She will cheat on him

She will cheat on him.

Attached: Xasthur&gf.jpg (1080x1080, 73K)

Never date scene girls. And by scene girls I don't mean like emocore or that usage of the world, I mean girls who are into or involved with music scenes as a whole.

Oh, without a doubt. Can't wait for his most brutal work after it happens.

Nigga in the back is a ghoul

I hop not. Xasthur seems like a good guy and its great to see him happy with someone.

His first gf at 27 antics are so kawaii

he is a beta

wait, he never had a gf until 27?

no wonder he is into DSBM

>scene girls
this is so true.
men never change their tastes in music as they age
all women change their tatses as they try to stay relevent with younger females. threyre hardwired for this

This. No bully Xasthur, OP. :(

>men never change their tastes in music as they age
This is fucking retarded, I don't listen to the same shit I did when I was 16, and I know I won't listen to the same shit I do now when i'll be 30

Bet you’ll also change your genitals faggit.

>men never change their tastes in music as they age


have sex

More like 37.

Have sex

>men never change their tastes in music as they age

when I was 12 I liked hip-hop when I was 17 I liked Black Metal, when I was 22 I liked classic rock, now I exclusively listen to Soul, Jazz and top 40.

No he doesn't, he seems like an autistic retard

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I hope he gets her pregnant and uses her birth screams as vocals on his next album

They all cheat.

Why do you care?

if she's autistic enough she'll survive what's to come

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>by scene girls I don't mean like emocore
You're saying we should stay away from the girls in the 80s DC hardcore scene? Noted, but they're a little old for me.

haha which one is the fucking girl?

Why do all metal musicians (and by extension metal heads) wear black t-shirts and have long stringy hair parted in the middle? It’s really not a good look at all.