Favourites Thread

Yea Forums's really boring this evening, so let's have one of these threads

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oops, almost forgot the template!

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We on that Little Kid gang I see

Sun Milk is an 11/10

Check out Gulf. Post Autumn Hymnal

its like early little kid

Decided to change my albums a bit

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thanks for the rec, i'll listen to it as soon as i can
ah, paedophile user, welcome! how has your day been?

It's been good and comfy user, it's raining today :)

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I'm planning on reading "anti-oedipus" after I finish with "history of sexuality". I'm going to have a reader, but how stupid will it make me feel regardless?
is that porn for the character or the artist?

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FUCK i forgot to crop it

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Preferably wearing spats/bike shorts


bretty gud music taste, interesting vidya choice
dismemberment plan, unwound, and built to spill are all great

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Thanks, and Uprising is just one of those games that does everything right for me.
>great characters
>fun story
>variety of weapons to use
>fun online mode when it was active
>good replayability
>amazing sound track
Only complaint is the controls, and it's poorer video/audio quality due to being hand hold only.

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+Hollow Knight
+Assassination Classroom
+Angel's Egg
+Snowy forest
+A Love Supreme
+The Prince of Egypt
+Steel Ball Run
+Siberian tiger
+Full Metal Jacket
+Border collie
+Requiem for a Dream
+Mother 3
+Space Ghost: Coast to Coast

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>+The Prince of Egypt
>+Steel Ball Run
Based. And it's just meant to be tigers in general lol.

i should update my chart

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you could like cosmic interception by von lmo
I love tigers,super based animal,also what is the second pick right after king crimson?looks interesting
I feel so bad about its fanbase,I also LOVE that game,especially papyrus
I only recognize the built to spill,unwound and sigur ros albums,what are the others?I love their covers
>requiem for a dream
why did you remind me of this film,good taste overall
is that lasagna?based
FUCKING HELL im so glad to see someone that loves Kiki too,my second favourite miyazaki film right after nausicaa

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The one with the fish is Little Kid-Sun Milk.

The one with the cut letters is Pavement-Brighten the Corners

One with the clown is Sparklehorse-Vivadixiesubmarinetransmissionplot

The first one is Dismemberment Plan-Emergency & I
One next to built to spill is Curling-Definitely Band

I love Lars Von Trier too,nice.Also pepsi > coke

>I feel so bad about its fanbase
The fanbase is your average fare of speds, if you post here you should be used to this kind of shit, I think the game is gimmicky and too in your face about it's message, you either like it or don't, I don't. Even if it's really well made.
If there's one thing about the fanbase i despise it's the dorks that think it's most innovative shit ever and will dismiss any criticism of the game.

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hello again
based animal/game choice
+pornography, blue album, downward spiral, spaceghost

and i forgot my chart again fuck

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isn't me btw
I'm and I just love undertale for it's emotional sincerity and likeable cartoon characters, among other things. I couldn't give any less of a shit about fanbases for anything

Here's the second album

elite tastes

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>favorite food taco bell
>no interest in drugs or alcohol

these threads have gotten less popular

sadly, they have. which is a shame, i really enjoyed the strange sense of community i got from these threads

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this is cringe i know

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bla bla bla basic taste i know

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some nice tunes there bro

doesn't matter, you're based for that porn

I'd hang with u all

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Everyone laugh at all these non drinkers