Imagine a thrash album where every solo sounds the fucking same

Imagine a thrash album where every solo sounds the fucking same

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more like trash album

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You could've just said "Imagine a thrash album."

isn’t this basically every king gizzard album
one song is good and then the rest just sound identical to that one song

Listen to I'm In Your Mind Fuzz and Flying Microtonal Banana

Zoomer's first trash metal album

every single thrash album

the "solos" on that album were closer to little tapping riffs. Not a compliment. Now every mac demarco wannabe is gonna act like they know something about meal

mac demarco? do people unironincally think gizz made indie before this?

Half the people that talk about King Gizz on Yea Forums have only heard one song - one album if you're lucky.

>Flying Microtonal Banana
best kgatlw album
yeah i catch that a lot too, i honestly think a lot of it is just that theyre popular on the internet so post-2014 Yea Forums contrarianism kicks in

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Imagine thinking solos are what matters in a track

does king gizzard even have solos? i thought it was all dude sick riffs lmao

This is pussy new thrash

You want good new thrash?

mfw it's the #1 on the RYM chart for the whole Thrash genre.....

Imagine having shitty solos on a thrash album

>no image

Is there a better visual metaphor for hipster metal than this cover?

>mfw I have no face

Attached: No_Face_.png (471x750, 49K)

Oh, easily. Come on dude.
>Deafheaven covers
>Wolves in the Throne Room covers
>Baroness covers, even if I still love the covers

They've never really had solos on any of their other work. Sucks that they didn't cater to your expectations on what music should be like.
If you're fiending to hear a guy masturbating with his guitar, there's plenty of other stuff around.

And even still, King Gizz has fucking killer guitar work, solos or no.

i meant the entire song, not just any guitar solos
i've only listened to polygondwanaland and it was so fucking boring after like three songs

oh, and i listened to nonagon infinity, but i didn't finish it because i couldn't handle the boredom that time
it had been hyped up to me by a friend as being a masterpiece too

So you're literally just a contrarian, got it

i havent listened to this album yet, i used to love king gizz but since 2017 their projects have been hit and miss for me...their “experimentation” is way too predictable and self-masturbatory “let’s do blues!” “let’s do thrash!” lately. I think Oh Sees are doing far more as a band out of the weirdo psych rock scene. What do you guys think of this vs Face Stabber as indicators of the scene’s future?

I prefer King Gizz but I really like Oh Sees too.

This band sucks donkey dick. Every song sounds the same

no you

Isn’t that every thrash album?


big gizz fan here, gotta gree with you that nonagon is actually boring as shit ngl

Blocks your path.

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*blocks your path*

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