Is it against the rules to have like a /mupol/ containment thread like we do with kpop

is it against the rules to have like a /mupol/ containment thread like we do with kpop
long overdue but would be a good idea

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Other urls found in this thread:

I support this motion

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/pol/ stays in /pol/, stop trying to give them a foothold to peddle their bootlicking corporatatist bullshit outside of their containment board.

We already have /pol/ and it's not working. /pol/tards are so retarded that they think what they are sound is important and is shaving the great white race so it need to be spread everywhere. It's kinda ironica that all' this MAGAtards care so much about muh immigrants ruining my culture and shitting on the streets when they act exactly like their strawman online

Only if we can also quarantine the tranny posters.

/pol/ is more culturally relevant than Yea Forums
bootyboys can't handle it

>/pol/ stays in /pol/
>proceeds to make political statement
The thought process of the left is laughable

/pol/ are freedom fighters, the counter-culture, the rebels. Naturally they'll be on a music board you just gotta deal w/ it

>they think what they are sound is important and is shaving the great white race

You're hurting my brain with all that stupid.

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You support the US president and capitalism, real rebellious.

>people care more about politics than music

>they think what they are doing is important and is saving the great white race
Don't sperg out for two fucking autocorrections

Political Correctness is the dominant culture, so yes. You are the tyrants and they are the freedom fighters. Deal with it.

But they listen to terrible music like country, synthwave, and dadrock

Most of Yea Forums will probably never leave it since they can't resist arguing with the fash

Based, could do with more country discussion on Yea Forums

fuck no

lmao freedom fighters, as if the same people who have the presidency and the most of the fucking senate, who have shown multiple times to have a preference for censoring the internet, are the freedom fighters.

>Political Correctness is the dominant culture, so yes. You are the tyrants and they are the freedom fighters. Deal with it.

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say it with me: jewish grooming gangs

No one censors your speech, yours is the popular one. Conservatives are the ONLY ones attacked and shut down foe their views. If you want to know what the left is up to, just look at what they accuse the right of.

>Political Correctness is the dominant culture
ok boomer

oy vey

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>ok boomer who grew up in times where not everything was racist and bigoted
Case and point

Just kill yourself retard

>admitting you're a boomer
Jesus Christ man wtf happened to this place why do we have Fox comment section fodder here now on fucking Yea Forums of all places

Ok zoomer

Great argument, you sure showed him.

>no! stop! you cant criticize stuff for being racist! why cant we live in the good old times when no one challenged me?
wtf i thought you were against pollitical correctness

come on just say it:

k i k e
k i d
r a p i s t s

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>boomer thinks we envy him for growing up in a bigoted society
lol piece of shit

Actually, libtards are the ones who pedal political correctness.

so let me get this right, the same political group who introduced and passed the patriot act and whose president drafted a bill to censor the internet. How is a leftist perspective more popular considering the vast majority of power in america lies in the hands of conservatives?

Source on the executive order Trump wanted to pass to censor social media:

You're jelly. Glad that your culture is dying and your grandchildren will be voting Republican, bahahahaha.

>Wtf you insulted Jesus/white people/the troops??? - GOP

Why you fucking political illiterate retards feel the need to keep spouting useless garbage that have nothing to do with the world outside of your bubble? Just shut up, or at least read something that isn't thinly veiled far-right propaganda before opening your filthy mouths.

then why are you trying to censor people from calling out racist stuff boomer

It doesn't, the left is controlled by evil devious people who lie and cheat to get what they want. They also control the media and are able to brainwash people into thinking they are being oppressed when they never get attacked for their speech, EVER.

People like giĆ¹ don't need an argument, they need a fucking bullet in their brains before their retardation spread anymore

Because none of it is racist, you were just told by your opinion makers it was.

>this mental gymnastics
He posted examples of actual right wing policy, you're posting strawman conjecture

holy shit hes not larping this is a genuine boomer lads

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>spews leftard propaganda
Look in the mirror


>Actually, libtards are the ones who pedal political correctness.
sure boomer

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>The media is leftist
If you seriously belive that the media or McDonalds are "leftists" because they did some LGBT right campaign or shit like that, and they are not doing it in order to cash in, you should seriously jump down a building.

Nice meme, zoomer. You make that all by yourself?

Look we already have a system in place to deal with /pol/acks and that's the visa system we devised.
Clearly that's not working. /pol/acks are, to a man, very bad posters who offer nothing to our board or our discussions over here.
They pollute it constantly with their inane comments, non-music related thoughts, etc.
They're flooding our board in caravans, believing that they are ENTITLED to come to Yea Forums to discuss their ideological positions even though its against the rules of this board.

All current /pol/acks on Yea Forums will receive a temporary visa to allow them to continue posting for up to 7 business days, at which point they will have to leave to return to their board.



I don't differentiate between types of libtardation.

Yeah man, your life is shit because gay can marry and you can't call people niggers

>more propaganda
At least try to not make it obvious you have no original thought in your head.

>I don't differentiate between types of libtardation.
were reaching previously unseen levels of boomerism here folks

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We're reaching unseen levels of libtardation.

nice deflection boomer
stop forcing pollitical correctness on people

Because you are a compete piece of shit that don't even know the difference between left and liberalism because you live in your retarded USA bubble and your brain have been warped by years of red scare and bad education. Stop spouting totally uninformed bullshit online, we have already too many retards around

this kid is going to shoot up his school because boomers invaded Yea Forums, I love this shit

the whole of europe (save italy) is under the control of pc liberals that want to destroy the european bloodline


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A libtard telling others to stop forcing things on people, you have zero self awareness.

Welp fun talking to you libcucks but I gots me a Tivo'd Cowboys game to watch a cold one with my name on it!

If ya don't like the chemotherapy, stop being the cancer.

as a european its a shame that this isnt actually true

>libtard gets mad for being called what he is
Every time, love it. And yes we do have too many retards online, help the cause by getting off the internet, zoomer.

>implying my point was about any of this two matters
It's like you are totally incapable of seeing beyond the smoke and mirrors

Shit i responded to myself. It was meant for

You can be a liberal without being a retard, look at Jordan Peterson

All bad in the modern world comes from the left, prove me wrong.

in 2019, yes.

but peterson isnt a liberal and is a retard

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You're literally "spouting" far-left propaganda, dipshit. All I said was I don't like trannies. That's not propaganda; that's a fucking opinion.

Also, look up what a TERF is before you start labelling people, dumbfuck.

containment threads don't work. they are more like breeding grounds.

Clinton and Obama both saved the economy from retard boomer conservatives and now another retard boomer conservative is wrecking the economy again, what a surprise!

Literally the only people who don't like Peterson are political extremists. Really makes you think.

A reactionary christian right winger who pushes far right conspiracies about "cultural marxism"? Not retarded? We have very different standards it seems.

>everyone has to stop calling things racist cause it offends me
>no i swear im not censoring people
the absolute state of conservashit logic

He is a liberal that shits on the leftist liberal. Look it up cuz clearly all you know about him is memes, probably from leftists he triggered by making fun of cultural Marxism and how weaponizing ideologies is destroying the modern world

Social democrats don't like him

Things the left call racist are not racist.

>being this proud of beating your strawman with the power of your ignorance and retardation
At least i can go to sleep tonight knowing that you are gonna die very soon you filthy boomer idiot

>cultural marxism theory
It's literally a Nazi theory

>its not racist cause i said so, so youre not allowed to call it racist
kill yourself pro censorship fuckhead

Glad I'm living rent free in your mind, Libby Liberson.

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Retard. How's the 2020 lineup looking faggot? Guess who's going to win in a landslide?

Your dumbshit politics will never be mainstream again HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

>it is racist because I said so, so you're not allowed to say it's not racist
Please stop embarrassing yourself, zoomer.

Not an argument Chapo tranny

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>talk about "rent free in your mind"
>it's the one so obsessed by liberals that he see them everywhere
Really makes you think

matt is based
fuck off redditor

Better looking than the magapedes desu

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Fuck off back to your subreddit
Stop raiding our board

>it is racist because I said so, so you're not allowed to say it's not racist
nice strawman boomer

Seeing something and reacting to it is not the same as obsessing over something that isn't even prevalent in your life, like you and your nazi boogeymen. Seriosly, do you have any brains at all?

yeah.. i think you need to go back

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>strawman strawman libtard strawman tranny strawman dilate strawman strawman cuck strawman sƶy strawman strawman

Bernie's looking pretty good, plus he has a lot of celebrities selling him to the kids. I like his chances, especially with Trump failing so hard at his only two objectives (economy and immigration) Sorry you are such a seething wreck right now though, its clear you can tell the end is near.

You're the one stuck in a loop with nothing of substance to say.

Lmao you wish commie

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You're a boomer, you're going to die soon and everything you say can be brushed aside due to dementia.

>strawman strawman nazi strawman racist strawman have sex strawman strawman incel strawman sexist strawman strawman

Everything that is liked about the west is due to liberals. No one's coming to America to see Cleetus brandish an AR-15 in Wal-Mart.

Peterson is generally disliked because he's a hypocrite. He advocates for steelmanning your opponent's positions, yet engages in strawmanning and lumping together "the left" often. He's not very removed from the "man's-man" subculture that attracts insecure young men with daddy issues. I haven't even mentioned how he lied about Bill C-16 and acted like a martyr who would be arrested for misgendering someone, when in reality ZERO people have been arrested for misgendering since the bill passed.

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It's true, I have honestly not seen a trump supporter in real life who wasnt either over the age of 60, a filthy looking redneck, or someone clearly on the spectrum. All the best and brightest America has to offer.

>there are unironic commies browsing Yea Forums right now

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You're a zoomer, you lived your whole life online and everything you say can be brushed off as brainwashing and indoctrination.

I love black people

Shit, Matt is so good at triggering conservahicks. It's down to an artform for him.

Good, someone needs to scare off the tasteless dadrock boomers

Lmao this is what Commiefornian scum actually believe
Your state is turning into a literal shithole

>he still thinks Trump is making America better instead of turning it into clownworld

The one thing liked most about the west is freedom. Did liberals fight for the country with their gay marriage and abortion rights, or was it thr guy brandishing his AR-15? I think even you have the brainpower to figure that out.


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friendly reminder kuck cobain was a disgusting junkie tranny and deserved every single misfortune in "her" miserable life

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>the right has intellectuals like Peterson
>the left has this thing

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Our economy is turning into a literal shithole because of your shitty political party, once again...they never fucking learn

Wanting to provide citizens with healthcare doesn't make you a commie. Getting injured while poor shouldn't be a death sentence in any developed nation.

Lmao look at dis dude

Imagine having pics like this saved
Literally obsessed

Peterson's a moderate liberal, dumbfuck. It was literally brought up like 20 posts ago

it was actually none of them cause the us hasnt fought for freedom in decades

>nazi boogeyman
Retard my post and tell me when i talked about nazi. Again, more strawmanning from your part.
>something that isn't even prevalent in your life
This is next level retrdation, la like a complete inversion of real world, you think that something prevalent in your life is what tranne do with their bodies and not what people like Trump or Bezos or the media do with your money, your thoughts and your life, and what is supportino them. I think you really need to rethink your priorities man.

Is this you

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>Did liberals fight for the country with their gay marriage and abortion rights

There's a reason court cases are fought with words and evidence, and not by simply shooting up the jury. Dumbass.

Nice non-response. Also, I'm not Californian.

imagine taking that photo
shit i forgot that you dont even have to imagine it

But the media told me he was a nazi

Actually it does every day.

>strawmanning is fine when I do it but not when others do
I didn't even strawman anything, you outed yourself as an unhinged leftard who goes around shouting nazi at things you don't like.

Because he shit on their agenda, he is a based liberal like most that are out there, the real silent majority

He's your typical Alberta conservative. Being vaguely supportive of gay marriage while demonizing trans people doesn't make you liberal.

Says the meme rap zoomer

The media are turning it into clown world, trump is barely doing anything

>Peterson's a moderate liberal

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This should be common sense but Americans would rather Jeff Bezos keeps a few extra million than fund basic health care
He's Christian Right

There would be no court cases or courts for that matter if the real heroes of the country didn't fight for it. Dumberass.

Holy fuck the left is truly incapable of memeing

>Being vaguely supportive of gay marriage
hes not even that
he advised voting against gay marriage in australia cause "its what the postmodernists want" or some shit like that

Fuck the troops, they kill Arab children for oil money. They deserve pstd and worse

The leftard finally gets beaten and shows its true colors. Been nice trying to straighten you out, kiddie.

>Amazing atheist became SJW
When did that happen? Last time I hard of him he pissed off feminists and was accused of rape

keep seething boomer

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>if the real heroes of the country didn't fight for it

And said "heroes" wouldn't have had the means to cross the ocean and invade native america if scientists/inventors (i.e: libtards) didn't spend their time educating themselves and advancing technology.

Eat a bullet boomer

Keep seething little baby.

i piss on the flag and jarhead ashes

You will never be a woman

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That's not me, but i do agree with what he says. Even though it seems irrelevant to the discussion.

it didnt
but the people that watch antisjw youtube garbage are so deluded they think it did

This thread is perfect, exposed that everyone on Yea Forums is underage, thanks I really needed this

I'm kinda impressed, you managed to respinse to my post with even more strawmans. Nobody here is calling you a nazi or an incel retard. Not everyone that attacco you is a liberal or a tranne or a nigger. I'm white, male and heterosexual and i still hate you. Not because you hate minitories, but because you are letting people to channel your hate against your own interests and the interests of the majority of the world. You and all you/pol/tards are the one allowing everything you say you hate

yeah and i dont want to cause then i wouldnt be able to fuck your mom in her ass every night

>if I keep saying strawman I will win the argument

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Of course it's irrelevant, that guy is a drooling tard who can't win a debate on the topic so he has to move the goal posts.

I don't want to be
Why do you always use this strawman when trans people are 0.1% of the population? It's highly unlikely everyone who disagrees with you is one and just comes off as a bizarre insult

>exposed that everyone on Yea Forums is underage
especially you


Because discord trannies have been raiding this place

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t. Faggot who thinks he is smart for watching Shaun and hbomberguy

lmao, saved


Sounds like schizo shit. I just can't stand seeing this right wing garbage be spammed here unchallenged constantly. Not everyone on this site will agree with you, doesn't mean it's all a raid.

Epic meme, did you get that from chapo subreddit as well?

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t. used to like amazing atheist but then he became an "sjw"

Everyone spreading their shitty agenda on a music board should burn, whether they are for or against dick mutaliation

>intellectuals like Peterson

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Not that guy, but Shaun and H are based. I didn't realize how truly based until Harris raised $350,000 for a trans charity by exploiting a transphobe's rage.

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Meanwhile on the right

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each one of those guys probably had more sex this week than you will in your entire life

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>lego star wars
>fake deus vult crusade shield
>maga hat

god what a dweeb

>leftards will all die of AIDS
Feels good man


>implying I ever watched that fat fuck
The only Internet atheist I liked was Pat Condell

seethe tranny libtards the right cannot be contained

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Nice non-answer idiot

>donating to child abuse cult is based

I said trans charity, not ICE. lmao

Yes, because they need XXXXL shirts to contain the belly fat

I bet you look like this

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They should be allowed to run free. Like the dinosaurs at the end of Jurassic Park 2.

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Trannies will be erased

rather wear an XXXXL shirt than be a delusional tranny lmao



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this whole thing stopped being music related after like 10 posts
why do you people feel the need to be everywhere

jesus christ
conservahicks are truly subhuman savages

>Bruins fan


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They've existed in multiple cultures for millenia. Even muslims/Islam recognize trans people. The more you attack minorities, the more they'll band together in solidarity.

You mean LGBTQ freaks, which are almost all libtards.

All trannies will be in the same place at once? Exellent...

Earth is one place, so yeah.

You don't have right to mock anyone after this

lgbtq freaks are fucking based though

lol niggas dont know daddy long neck

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>it's LGBTTQIAAPQRSTU you incel bigot!!1!11

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the fact that you are unironically posting fox news videos is more cringe than anything that could be in the video itself



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Why are you so obsessed with trannies?

What is Lars von Trier doing in the back there

The common cold (CNN) is bad. Pneumonia (Fox News) is worse.

the absolute state of boomers
i bet you even thought that "point of privilege" has something to do with white privilege you senile old retard

CNN sucks too desu, they shafted Bernie and donated to Clinton.

He probably walked in on his dad wearing a dress.

>beliving in corporate media of any kind

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I thought that fox news were the bad guys now, at least that is what cnn told me trump said.

cnn is right wing garbage
they are literally fearmongering about antifa right now lmao


can somebody redpill me on climate change?

its pretty based cause it will drown conservative boomer fucks in florida

Ice age coming Ice age coming let me hear both sides

We are gonna die soon and as you can see itt we cannot do anything because people are more concerned about trannys dicks than real world problems

>le epic 2018 flavor of the month fb boomer meme

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Atlantis irl

based tranny
fuck that digusting neocon ghoul

There's enough evidence out there for you to draw your own conclusions. But as someone that majored in earth sciences, I can tell you that warming & cooling cycles do occur naturally. But the warming period we're currently experiencing is occurring at a rate much faster than nature/life can adapt to.

>Self-Control outro

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wrong thread lmao

Just a reminder that millions of nazis were murdered by American men in WW2, and every true American is extremely proud of that. Fuck /pol/. Fuck nazis, fuck fascists.


tick tock boomer

boom boom

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Americans are gay lol