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gay album
gay band
gay reviewer
>chrome png
gay screenshot
gay op

>a redditor likes a reddit band

i fucking hate this album, stupid indie thrash

metal pleb is metal pleb

u got me ;)

>code orange shirt
of course

I listened a couple random tracks. It's a no from me

Should've been a strong 9

its a 5
maybe a 6
fantanos a pleb

Not this shit again.

Yea Forums is now allowed to hate on the album. Just like you hated on Brunswick before Fantano panned it. You people never had a opinion to begin with.

stupid fucking fantano drone, i hope you fucking die already

>chance the rapper gets a 0
>Yea Forums tries to add it to the core

people on Yea Forums were already hating on it before fantano posted his review.

Why, it literally just sounds like 80s Metallica. Why are people buying into this, I miss the times before they just shat out albums of filler


I hate Yea Forums more than I do fantano drones...

>fantano drone
So what, you want a screenshot of my last.fm profile proving I was listening to the album before the review? Suck my dick asshat.

Goes to show how Yea Forums will do anything in their power to show how they disagree with Fantano.

>it literally just sounds like 80s Metallica
It really doesn't.

>Why, it literally just sounds like 80s Metallica

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How does it not? The singer literally sounds like he’s imitating James Hetfield and they just play a meaty riff for the intro and then chug low E or D thru the verses and then repeat the meaty riff every so often. I cannot understand how this does not sound like Master of Puppets or And Justice For All to you

Yeah, 80's Metallica if they made literally zero memorable songs or memorable or enjoyable riffs to sit through. No good

Shut up boomer

Reprobate degenerate

Same fag

why would anyone will prefer this album over any other trash metal album. They bring absoloutley nothing new to the genre.

eat me, cunt

i've been shitting on gizz since 2017
metallica is shit too

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Anti-Fantano drones are just as bad as Pro-Fantano drones. You guys are boring and predictable. You should get actual personalities and opinions.


Love how these guys always come out of the woodwork IN fantano threads. You're not fooling anyone: kill yourselves, mindless normalfag cunts.

Youre such a special snowflake, Im really sorry i hurt your feelings by calling you anoying. Please forgive me ;(((((

Nobody cares about Fartano anymore

because it's fun, it doesn't take it self seriously, and it's well made with killer riffs. it's a great album.

There's not a single good riff in the entire album tf are you talking about?
This is how you know when the retard praising it is a complete tourist

I get their idea of making something different, and i don't blame themn for it. If you liked the riffs and the album in general. Might aswell get in to more trash if you haven't got into it.

>There's not a single good riff in the entire album tf are you talking about?
I honestly don't know how could you call yourself a metalhead and think the last section of hell wasn't great.

I listened almost exclusively to thrash and nwobhm back in middle school and high school. I can tell you most of it is derivative and uninventive as hell. king gizzard made something great, get over yourselves.

The album is a 6 at best because they tried a new thing for them, but does nothing memorable or particularly good in the genre. Fantano is deluded. Maybe listening so many (c)rap damaged his brain for metal and rock

Reddit has better music taste than this hive minded dumpster fire


wow you're such an oldfag
here, pick your hipster cred

of course he likes their worst in a long time but snubs the rest

generic zoomer trying to cope with the realisation that droning Fantano is for the mentally handdicaped

Is there any worse fanbase than this fucking band? They're competent musicians but every fucking time I see something about them it's either
>garbage "ironic" memeing taken to retardation levels previously unseen
>Fantano spamming
>Praising KGATLW as the best band of all time because they're the only indiesphere-approved rock band with any edge

>call yourself a metalhead


Oh look is the bald faggot whom gives numbers to random green screen albums in the background while having an ugly asian around and talkin' to himself by doing doubles, yes, in the end he gives a number with a retarded feeling but t.b.h not everybody brain audio card runs at the same quality and the like, definitely people will find his numbers rather idiotic for the same reason they will give a bigger or lower one yet in the universe there's no such a thing as numbers after 9, they just comeback to themselves so there are huge 5's and huge faggots like him.

Tool is a close second due to how pretentious their fanboys are

I like the Gizz, but they have definitely made some mediocre albums. That said, Infest the Rats Nest is probably their fifth best for me