Lo-fi talented and pretty goddess coming through

lo-fi talented and pretty goddess coming through.

get of the way grieims and snael mail lmao

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She's a lesbian thus making her disgusting and don't tell me to have sex I'm gay and I have lots of sex

go drink bleach spamming cunt

more like she’s in a league where your imagination can run loose thinking you could actually have a chance

is THIS the clairo thewd?

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that wat we thought a bou griimes but she then hook up with idiots and then all th sudden with elong must ; clair o will go famous , just u wach

have sex (with me)

Look at this fucking performance. She's awful.

she's pretty good here ya dingus


they are like the precisely the same type of girl, but like clair a bit hotter

she clearely cant hear herse

>that stiff ridgid stage presence
She has no personality and she looks nervous. She looks like somebody invited a scared child on stage. No stage presence.

Diaper genius ^__^

> Gets better review than anything Tool has ever released and outsells them 2:1


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>wearing masks as some gimmick

pls user

also this is a clario thread

When did she say she's lesbian? Can't find anything about it.

just look at her

I dont think this clairo thread should end

She will have a long beautiful career

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Everyone know the king of lo-fi is Gulf.

Also Clairo fucking sucks

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clairo threads never die
one gets archived, two more will take its place

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Clairo is a whore

to you


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snail mail is the patrician lesbian


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she protec

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god clairo fans make me shutter. shut the fuck up all you shameless faggots.

you're going to be a pretty girl for us

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>more talented
>more lesbian
>more outgoing, dominates the relationship even though Clairo is a year older
>less selfies

Yeahhh... put those animes down, bitch, daddy's home.

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Sorry but clairo is definitely the top bitch

>less selfies
want more
>more lesbian
need less

Only in terms of Yea Forums and real life success.

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You tell from this pic that clairo makes her worship her bosom

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DON'T represent them as cool, fat wine aunts in the making.

This piece if shit thread made by a pathetic loser cunt, is just proof that Clairo cunts don't know anything about music and should be IP banned.

k, keep me posted

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in under 2 years she will either start whoring herself out for better press or become a drug addict. she even looks like a pig is way cuter