Attached: 1562703351207.webm (900x900, 2.94M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: 1561611996685.jpg (1920x1080, 234K)

shitzy spammer is seething

Attached: g1o13fzhe5o21.jpg (1000x1500, 145K)

Rosie :)

Attached: ECZtGBYU4AAf7DS.jpeg.jpg (1080x1350, 294K)

I don't know about best but definitely a very good body of work

Attached: chaeyoung-wave.webm (1380x1080, 1.7M)

nice projection

Attached: cuterin (7).webm (934x940, 459K)

>Korean sluts cheating on their boyfriends [ENG SUB] (1080p) [60FPS]

source of the pic?

oh no no wiscucks nooo that fucking whore did it again

oh you grabbed that too?

Attached: 1566314067737.jpg (1365x2048, 272K)


sorry wrong link


no that was the correct one deaf bpshitter

what did jihyo and momo mean by this?

I saw a shitty Adios-KtL mashup that didn't work at all. I wonder if we'll get a Adios-Albatraoz mashup?

>It's real
Downloading ASAP.

Attached: of course, busan.jpg (1755x988, 182K)


Attached: adios.jpg (769x490, 37K)

I wonder how kpop will do after Koreans get sick of TV like Euros and NA.
I honestly have no idea what new music is popular outside youtube these days, since no-one watches shows and radio plays the same old songs every year.

>1 billion views
but this is pure shit

Attached: arinface5.webm (700x682, 394K)

Her iljin status actually upgrades her

Attached: ECWA0ePXkAAAx87-orig.jpg (1366x2048, 292K)

>11/10 eyes
>11/10 lips
give her irene's nose and she'll likely be the prettiest face in kpop...

Attached: Untitled.jpg (714x720, 188K)

seething shitskin cope

Attached: 3873bf015bccdfd666efc35939f94f81.jpg (1234x2048, 239K)

korea doesn't have a million commercials to suffer through on tv though

ok I finally gave in and listened to everglow's song
it's fucking shit

Now that the dust has settled, who's mogging who here?

Attached: 1566248735175.webm (792x858, 2.87M)
>'scuse me baby

Attached: uJHOt5s3b_2ZxWT5.webm (1280x720, 2.63M)

Big Room House was the shit 5-6 years ago. Adios would be an epic Kcon song desu. Hopefully they come next year.


Attached: 1565065695528.jpg (720x960, 95K)

neat. then their TV might last for a few generations

Attached: 1565463722756.webm (700x390, 2.96M)

this nignog can only wish

How are my Wendy bros holding up today

meanwhile those two in the back grinding

More and more Kdramas are simulcasting on Netflix these days so if anything it seems like Kdramas are getting more popular.

i like her nose


Attached: DangerousDeterminedInexpectatumpleco.webm (1280x720, 2.25M)

Day 2 is amazing.

Attached: 1528947368691.webm (1280x720, 1.47M)

the one's i've heard about and want to watch aren't on it yet though

if the ones i've seen when watching music shows are anything to go by they just show 10 solid minutes of them at the end, usually with one advert repeated multiple times in a row

Attached: yeji lv.jpg (2730x4096, 1.69M)

right is cuter

you realize that the main yuna spammer (spreadsheet pedo) is an ujung who also spams bona, right?

that's a hell of a lot better than interrupting a show every 5 minutes

her nose is the charm point

Attached: ECJ-s_LUcAMeOOq.jpg (1000x1000, 55K)

Which ones are you wanting to watch? HdL obviously won't be on it but there are some decent ones there. The 13 episode ones are generally tighter plotted than the insanely long 50+ episode 1 hour dramas. I like the binge but that's just crazy.

I thought he was more into Dayoung and maybe Yeoreum these days.

Attached: ECQv2PZU0AAI2NQ-orig.jpg (2732x4096, 1.06M)

you're both wrong

Attached: Untitled.jpg (225x154, 17K)

the ultimate sharkslug fusion

Attached: 1566011610934.jpg (855x482, 100K)

Post pure waifus only.

Attached: Eun934.gif (446x580, 1.68M)

crying because wendy btfoing the entire industry for yet another album

Attached: D4_rk4MU4AA-MER.jpg (1312x1970, 639K)

a friend recommend w- two worlds and i wanted to check out sky castle but neither are there. those are the main ones i'm interested at the moment

Attached: 5H4B0559.jpg (3485x2323, 3.61M)

he still likes bona, see OP

replace the ice cream with my dick haha

my mouth

Attached: c0d9465d0756a5f43827e1f1bbd85f0e.jpg (544x764, 59K)

Attached: 1565562333135.webm (1280x720, 630K)

Attached: FakeEvilChicken.webm (876x1080, 2.97M)

i love her so much with all of my heart...

Attached: shark_knight_demon__-fullview.jpg (600x849, 41K)

Attached: chaeyoung-blue.webm (1500x1920, 1.23M)

Why didn't I notice her before? Shes perfect

Did I miss something happening?

Attached: ftqpg3woibc31.jpg (1366x2048, 209K)

gyuri tho

Attached: yerimiese_66398355_411586496229589_6577395305719710613_n.jpg (1080x1350, 231K)

Attached: 5H4B0674.jpg (3291x2194, 3.52M)

Honestly she snuck up on me, she didn't look this fit during Idol School and most of 2018

Attached: ECV-GCLX4AAR2q3-orig.jpg (1365x2048, 239K)

wendy carried red velvet once again

I like Gyuri but her airport style is kind of noonacore

Attached: ECJyacqVUAIn3gA-orig.jpg (1080x1616, 263K)

this is so lewd

Attached: ECZksu0U4AIHELC.jpg (1896x1731, 241K)

those big, beautiful ears aren't new, you should have noticed her from the start

Attached: 43085346_289140175265261_454529200101098467_n.jpg (808x1080, 834K)

it's housewifecore, that's what i like

gyuri is number 2 after her

what kinda fag doesn't like flowery dresses?

love you gyuribro

OP here. I've never posted a single image of yuna I don't really like itzy

Attached: output.webm (1406x774, 935K)

For me? It was this picture... good god

Attached: 1566074279987.jpg (1364x2048, 232K)

post naky's best in class f**t

best itzy

Attached: 20_572748_57970.jpg (600x854, 60K)

wow she's pretty

Somehow she can make relatively standard clothing seem lewd

Attached: ECVs1iXU0AAic6u-orig.jpg (1367x2048, 301K)

>he's still going
this is pathetic

me as the mic


Attached: 246f32f4f4e091fa304dce7f10d15bc3f24888.jpg (800x800, 51K)

Attached: 5H4B0679.jpg (2075x3112, 3.11M)

kyungri is pure

Attached: 1563802071742.jpg (3954x2646, 1.78M)

imagine dahyun jumping all over your dick like this

Attached: 1565735294518.webm (994x1324, 2.6M)


>still no cute lightning :3
holy shit 10 million in one day

Attached: ECS9AryXsAEYfz3.jpg (1200x1799, 337K)

Attached: 003_k28WbBu.jpg (2255x4493, 1.39M)

I noticed her a while back but she's had some great shots recently

Attached: EAJbmAWXUAIR0RX-orig.jpg (1365x2048, 281K)

Attached: 8c5c5953975e276d0363d0d3bbb9ffebe975e7.jpg (1362x1972, 265K)

mogging machine, poor yeji got mogged to hell and back by our squid

Attached: 1565559872402.webm (474x540, 2.86M)

holy yiren you fucking goddess

they're going to make it

so short, amazing

Attached: ECbMKVrU4AEiWHe-orig.jpg (1365x2048, 200K)

squid posters are the best posters

nice feet

that's not ryujin

subhuman profile, lacks bones

Attached: 004_N4VlCPo.jpg (2384x4393, 1.55M)

If they can get the Chinese Ujungs who support WJSN and the Chinity to buy albums and appeal to ifans with their music and videos they should be able to leapfrog a ton of nugus and move directly to midtier.

Alright, what are some good kpop songs as of late?

whats with the increase in viewshitting recently?

Listen to Umpah Umpah

Attached: 1566246763910.jpg (3840x2160, 371K)

Hyeri is kind of cute, and she let him straight up creampie her. Sohee is slampig material.


umpah is ok


Attached: 5H4B0680.jpg (1993x2989, 3.37M)

Attached: 1566296038_1482780.jpg (658x981, 201K)

Who tf was this witch at ISAC?

Attached: 1543795443195.png (203x275, 83K)

Ladies Night
Eyes locked, Hands Locked
Love is the Way
Kpop mini of the year so far

Attached: RVGyuu.webm (1000x562, 2.92M)

best photo of the day

Attached: 1566300099_1482855.jpg (658x1005, 184K)

Aren't red velvet members too old to keep doing kpop?

Adios and Umpah Umpah. Icy isn't great but it's not getting completely buried by HdL OST spam.

rvf day 2 was boring but i liked umpah umpah

Attached: hitomi call.jpg (466x594, 53K)


Attached: 1566300319_1482860.jpg (658x917, 171K)

adios is not good

looks like someone from WJSN


the visual of itzy

Attached: 5H4B0681.jpg (2122x3183, 3.24M)

holy shit Tzuyu and Momo looked so busted today in the vlive earlier. Didn't think someone could hit the wall so hard and so quickly


Attached: 1544388087980.webm (890x1454, 2.86M)

Irene is probably doubtful tor staying in RV after their 7 year contract expires but who knows. The other unnies will go solo and the maknae line will focus on acting and variety.

Attached: ECa0z8XUEAAWbsu-orig.jpg (714x1024, 62K)

freaking cute

Attached: 69238690_366227960714030_7463334986605304045_n.jpg (1080x1350, 187K)

just bought hush and reve festival day 2. i hope i get wendy and either sihyeon, yiren, aisha or e:u.

Attached: 1565178278050.jpg (1199x2048, 329K)

those are literally perfect

naky has nice titties


Attached: 1566271987132.webm (1500x1920, 1.26M)

Not pure.

momo's face was always fucked


oh my my my

Attached: 220px-Halsey_2019_by_Glenn_Francis.jpg (220x330, 22K)

her profile is actually cute because her face is so smol


Attached: ECYQQECU4AAaxHJ.jpg (1333x2000, 293K)

you sure about that?

Attached: qai6wpkt5o831.jpg (1080x1350, 192K)

I don't like any of Itzy's songs or singles so far. It's like they're made to be not listenable.

the boyz support lgbt why why why


google search says this is im yoonah, but this looks like lia from itzy?

we won bros

Attached: 1566259058838.webm (950x534, 2.91M)

itzy's songs are actually good, though. if you don't like them you have shit taste.

Attached: BONA.webm (1120x1440, 2.94M)

>1/2 a yiren pit
I'll take it

Attached: 1566272965826.webm (1290x1658, 1.45M)

why do you post this

it's the opposite. liking itzy's songs means you have shit taste

It looks nothing like Yoona

Attached: ECa68ZoU0AMqgIo-orig.jpg (1537x2048, 320K)

t. cultist with irreparably damaged ears

nice clavicles ma'am

Attached: [ⓓxV] “Oh 우리 맘을 맞춰봐” (우주소녀-WJSN){132784}.webm (822x720, 2.75M)

imagine chaeyeon wearing that

Convince me just a bit more.

Attached: Eunbi².jpg (1000x1500, 242K)

Irene will probably try to see if she can make a break in acting. RV will most likely end when their contract expires because of Irene's age and that she's probably tired of doing dumb idol stuff, although they might remain in name only and not perform.

Attached: 1566299561854.webm (1280x720, 1.07M)


is it lia or not?

Reminder that the entire kpop industry just got mogged

Attached: cubs.jpg (1500x2022, 367K)

very good


Boom. Did the nose give it away lo

or ryujin...

what's this from?


thats what they were aiming for

I like all their members (except for the token uggo) but they don't have 1 good song yet

Attached: 5H4B0735.jpg (2645x1763, 3.12M)

post sihyeon

Yeah, by Yua.

Attached: 1566319161076.jpg (1504x1128, 860K)

be nice


Attached: ECa6RmfVAAAp5_V-orig.jpg (2455x3928, 898K)

beautiful cub, I want to gently fuck her pretty little mouth

so red velvet are gonna pull an f(x)

god she's so hot

Attached: 1566288243254.webm (480x480, 696K)

literally who? never heard of her

Attached: 1566017142427.jpg (705x547, 34K)


irene still looks fresh, more power to her elbow!

the milktruck chaeyeon...


Damn cub is so fucking attractive now

wtf just noticed the crusty ear. I love her extra eye skin though.

Attached: 017_nyyW7rb.jpg (500x789, 360K)

Attached: 1544559041745.webm (400x540, 1.92M)

>1 day
Looks like YG finito boys

Attached: heejóculos.webm (640x618, 1.35M)

Attached: ECWMhxQU8AEWMHt-orig.jpg (1707x2560, 834K)

I wonder if she actually tried this before

what's the deal with fromis and their fucked up ears

Attached: ECbTVFTUIAATvMi.jpg (1142x856, 106K)
wtf i thought they were popular
song is good tho

battlefield acupuncture, and it's bullshit

goddess tier

Attached: EBzUrfZXkAESBRO.jpg (1920x1284, 203K)

ceo fetish

Gyuri has migraines and the beads are traditional medicine-accupressure way of dealing with them and the rest of fromis got infected by the meme.

that outfit looks great on her

It's possible. Even if they stop performing, SM will probably milk the RV name for all it's worth as long as they can. Wendy will obviously be a solo like Taeyeon, and Slug might try at being a Chung Ha kind of solo. Joy may or may not try acting again, but she definitely has a knack for certain kind of TV shows. Yeri's career depends on how seriously she takes her songwriting, and she can always do variety. Or she can hang out with her celebrity friends and chill.

Attached: 1564140042215.jpg (826x1280, 132K)


is that available in better quality? it's blastworthy

who's better looking


Attached: 1547054111092.jpg (1200x1905, 223K)

What makes you so sure?


Attached: 660142_363475_4952_org.jpg (1200x1920, 363K)

budget one replacement


Attached: ECVbrENU8AIVohe.jpg (2048x1536, 515K)

i hate what they did to onda

visual group

chaeryeong's legs tho

Attached: 5H4B0874.jpg (4671x3114, 3.23M)

mia gets 1/3 of the lines

every fking time

Attached: 1564155817260.jpg (1080x1350, 136K)

post tight fucksluts like YooA and Jennie

says the guy posting a group with a chink visual

EU and Mia actually look good in motion wtffff

spoiler that shit


Attached: 1562784738038.jpg (1000x1500, 202K)

cuz shes actually lead rapper, main dancer and main singer and also good looking

Attached: 201908191644770064_5d5a53d663dc7_1024x.jpg (1024x1669, 189K)

It's not awful but they still struggle to style and use her correctly.

Attached: ECZ50Q7X4AE9pf5-orig.jpg (1539x2048, 297K)

Less than Sejeong gets for Gugu8an and Everglow have fewer members.

eunbin isnt chink

Attached: D8G_WdEUYAAPXbw.jpg (800x1200, 105K)

i hate sejeong so much

busted shit

We would already know if she did

i like her but her legs are a bit stumpy mate.
her best features are her smile and the her speaking voice

im closing this tab goodbye

focus on the lower half

Attached: onda.webm (524x660, 2.54M)

elkie is the visual

Attached: 1564358793756.gif (169x229, 803K)

I'm still trying to determine who she reminds me of visually

Attached: ECaFNZqXkAALSkw-orig.jpg (1365x2048, 289K)

Can I has more Mias?

i'm confused about her and yena's place in a slutpop group

she'a a visual neck down

Attached: 1565887429708.jpg (1080x810, 115K)

Attached: ECTUDLBU4AANF-l-orig.jpg (1538x2048, 532K)

T. Flaming homos

Attached: iuyrterew.jpg (1080x1080, 1.28M)

Attached: eunbin12.webm (354x768, 545K)

i will say it again. elkie is the visual

Don't underestimate thier potential to slut it up.

Sunny was able to do goofy and slutty after all.

Attached: ECXFDhoW4AAvsmi-orig.jpg (1241x1224, 296K)

she's still #1. elkie #2

Attached: yujin flower.webm (720x1280, 1.47M)

her iq is small
she's clearly a homo
you guessed right
it is twice's momo

Attached: 1565443124371.jpg (500x742, 97K)

Attached: etwqr.jpg (1080x1080, 164K)

newniggers don't know what visual means

chad velvet

Attached: 5H4B0882.jpg (3399x2266, 3.79M)

Attached: tyrtrvfwe.jpg (640x640, 51K)


Attached: 251602_286023_1218.jpg (1200x1881, 767K)


Attached: iuyt.jpg (1026x1053, 971K)

Kidnap Yiren and then ban China from everything.


Attached: qwerftfkiuytrert.jpg (1079x1029, 91K)

whats the hottest cub pic

Attached: lkt.jpg (1080x1350, 177K)

what do you think about nayeon's profile?

Attached: s68dzon1xq901.jpg (1800x1200, 121K)

imagine that with yiren's angelic face

Attached: chaewow.jpg (1000x1500, 180K)

Attached: edrftyusdf.jpg (1080x1350, 185K)

Attached: yukdyfd.jpg (1080x1080, 125K)

we love purepop here

the one where she mogs chewy and mina (with cub's mouth open)


is that one girl called "iron"? what kind of name is that

they look better than ugglyz wtf kpg

babysoul subunit?

Baby Cubs interview
Google translate to read
Very deep

Attached: 5H4B0889.1.jpg (3775x2517, 3.69M)

Attached: file.jpg (736x736, 45K)

hardly an achievement

Attached: 1565950284265.jpg (1080x1350, 104K)

everyone looks better than uglyz (except blackstink)

It's very nice.

Attached: Park-jin-young-1.jpg (900x750, 72K)

it's yiren

Attached: 1565663947549.jpg (1366x2048, 264K)

Attached: smol.jpg (600x800, 109K)

Attached: 1527538474730.webm (640x360, 2.09M)

imagine clubbing cub with a tire iron

Attached: lolicub.webm (852x480, 2.15M)

wtf im same height as cub but i dont look that small


she's a lot shorter than her official height


gfriend are uglier because every single one of them is melting now due to heavy PS

she's been measured before on tv

so just like lovelyz but there's more of them there so it's statistically worse

NCTshit stole the win

Attached: ECa8zAIU4AA3ezR[1].jpg (951x520, 109K)

i know that and im 159cm (5'3)

you believe everything you see on tv?

not as ugly as red velvet twice and loona


Asians have very bad side profiles which is somewhat ironic considering they look alright head on.

blackpink thread friends

you had better be a girl

alright fuck off, i've seen literally a hundred pictures of her now and her hands are huge in every one, its not camera angles or some shit, she just has huge hands




and asian

they look better if you squint

i am

Rethink that statement.

Attached: IMG_20190625_185607.jpg (1679x2572, 517K)

uglyzshitter detected

Attached: 1556292638994.jpg (540x720, 178K)

>every single one is ugly

No account for taste, but you might need to have those eyes checked.

Attached: So-leader.jpg (1250x1667, 502K)