>mfw I'm 24 and never done drugs
>mfw I missed my chance to be in my late teens / early 20s dropping acid to MPP with some qt hipster girl
I want to go back. I don't want to be old.
Mfw I'm 24 and never done drugs
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You're in your early 20s retard. Lose some weight, start going outside, and shave your neck beard and you'll start to feel younger.
>he thinks he has to be le adult the second he’s in his twenties
Do you still live with your parents?
>mfw 18 and drug free
>don't regret shit because im not a massive faggot
feels good
No, I live alone.
Nigger, you're 24 and independent. Go out and live life. These are your golden years. Worry about being an adult when you're 30.
>mfw all of these 2000s indie albums sound so bright and youthful and optimistic
>mfw it was all fake and that bright future came crashing down around us
I want to get off this ride. The world didn't suck as badly in 2009.
24? Dude, college is still well within your realm. However, it won't be when you're like 29.
So, solutions? Sign up. Devote your life to social efforts and school efforts.
Join Greek life. It's a lot of fun.
Make friends. Hang out. Do stupid things. Experiment with drugs.
It's all there waiting for you
dont kid yourself, that was the beginning of the end
I think the major decline happened in 2011 when the transgender shit went mainstream. I honestly think that was the breaking point for society. I was a left-winger until that shit went mainstream. I couldn't support a group that actively denied science. Thats what the christians and right-winger that I had hated my whole life did. They were science deniers. When the left start saying that men have have vaginas and women can have penises and gender can be fluid, I gave up. That was the year they went off the rails, and I've drifted further and further right ever since. I was against racism, I was cool with gay marriage, I voted for Obama, but that issue broke me.
>voted for Obama
Everything wrong with the world right now is your fault. Obama's second term tore this country apart and we still haven't recovered. Trump is a direct result of the division that Obama created.
That was one of the issues that pushed me away too. Not the only one, but a big factor.
being elitist about taking drugs or not taking drugs is a really lame thing to be
I don't know how you turned this into a political thread, but good job.
I'm the same age. In 2009 I was the hipster equivalent of a lewronggeneration kid and it sucked. My classmates were listening to soulja boy while I listened to AC. I was very insecure but at the same time I thought I was above everyone.
agree there with everything you said, the moment that the acronym TERF was actively used by these so called progressives as some kind of slur is the moment I gave up, I can't stand the mentality of trannys
You're not wrong. That issue almost single-handedly decimated any sense of sanity the left once had.
Although i'm still a 23 year old kissless virgin, I have some really good memories of dropping acid with my friends while listening to Person Pitch
Imagine being this much of a retard.
How is he wrong?
Why was his second term worse? Most of the bailouts and deficits happened in the first term.
Implying Obama is the one who divided the country when the reality is the complete opposite with conservatives fueling it through their racism, race baiting and utter refusal to work with Obama on anything. Republicans have been fueling racism since before Reagan. The state of the country is the result of 30+ years of conservative politics aiming only to divide.
Politics on Yea Forums lol
Last I checked, conservatives don't put people in little boxes according to race, gender, sexuality, etc.
Conservatives believe in live and let live, as long as you abide by the laws.
>conservatives don't put people in little boxes according to race, gender, sexuality, etc.
Pretty much everybody agrees at this point that democrats are far more racist than republicans.
fuck off my board with your druggie fantasies you faggot junkie
Lol you keep thinking that basement dwelling incel. At least the Democrats aren't going out of their way to kill me because of differences I can't ever change.
Nobody is going out of their way to kill you. What the fuck are you talking about? Nobody cares that you're a faggot.
>going out of their way to kill me
Fucking schizo. Nobody is after you.
>alt righters exist
>white supremacists exist
>mass shooter who target non-whites exist
Okay Republi/conservatards.
>mfw im 24 and have done nothing but drugs
>mfw missed my chance to have a nice life , will work a shitty job for the rest of my life and die sad and alone
You could probably fit every real white supremacist in America in a high school gym. They're not as common as CNN would have you believe. They act like nazis are just roaming the streets everywhere beating up the poor minorities and gays. It's not like that. Donald Trump doesn't care if you're black, and he doesn't care if you like cock.
this makes me wanna cry
>be me
>be spic in Americuck
>19 years old
>currently studying animation in a private university
>going to be in lots and lots of student debt in the U.S.
>my mexican grandparents bought me a house in Mexico for no fucking reason other than boomerism
>planning to leave the U.S. and move to Mexico once I graduate
>spend the rest of my entire life making Mexico great again as an animator and English teacher
Music for this feel?
I don't wanna give you the "ACHTUALLY" horseshit, but have you looked into the genetics of sex determination? It's fucking crazy. You can have two X chromosomes, look like a chick, and still grow a dick. You can be XY and grow ovaries, as well. These aren't just random freaks of nature, either, it's just that the people with these kinds of disorders generally keep quiet about it, wouldn't you?
I'm a biochemist, and I've never felt like transgender people were rejecting science at all. In fact, the veiw of gender as a spectrum is pretty intuitive when you consider that nothing in nature is black and white, everything is more complicated than it appears and most man made distinctions (plant vs. animal, molecule vs. CT complex, etc.) are only approximations that fall apart when you investigate the system more rigorously
post your animation
Why don't you... just do those things now?
Do americans have an specific age bracket where they're allowed to do certain thing?
Because there are age limits on things. For example, older people who still frequent bars are mostly desperate losers. If they do drugs at a rate someone much younger than would, then they've fucked up in life and are failures.
That's a very healthy and definitely not autistic worldview.
>Yea Forums - Politics
mods, please just delete this board. it doesn't deserve to exist and hasn't for 6 years
>tfw im a 19 yr old qt girl who trips to anco every couple months
>tfw ill never meet op
you made all of that up
normal people literally do not give a fuck what you do unless they're losers themselves
there's a 60 yr old who smokes weed at my skatepark and everyone loves him
stop being a faggot
yeah but it's cool to hate on trannies sooooo
Stay pure user. Don’t listen to degenerate faggots. I say this as someone who took drugs through high school and early college. People who take drugs are not only unreliable, but are vapid deadbeats who have nothing meaningful to say. There are exceptions to every rule of course
>I couldn't support a group that actively denied science
why is this place such a consistent wellspring of nonsense? the left is siding with what you would consider science. at least make an attempt to familiarize yourself with the modern literature before you decide to become a reactionary dumbass
>I was cool with gay marriage
this means nothing now. aren't you guys against "virtue signaling" anyways?
people who don't take drugs are not only unreliable, but are valid deadbeats who have nothing meaningful to say. there are exceptions to every rule of course
You're Fucking Retarded. History will judge accordingly
I used to take lots of DMT, LSD, 2cb, shrooms, and dabbed a lot of hash oil with my high school gf age 18-22.
It wasn't that great. It's comfy listening to beach house on shrooms and having sex with the windows open on a summer night, but it gets old like anything else in life.
Take the righteous path, reject the sinful nature. Stay sober and become a Christian.
>wanna buy drugs to try them
>Dunno how
So fucking lame. It's the one thing you cannot buy in the net and you need word of mouth. I could get pot but I fucking hate smoking, I'd rather get LSD, shrooms or any hallu in general too
>you can't buy drugs online.
Wow I really can't wait for summer to be over. This is depressing.
darknet market, retard
I don't trust that shit, sorry. It already took me forever to use AliExpress of all things because fucking chinese. I'm just too paranoid
Isn't it easier to just go where the black people live and buy from them?
If you're paranoid you should not be messing with drugs. You can have a bad trip and do something reallllllly stupid.
I'm not paranoid, but I have almost died and gotten arrested multiple times on psychedelics.
black people sell really low quality drugs. only buy drugs from whites and asians irl
>I take drugs so I am smrt
>we’re all the same bro
Even if you take drugs as benign as weed it changes who you are, and you make life objectively more inconvenient for everyone around you. Drop the joint and grow up.
>black people sell really low quality drugs
Why are they so bad at everything bros
Psychedelics turn people into a hippie retards. What exactly do I mean by hippie retards? Go find someone who claims that psychedelics "changed their life man" and listen to them for two minutes, and you'll see what I mean.
t. guy who used to do a lot of psychedelics
who are you quoting?
well if they're a drug dealer, and they're successfully peddling cheap weed to white college kids at high prices, then I would consider them pretty successful
Since you know about the fact that reality isn't "black and white", you should see the problem with trans activists trying to "change de definitions" of man/women and creating a load of other non-binary categories, when this knowledge of the chaos of reality should actually tear these notions down, so one is just who he is, and this person shouldn't try basing his identity in any of these caracteristics. Man/Women would just be useful for biological assessing of what kind of load they carry for example, and if one is one of these rare cases you talk about, just put him in a third category. He shouldn't feel bad for that, it is just a formality.
Men and women are physiological beings with different hormonal profiles. Those hormones influence behavior and that's why certain behaviors are associated with only one sex but not the other.
Seriously, stop feeling left out because you don't do drugs.
Cigarettes, alcohol, weed, coke... In larger quantities, it's the definition of a sad degenerate lifestyle.
Get your life in order instead. Maximise your appereance, start reading, get a girlfriend who loves you, invest your time into school or career.
... when you hit 25-26 and your brain is fully developed, you can try some LSD or shrooms and listen to some good music or go for a walk in the woods. You'd get a more rewarding experience at that age anyway.
By inverting what I initial wrote that is what you were implying. If not you, then it was representative of a typical argument from a druggie
nobody implied that they're smart or that everyone is the same
You raise a good point, and yeah I don't agree with trans activists who invent a new gender just so they have a team to get behind. But instead of "man", "woman" and "other" as three separate categories, I think it makes way more sense to put everyone on a spectrum between the pure, platonic form of 100% masculinity and that of 100% femininity. It's easy to see how everyone, cis or trans, is going to take a different position on the line, and their ratio of masculinity to femininity is going to manifest in different ways.
I know what you mean. What I'm trying to say is that in order to account the existance of chaos, you shouldn't understand the world from a set-in-stone view. It's philosophical.
What you said is that men and women have particular, different characteristics, and that is right from your perspective, but it isn't the widest one, for it meets the "anomalies".
What I'm saying is that a given individual, with a certain set of characteristics, can be classified as man or woman or whatever. This might be useful for science and statistics, but what I mean is that prople shouldn't care so much about it for living their lives or building an identity. See?
Ok wait till you pass 30, and your balls drop at your shoes, than you will know what a mess is go jogging while dropping acid, and eating a subway sandwich at the same time, and avoiding your balls.
Old age ain't a joke man.
Have some respect for an old fart like me.
Yeah I can agree with that. Every approximation is made for a reason, and separating everyone into male or female is probably useful for a lot of population statistics and shit.
The problem, then, has nothing to do with gender identity. The problem is that people don't understand what an approximation is. Conservatives take them too seriously and pretend to ignore all phenomena outside of the approximation, limiting their understanding of nature. Liberals spend too much time sweating over where to draw the line for an approximation and it keeps them from getting shit done.
It's no different, you just need to make money for yourself and have a bit more responsibility.
All in your head, can still have a fun time
> Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)08:49:45 No.89638590▶
> #
>You're not wrong. That issue almost single-handedly decimated any sense of sanity the left once had.
Listened to Person Pitch while on acid last weekend, it was a godly experience.
You are never to late. The amount of LSD bumper stickers I’m seeing in this beach area is heavenly.
Yeah, and I listened to MPP afterwards and felt like the soul of Panda Bear and Avey Tare were synthesizing in that album, especially when I heard the sample of Comfy in Nautica in Brother Sport, I felt like it was the perfect conclusion for music.
When was the last time you asked a girl out on a date, user?
anco is a shit tier band and their fans are a bunch of cucks