Zoomer repellent

zoomer repellent

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Zoomers favorite country album because it has le epic big iron song from muh fallout

zoomer attraction

>El Paso

What a horrible name for a song. Reminds me of that tragedy.

I mean this Texas Red guy was a real jerk

you can keep it
aint i right is jingoist low iq hick garbage

you came down to this music board this summer
to show these folks a failed extremist ideology

That's /pol/
I've been here since 2010

Well ain't I right is catchy and communism has never worked so

This guy's a piece of shit and his music is simple minded hillbilly wank like most country.

it's funny that you don't think you're a newfag. you will always be a newfag no matter how many years pass. everyone knows Yea Forums started going downhill in 2010 when cancer like you came along

Now dont speak ill of the dead user

hey guys can we talk about the music and not retarded people that believe in right wing politics that actively hurt them.


>zoomer repellant
>made popular by a video game, a medium consisting of zoomers and manchildren

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Honesty repellent more like

based retards always take the redpill.

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I got a bunch

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>political fighting outside /pol/ again

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That's just something you have to deal with when listening to old country. Check out "The Fightin Side of Me" if you wanna hear some real jingoist garbage.

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Whats wrong with simple fun music?

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It doesn't have any epic masturbatory 16 minute prog solos

Not necessarily so

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Zoomers don’t like these?

>meaningless buzzwords
How about some actual criticism of the music that isn't just cringe and bluepilled
>wh*ite people bad!

Cool, good to know I'm not zoomer-tier.

zoomer and I quite like it t.b.h.
I did not play fallout enough to hear Big Iron
>implying Marty Robbins wasn't popular in 1959

zoomer core

Ironically, my friend is a huge fan of both these artists and he's only 22.

Kill yourself

I don't know man, I like it, but I feel like it's pretty accessible for any kid that like "old cowboy, johnny cash, le john wayne" stuff. My little brother is a zoomer, but he likes this just as much as me, my dad, and my grandpa do.

>made popular by a video game
yeah, and Johnny Cash only ever got famous by covering NIN...

How's life in the trailer park?

brb gotta go fuck muh cuzzin
keep this thread alive while im gon, eh hoss?