How the 2010s will be remembered

When the 2010s started I was excited and optimistic. It seemed like things were more experimental than ever before. The 00s had this depressing revivalist feel. Scene emo sucked, the garage rock revival was fun but those bands were just pretending to be in the 60s/70s, and the most interesting thing going was these wimpy indie bands.

In the 10s there were all these great noisy bands. When the decade started, pop music was actually really decent for going out because they were all experimenting with EDM. Odd Future was never that great, but for a second they felt as revolutionary as the Sex Pistols, because they were making taboo humor mainstream, and there was something revolutionary and validating about that.

Unfortunately, that meme rap thing degenerated into emo and trap, which are awful and worthless, and it's turned into the worst era for mainstream hip hop.

Rock is dying. There's lots of interesting noisy underground groups going right now, like Algiers, Death Grips, black midi, EMA, etc. There are also other good underground genres emerging like neocrust, oogle folk punk, and a lot of experimental metal. Maybe because the entire rock genre has gone niche, that seems to help more extreme genres, as bands like Behemoth reach near-rock star status.

Idk what the fuck's happening with EDM right now. It seems like it should be huge, but for some reason it's underground again. It'd be nice if DnB, house, and genres like that took the mainstream again.

So yeah, I feel like this era is muddled. Lots of promise at the beginning, none of it really panned out. Maybe because of the nature of the internet, everything's niche and specialized now. Trap rappers like Lil Peep will be remembered, but I doubt fondly because it's all such low quality. Maybe we'll look at it like the 80s. People say the 80s sucked because of hair metal, but people interested in underground music think of it for the hardcore punk, extreme metal, hip hop, electronic music, etc.

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it will be remembered for niggas

stopped reading there

>Maybe we'll look at it like the 80s.
Pretty much this.
Hair metal and synth pop is akin to trap.

fuck off, synthpop is great.

No it couldn't be that the first half of this decade is clouded by nostalgia.

I'll remember King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard fondly, but nothing else centric to the 2010s.

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death grips


>death grips
i laughed at that for a minute straight, good one user

>worst era for mainstream hip hop
no silly that was the late 2000s

EDM fucking sucks, OP

I like Depeche Mode and Tears for Fears too I’m just saying synth pop was a staple of the 80s

Was it better or worse than the 00's? I think worse but that might be nostalgia.

Me, and especially you, the listener. Thanks for checking out our music.

>There are also other good underground genres emerging like neocrust, oogle folk

Both of these have been going since the 90s you fucking tourist. Also
>Death Grips

Back 2 indieheads

What the fuck is oogle folk?

Another term for folk punk, specifically stuff adjacent to crust punk like Johnny Hobo and Days N Daze. Awful fucking music.

The oogle scene isn't that old, and folk punk has been going since the late 70s. Neocrust started in the late 90s, but it really grew and developed in the 00s, and now it's at its peak, with big post-metal bands like Dead to a Dying World and Downfall of Gaia. You're too retarded to be this condescending.

Nah, DND and Rail Yard Ghosts are great bands. You're just a piece of shit.

The 2010's was an absolute shit decade for music. Of course it wasn't all bad, but I think you nailed it OP. Hip hop shit the bed and rock is dying.

Only SEX will survive

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