high iq edition
old: faq: pastebin.com/vHeAR1B
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This thread is dedicated to Riffquisition
I can't wait for chartcunt to spam the same albums for the 100th time!
Btw, how come you didn't get banned for using signatures in the previous thread? How many pedo mods have used your hole kid?
Why haven't you killed yourself yet? No one likes you.
Here, have some more RIFFS, faggot! lul
What are you bastards of metal currently blasting?
What are some of the hardest tech DM songs to play?
chad metal
chartfag make a trip I love your posts and wouldn't want to miss one
A lot of Arghoslent. I just recently started listening to them. Why haven't they put anything out for 10 years?
Robert Rich's 2018 sleep concert. Good shit!
Sorry, I can't hear your bitching over these RIFFS!
He's still here? Yikes!
Stay mad kid
Thanks for the (you)s btw
found it
Have some more.
Where's Angel
Shoo shoo now! Thanks :)
This guy really needs some (You)'s.
I love Devin but she's just so tsundere. FML!
Fucking idiots.
the only good post ITT
>I'm a fucking retard who gets butthurt over charts.
We all know you're doing this because you're mad we didn't like your shitty charts, no need to remind us
Ignore retards. Post RIFFS.
This is heavy as fuck.
/slam chads/ what are you blasting?
What's your favorite track off this album?
The best of the best, brotha.
>responding to yourself
Fuck off retard.
You know what pisses people off? Ignoring them.
If you ignore retards, Life becomes a lot better. Trust me!
The samefag is seething.
>Why am I getting butthurt over this guys posts? Maybe I should stop reading them.
Nope! Don't do that! You HAVE to read EVERY post!
Stop spamming.
Hey guys what's going on in this thre-
why is /metal/ so garbage these days
one word: shartfag
Stop whining.
You retards are the worst group of people I have ever met. I hate all of you.
If only there was a way to alert the mods that he's spamming...
Stop spamming.
Fucking idiots. All you do is complain. Post RIFFS already!
Post BM that has a good balance of riffpower and atmosphere, pic related
Follow this guy's advice and stop bitching.
Pretty please.
Ignore teens who just got into metal and post some superior surf rock instead.
that album was boring.
Fucking idiot thinks it's spamming for posting metal.
unsupervised children using the internet. simple as
>64 posts 18 IPs
Hit me with a counter rec my dude
Kill yourselves, retards.
Judas Iscariot is pretty good.
You think you're smart but you're not.
You are the reason this general is dying. Kill yourself.
Here's something very heavy
Shartfag's psychosis was initially fun to witness but it's getting old now. But with schools starting he should be gone pretty soon.
>s-stop spamming!
Are you fucking kidding me?
Notice how these losers haven't posted ANY riffs. All they do is bitch and complain.
Fucking idiots. Post riffs already.
Nice job posting entry-level babby riffs everyone's heard a million times
Yep, we still got losers complaining. Go figure.
It's "music discussion" user, see how many anons are talking with him about music? It's totally not just worthless drivel and an excuse to spam.
The Exorcist riffs hard.
What the fuck are you doing?
Enjoy the RIFFS, anons. These losers are never happy. It's so stupid.
>he's talking to himself now
Consider therapy my dude
I thought it's all about riffs...
No one can help you but yourself.
Other people can help you if you accept it. Other than that, it's all up to you.
It is. Post them.
Shartfag people would tolerate you a lot more if you just posted all your links in one single post.
If it makes you feel better.
why is he called shart?
You do realise that the only reason he spams is because he thinks it's trolling, right?
Why do you care so much? It's just text on a screen.
Are you really that butthurt over seeing text? That doesn't make any sense.
loving this band's older stuff
Hail Horror Hail is a really good album
Does Ventor still sing this live?
He's being doing it since the start, he's a fucking schizo
Too bad he's too much of a fucking entre level motherfucking retard to even discover his would-be new favorite metal band, the Italian band Schizo
Stay mad, kiddo. The only person who needs therapy is you. Idiot.
Thanks for the rec. I'll check 'em out.
You said this was space related, it sounds like two hogs fucjing and saying HURR HURR HURR HURR HURR HURR HURR
that's literally every death metal song ever
Sounds like death metal is not for you.
infinite interstellar genocide
>listens to death metal
>complains about hog sex noises
Holy shit
It's a fucking black metal album you fucking RETARD/S
this album has more variety to it than just HURR HUR HURR HURR HURR
Post legendary albums with lame covers
>Doesn't realize the frog voice makes more sense in Lovecraft lore.
And of course a black metal album isn't more varied than a Death Metal album.
Come on now, this is peak Spooky white stuff aesthetic.
Disgorge, Devourment, Cephalotripsy. What's next?
>30% chance of this being a real name.
>Google it.
>It is.
>Slam Worldwide
Not metal
try something that doesn't suck
Also not metal
Kill yourselves
Such as?
little baby shartfag wanna get spoonfed?
lol sensitive much?
>Don't post recs in the /meta/l thread! It's spoon feeding!
Stop looking for excuses.
You are fucking cancer to this general. Kill yourself already you useless piece of shit.
Thoughts on Fleshgod Apocalypse?
Fucking idiot.
You mad? Start spamming your shitty entry level albums again.
I will! Thank you very much!
Have some more you stupid whiny faggot!
Fucking stupid attention whore. Kill yourself.
You should expand your taste shartanon, listen to something you wouldn't listen to otherwise.
>I'm a whiny bitch who does nothing but complain! Look at me! I am so cool!
Shut your fucking mouth. You have nothing good to say. Useless cunt.
Your parents must be very proud of you. Loser.
It was some friendly advice, but obviously you think everyone is against you.
Go fuck yourself asshole.
Shut the fuck up. Fuck off and die you useless shit.
he's raging!
I'm having fun doing this, by the way. I don't care.
This is getting sadder and sadder desu. He's prepared a bunch of links and images and this retarded character he uses and he's been consistently spamming all that shit for 2+ months. And all that because no one liked the shitty chart he made in order to fit in.
If he wasn't so obsessed and mad with this place, he could have actually accomplished something with all the time and effort he's dedicated into "trolling" /meal/.
I get that you've sucked a lot of mod dick to not get permabanned, but you should unsuck it, it's for our own good.
Cry me a river.
Look at this whiny bitch. Fuck off.
Bring back Bongman. Shartanon sucks.
Made a typo at the end, I meant "your own good", not "our"
Sorry. It's just that one guy who keeps soi posting who needs to die.
Keep telling yourself that. If you don't care then why even bother?
Tell me shartanon, what band/album/whatever got you into metal in the first place?
I just fucking said I had fun doing it, you retard! Learn to fucking read.
Nah loser you're not having fun, you're a raging little child who will very soon kill your fucking worthless pathetic self, and everyone will benefit and laugh at your corpse
Do I have to come back and bully you until you have a pathetic hilarious mental breakdown again, you subhuman weakling, you piece of shit, you fucking scum of the planet, you little insignificant bug? I'll step on your brittle boned cranium
More bitching! Here we go! lmao.
There hasn't been a single soipost itt, it's just you spamming. Quit it with all these bs excuses, we all know what you're doing; you're throwing a temper tantrum.
Then why are you doing everything in your power to become as hated as possible? There is no fun in that what so ever, it is only sad.
Now answer my other question, what got you into metal in the first place?
Here we go, time to get yourself killed
Get a room, nerds.
all of you people who post on /metal/ are fucked up retards anyway you should be happy you have someone who appreciates the music rather than shit on it
Fucking idiots. lmao.
>tfw can't code for shit
metal for this feel?
Exactly! I'm posting metal while we have these morons posting soi bois.
Every fucking time!
he's samefagging now LEL
Keep telling yourself that.
Ok how old were you when you got into Slayer? Where did you end up next?
It's the way of the schizo, he's been doing it since the begining
Next up: killing himself
Cheap red wine tastes way better when it's cold than when it's at the "correct" temperature. Just sayin
Also AOTY comin thru
Stop talking to other people and talk to me, you pussy.
Plus, that was obviously a different user. You can tell because he was being a contrarian retard, whereas shartkid is just a retard, it's a pretty subtle difference.
You have to be at least 18 to post here. I went on to Mayhem next.
I feel like everyone is against me. I can't trust anybody. Sorry if I hurt your feelings.
morbid angel fed cats to their dog lmao
Holy shit I'm drunk. I just drank a whole bottle of shitty wine.
Metal for this feel
So you're 18 or what?
wine is some gay yuppie shit. for me it's hurricane tallcans and black metal
I am fucking filled to the brim with hatred. I just don't care anymore.
I don't usually drink wine but I had some old cooking wine sitting around so I said fuck it
stop being such a little bitch/and or/piece of shit and people might start liking you. you might even get a gf user
Maybe I will! Thanks for the tip.
checked it's over for shart fag
Here's the thing.
I don't want to deal with the responsibilities of having a girlfriend and/or friends. It takes too much effort.
Here we go with that "woe-is-me" shit again
Maybe I should kill myself. This is getting out of hand.
You are fighting against yourself user and think the world is against you, but it's not. You are as worthless as everybody else but your sick mind won't let you realize this. You should seek help before it's too late or they will lock you up, and lobotomize you with drugs and throw away the key. Is that what you really want?
Quit humouring him user. He's "trolling", there's nothing more to it.
No one else can help me. What the fuck are they going to do?
You really think I'm a Schizo?
Fear Factory
How do you know?
>What the fuck are they going to do?
For starters, give you anti-psychotics.
Within Temptation
I feel hopeless all the time. I doubt seeing someone will work, but oh well.
Now I feel very bad for this user. Maybe I should kill myself.
>now he's pretending he's suicidal
Is this the next level to your attention-whoring? You're even more pathetic now kid
I know. I should kill myself right now and save you from my entry level posting.
Good riddance.
This album scares the shit out of me. The first time I heard this album was at nearly one in the morning, and once it had finished playing nearly an hour later I decided to go to bed. I sprinted into my bed, and pulled myself under the sheets. I was afraid to even get up and brush my teeth/shit because of how scared I was. I couldn't fall asleep for 2 hours. I love how some metal albums achieve this perfect combination between aggression and atmosphere. So yeah, you should totally listen to pic related.
Maybe but you can't know for sure. Have you seen someone lobotomized by drugs? It is not a pretty sight and absolutely no life to look forward to.
You don't have to feel sorry for me user, remember that you are your worst enemy always, but also your best friend. Don't let the mad part take over you, it will eat you up from inside until you are forever lost.
>eat you up from inside until you are forever lost
It's getting worse everyday.
Are you paranoid? Like everyday paranoid, afraid to go outside, afraid to be judged etc.
No. I don't care what other people think of me. I'm just pissed off all the time.
I got some shit to do. We'll talk more about my Schizophrenia later.
Wow, so he's just an angsty teen. Who would have guessed?!
>I'm just pissed off all the time.
At yourself or the world in general?
How are you doing chartbro? Remember if you have haters you're doing something right
You got me good that time! lmao
The world, mostly. I'm pissed off at myself a little bit.
AAAaaand he finally admitted he's underage. When are you going to start posting mlp shit and guro or whatever so you can break the rest of the rules?
Why are you so angry then?
why yes i listen to metalcore
croak croak
He didnt admit shit. Get a life
What the fuck has this general even become
based eldritch space frog
If you want to have your fake therapy session with him, take it somewhere else.
>that fucking file name
Teenager and a girl.
Thank you
I'm done. Know everything i need to know about shartanon now.