ITT: Post your favorite beer and your favorite album

ITT: Post your favorite beer and your favorite album.

>Tie between Bells Winter White Ale and The Veil What Haunts Me Sour DIPA


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> Spiderland

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Belgian Strong Ale Gang rise up.

Also Spiderland is gr8.

have you had delirium tremens yet?

>Hoegarden Grand Cru
>Grimes - Visions

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no. mentally noted for if and when I go on a beer pilgrimage to belgium.

Five points railway porter with news from Babel - sirens and silences.

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>The Doors - Strange Days

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>Elliott Smith - Either/Or

A man of taste.

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>Talking Heads 77

>MF Doom - Mm.. Food

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Quadrophenia - The Who

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>highway 61 revisited

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am i a faggot if i don't get beer? the only ones i can stand are the very bready ones that barely have any alcohol, for my money's worth i'd rather have a gin and tonic like my pops

>unironically my fav beer

>77 live

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I get not liking IPAs and shit. It took me a long time to get into. But it just sounds like you like German beer/wits. They’re are a lot of good options out there for that taste. My advice is to start there, move to reds, then move to IPAs. Beer is really nice to just kick back and listen to music with, the culture is cool too.

But gin and tonic also fucks so I get that too


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You can get it at most liquor stores.

Boards of Canada - Geogaddi
Ballast Point Calm Before The Storm

dude im belgian

t. cant get into bitter beers


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Meat Puppets II

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IPAs are overrated, but I'll drink a well balanced one on chilly winter nights when you're craving something rich tasting without wanting a heavy buzz.


Miller High Life
Tougher Than Leather - Willie Nelson

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Long Season

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Duster - Stratosphere
fuck wisconsin

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Kyuss - Welcome To Sky Valley

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