Poo

>fascism is centrism because it isn't communist or capitalist
>franco was a centrist
>mussolini was a centrist
>codreanu was a centrist
>mosley was a centrist
>evola was a centrist

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>destiny ended this kid
stopped reading there

>comparing Orban to Mussolini or Franco

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literally yes
>b-but zionist man has political similarities
yeah and israel was founded by adolf hitler
stop being obstinately stupid

*dumps yogurt and peanut shells on this thread*

Hitler of course defeated America and created a 1000 Year Reich and didn't just burn out and take a genuinely antiestablishment movement with him while the bourgeoise who allowed him to come to power remained relatively untouched and then turned the West into a liberal shit hole during the Cold War

imagine being such a D&C agitator that you viscerally oppose this while claiming to be pro-white... because muh netanyahu comment or something

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>another Strawman

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keep recoiling at the sight of white babies because they aren't communist enough

Lmao here comes the cuck projection

based and redpilled

>israel was founded by adolf hitler

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Not really. He's not the best debater as he does ultimately believe in religious law over anything else but its far from his only argument.

You can very easily be against certain jewish practices without being an anti-semite.

??? No-one supports trump there anymore, hasn't been the case for well over a year. Even pre-midterms people were let down.

back to washington to have the kikes throw nickels at your phat ass, mommys boy.

>believes in religious law over anything else
y'all Queda everyone