Imagine being such a pussy that you actually get offended at his lyrics

Imagine being such a pussy that you actually get offended at his lyrics

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ahahha bruh look at that niggas hairline ahahahahhah

I’m not offended. I’m white and he’s jealous. I just think he’s an asshole

I'm more offended at how vapidly fucking stupid and clueless he is about his own status. He and all of his listeners are massive intellectual black holes swallowing any coherent self-aware though within their immediate vicinity.

thanks for proving OP's point.

Only alt right incels get mad
Textbook. Sad little men.

Imagine being such a pussy that you agree with his lyrics.

I'm not offended by his lyrics because I dont listen to them or read them. Rap fans are dumb

>t. Libtards

I never said I agreed with them, I just dont act like a fucking child when he says cracker like some retards do

Dilate tranny

>I’m not offended. I’m white and he’s jealous. I just think he’s an asshole

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>Dilate tranny

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>t. insecure

Imagine being offended when someone says you look and sound like MC Ride. Which you do. A worse version of him for sure, but still comparable.

How the fuck does he look or sound like Ride? Are you fucking blind and deaf?

I don't even know his lyrics, I just hate how much people here obsess over his music. Death Grips sucks and you aren't a pussy for hating their music

*Ahem* Death Grips sucks

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He fucked Clairo, didn’t he bros?

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Death Grips doesn't have to rely on starting shit with people out of a massive inferiority complex just to keep themselves relevant. That helps them be a lot less annoying than Jpegmafia and his fans.

Someone post any of the hundreds of images of him performing to purely white audiences like a minstrel, please.

Don't like him beefing with DG, kinda uncalled for even if the DG fans saying he looks like MC Ride gets annoying. The /pol/tards getting mad are insecure racists though.

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>black people don't tend to like his music
what point would that prove?

abd ur gay lol

the only thing he's done that i found offensive was the opening to i just killed a copy now i'm horny. i understand that cops are assholes and everything and they murder people all the time but it just seemed super unnecessary. like you can be okay with cops being killed but celebrating it like that was too much.