ITT: We cancel an artist

1. Dubs picks artist (has to be male and well-known but not insanely popular [not someone like kanye or thom for fucks sake]) if first few dubs suck we can reroll
2. Anons work together to write a convincing story of said artist in a problematic scenario ("he was drunk and made sexual advances on me and i wasnt feeling comfortable" etc)
3. Make a female twitter profile and post story
4. Start a #Cancel[Artist] hashtag and try to make it trending and/or picked up by news outlets
5. ???
6. Profit

To prove how easily this shit can be faked (and when was the last time we had some good lulz)

Start rolling cunts

Attached: unspecified-3.png (965x960, 49K)

>anons work together
That's where you plan fails.

As if we havent made a hundred albums already

dont care

Rollingfor that Khalid nigger.

extremely cringe

mac demarco

>dj khalid
topkek but he might be too popular for that to actually work. I was thinking someone more indie

If you weren't prepared for someone famous to win you shouldn't have posted the thread.

>if first few dubs suck we can reroll
When i said that i literally meant that with famous people in mind. Dont be low IQ Yea Forums it cant be someone super famous. If you need be it could be the bassist no one knows anything about for some popular indie band and this would still work. Remember the controversey that started from the Sigur Ros drummer?

reddit leave


Shaun Morgan from Seether

Attached: seether-isolate-and-medicate-2014-promo-636-1.jpg (347x352, 105K)

This is what i mean guys. Who listens to seether in 2019? Prime cancel bait right here

what is this gay shit

Andy Sixx

rolling for the singer from The National

Robert Johnson fingerbanged my great grandma non-consensually

Attached: robert johnson.jpg (640x881, 134K)

Throating for this

isn't this kinda fucked up and could have very bad, permanent consequences for the artist in question

No blacks. Only white people do creepy stuff

Yes. Youre on Yea Forums buddy

rolling for Kendrick Lamar

Jimi Hendrix played more with his teeth than just that guitar, sonny...

Attached: jimi hendrix is the man.jpg (1748x1748, 289K)

Throating for Andy

rolling for Lenny Kravitz


Attached: kurt cobain fondling colonel sanders crotch.png (600x904, 920K)

Yeah, it probably goes against GR4.



Attached: john lennon beats his wife.jpg (614x960, 207K)

Halsey faked being half black

Rolling to cancel the faggot from Sweet Trip

yeah blacks just rape

What's he pointing at?

Attached: lou reed POINTS.jpg (300x316, 11K)

Courtney Love abused Kurt Cobain and murdered him.

Attached: courtney love.jpg (928x523, 93K)