2020 - 4 months

>2020 - 4 months
>he’s still an incel
what’s your excuse?

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2/10 looks coupled with a boring personality and tendency towards introversion.

Sorry OP, I've been listening to your favorite band
They're really fucking terrible

She's with him to collect that life insurance, cmon who thE FUCK is she fooling

What album is that?

Either that or she's got a really weird fetish.

but she’s so pure, bros

Not this shit again

not when she sleeps with other men on the weekly
off topic, saged

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Avoidant personality that no matter how hard I work out will never go away

I'm not crippled

I actually lost my virginity earlier this month. That wouldn't stop me from tipping that guys chair over though.

I'm confident and shit, but I've spent a lot of time alone and when I have met someone I liked I haven't had the self-esteem to get with them. It's shit being mental.

not fair he's way more attractive than me

How did he do it?

insanely good taste in music

she fucks other men and gets attention and money from being with him.

This, I mean, is fucking retarded?

Cream - Wheels of Fire

Meant for


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small dick
not white
not a super attractive face
no confidence
I don't think women care about men like me

>even the depressed screeching autist from One Man Metal got a gf

based psoriasis gang

Have you tried dating your own race?

statistical anomaly. even if the probability of this happening is 0.01%, it could happen

represent. it's getting worse by the day for me too lmao end me

of course, I think they are even more attractive than all others. doesn't change the fact that I'm still undesirable for them

seborrheic dermatitis squad here. yeast infection on face and dick that won't go away.

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lol whats even this shit. i would take being an incel 1000 times before being a dailed crippled abortion that cant clean its own ass. its people reallly getting envious of this failed creation?

fuuck, that sounds bad bro. I have psoriasis on my dick and I can't masturbate since it hurts or bleeds

that's a pretty mean thing to say, user. he didn't do anything to you

my body is covered in brown splotches