Where is a good starting place for hardcore?

Where is a good starting place for hardcore?

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minor threat, black flag, bad brains, misfits

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The New York scene had the only worthwhile hardcore, everyone else's is super cringe. Listen to Sheer Terror.

Tiny Tim
You have to go from least to most hardcore, gradually

Trapped Under Ice
Gorilla Biscuits
Have Heart
Earth Crisis (Firestorm only)

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this, but i'd jump around by city. So your big players are really DC, OC, NYC, and Boston.


also the Faith/Void split, Minor Threat s/t, IQ32, Urban Waste s/t, Gorilla Biscuits s/t, Plug-In Jesus

those are all generally different sounds from different areas. If you like any of that you can find a metric shit ton more like it.

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Oh and lemme add this too because it's also from the Boston area around the same time but totally different and one of my favorites. Similar to this is SS Decontrol (The Kids Will Have Their Say), DYS (Wolf Pack), Last Rights (Chunks, same singer)


One Life Crew

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modern day hardcore? look at who ghostmane is touring with? as for early hardcore I guess like agnostic front and bad brains... and if you're edge then floorpunch n yotd

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Me on the left

Orange County?

>Where is a good starting place for hardcore?

1st wave/original "hardcore punk"
Black Flag
Bad Brains
Minor Threat
Circle Jerks
Dead Kennedys
The Germs
Reagan Youth
Millions of Dead Cops

2nd Wave
Agnostic Front
Cro Mags
Gorilla Biscuits
Sick of it All
Suicidal Tendencies (First record)
Negative Approach
Negative FX
Jerry's Kids
Dirty Rotten Imbeciles (First record)

90s Hardcore (metallic hardcore/beatdown)
Earth Crisis
All Out War
Vision of Disorder (First record)
Hatebreed (pretty much become groove metal after Perserverance so listen at your own risk)
Blood for Blood
Billy Club Sandwich

Modern Hardcore (since 2000)
Rotting Out
Trapped Under Ice
Code Orange Kids/Code Orange
Power Trip

I am leaving a lot out here but this is all the shit I listened to when I first got into hardcore. This might sound cringney but when it comes to this genre the YouTube/spotify algorithm is your best friend

post hardcore.

Depends on what you already like. I got really into NoMeansNo because I liked groove metal, then I got into crust punk and mathcore.

Don't kill me

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>I got really into NoMeansNo because I liked groove metal

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that makes perfect sense

should really split modern hardcore into post and pre 2009

Don't start with Bad Brains or Black Flag, because you'll be disappointed with most of the rest

This is one of my favourite hxc albums ever made. If you like the heavier songs, listen to 90's hardcore.
If you like the zippier fast stuff, just stick with 80's hardcore.

t. 15 year old who just got into punk

This guy gets it

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No, if you start with Bad Brains/Black Flag you'll turn into a hipster douche with 4 bars tattooed on his forearm who becomes allergic to breakdowns and doesn't know what a Bridge Nine is

I agree with mostly because mid-2000's hardcore and modern stuff is a tiny bit different. Stuff like Nails or Xibalba is way more metal influenced to me than stuff like Hoods or early Terror desu. Closed Casket Activities really changed the game imo.

Two options
#1 You're going to get into exclusively listening to mysterious guy hardcore from Youth Attack Records and be elitist about it while spending retarded amounts of money of Discogs.

#2 Since this is 4channel you get into exclusively listening to Japanese hardcore and every time someone mentions a band not from Japan you have to pipe up and explain the superiority of Japanese hardcore.


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Thanks, Seth. I won't, Seth.