Right-wing Music

Right-wingers are underrepresented in the music industry, post some good right wing music to make up for it.

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When the right praises Ted Nugent, Kid Rock and Rascal Flats as good artists, you know they have nothing worthwhile

That's boomer stuff, I'm talking about something newer.

Most right wing beliefs are antiquated bullshit at this point in human development. It takes a limied thought capacity to still believe in God, and limited minds make limited music

>right wing music
Pick one

Yeah yeah, we already know the memes. It's ironic for you to speak about creativity when you're repeating one of the oldest and most tired sentiments out there.

johnny rebel

Which is your limited belief
It's limited to think people can't believe whatever they want and still be unlimited in their think
Prince believed in God, and it did not limit his musical creativity. Music and beliefs don't have to be married. That is your limited perspective that they are

>christian music

The right wingers aren't making music because they're the ones that actually own the labels and are making all of the money.

I just googled "worst hillbilly music"

>right wing
I mean economically sure

>not right wing

>common sense sucks because it's common sense
I'll put it two ways for you: you're either going to hell, or there is no hell. Pick one


Why do you feel the need to politicize music, an art form? Are you insecure about your political views? Be honest.
I personally hate it when people try to push their (99% of the time shitty) agenda via music. Does anyone else feel this way or am I a dumb roastie for thinking that?

Right wing music is legit way worse than the left. Most artists lean left, just the facts. Right wingers are more likely to pursue some office job than an artistic endeavor.

You're right, all that should matter is how the music sounds

They are the silent majority, so look for whoever is quiet about politics and then dig and see if it's not because they have said they don't pay attention, i.e. Rivers Cuomo knows zero politically; some people can't deal with it. Religious views have nothing to do with whether you're right wing, dipshits. Mayor Pete believes in God. Obama claims to be Christian. Their are plenty of right or alt-right or not right but lied about (Joe Rogan) who are not religious at all. You're never going to know most actors or musicians who are on the right because it would fuck up their career.

Kid Cock and Rascal Flats suck, but only non guitar players think Nugent isn't a good artist.

Redditors are underrepresented in the music industry, post some good reddit music to make up for it.

Artistic expression should be about cool sounding riffs and and being good at audio mixing, trying to put any type of social or political commentary into your music is obviously for faggots.

reminder that libtards still have no proof that god isn't real

>right wing
lol no

the right DOES have billy corgan though

>le pentatonic
Nugent is in the same league as Santana as far as pre-neo classical metal guitarists go. Definitely nothing special

Any composer from before the time firetruckers ruined western art music. Leftoids can circlejerk about how doing three chord basedshit "requires empathy and human compassion," fact is, they have to reach for nationalist republicans to claim someone at least somewhat musically competent.


Learn to read, moron. Rivers does not partake in politics, he didn't know ANYTHING when asked so his being silent is due to that. The point was the people who say "I don't like to talk about politics" might ne right wing and don't want to ruin their career in ultra-liberal LA.

Meanwhile, Kurt despised right wingers, so you can keep le whiny bald man

I bet you couldn't play his solos or come up with better original ones.

Afaik in some interview for a foreign magazine Peter Steele said liberals, communists, and leftists in general are pigs and need to be massacred.

That's true.
I'm a "libtard" but I don't want my music to be poisoned with SJW propaganda and shit. I don't stand for any of that.
I have infinitely more respect for people with different stances on things that know when it's appropriate to debate than I do for Idles for example. I like their sound but holy shit. I went to their concert during the recent festival in Hungary called Sziget because my brother wanted to join the mosh pit. In between songs their frontman would start actual fucking monologues telling everyone he's a feminist and shit.
Who goes to a concert to listen to some twat talk about politics? I swear to god someone's paying them to spread this plague.

Too lazy to spellcheck

Kurt sogay? Nerdvana? Yeah idgaf jew

>I bet you couldn't play his solos
Can, but I'm some anonymous dipshit on a Chinese image board so you'd never really know. Right place at the right time, EVH made Ted Nu-male irrelevant

that's been going on forever, fucking u2 were famous for doing liberal political rants during shows to change the world. I blame those cunts

Reminder people who actually apply political parties to their identity are all idiots being hoodwinked.

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As if we didn't need another reason to hate U2. Yeah they're the epitome of rich posturing corporate douchebags


Politics is just things to keep the people divided and foolish, and put your truat in men when none of them can do nothing for you

good post


Not a fan of atmoshit like Burzum, but I love this. Famine is one of the most exciting and provocative artists alive.

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Israel is run entirely by conservative ethnostaters.

all non-abstract art is political


Absolute snake behavior. Though back then internet wasn't a thing so music was technically the best way to spread your political views. But nowadays, it's not necessary anymore. If you want to be a politic fucking go for it, but don't try to indoctrinate kids by "cleverly hiding" your garbage propaganda in the music you make or try to sell it as a combo, i.e. "Come to our concert - get music as well as some shit speech about how we have to tear down the UK government or something."
BTW he ACTUALLY talked about that at one point. The absolute imbecile started talking about UK ministers and how "we must fight them".
>WTF I hate music now

>Death In June
>ROME (he's actually a leftie but his latest album is a big "fuck you" against "refugees" swarming europe)
>Der Blutharsch
>Genocide Organ
>Survival Unit
>NON/Boyd Rice
>Haus Arafna
>November Növelet

>neofolk, industrial, and metal
get some variety senpai

all of mine

what do you want, right wing kammermusik?

Good point, except there's different kinds of politics in music. You can spread a positive message like "Make love, not war" or "Don't judge people by the color of their skin" or some shit. What people like Idles are doing, is aggressive in-your-face propaganda and to anyone who isn't a part of their wittle cwub (safespace) it's really fucking annoying.

I think most levelheaded people agree on this matter, so I don't even think this conversation was all that necessary. I personally wanted to share tje experience I had with the dumpster of a band that is Idles. Don't really have anything else to say. Besides I feel like everyone would be happier deep down if we didn't bring all this shit to Yea Forums.

Roxy Music, David Bowie, most of black metal, Kate Bush, Frank Zappa, Magma, Ian Curtis, Rush, Dave Mustaine.

Not bad but it's rarer than the left
Bowie is debatable, thin white duke was a character
At least you didn't include Morrissey just because he's right wing on only one issue (immigration)

>kate bush

Right wing women don't shave their Bush.

what are some far-left musicians/groups ?

i’m aware (and are a fan) of gy!be and stereolab, even though anarchism is for children.

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Where can I find these girls


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>please stop calling me out for my bullshit

you realize there are multiple schools and varying degrees of right-wing thought? he’s a fucking right-libertarian alex jones nut.

Gang of Four, Death Grips, Swans, Pop Group, Ministry, Les Rallizes dénudés, The Coup

So a left winger? Other than the FEMA camp stuff Dave has been pretty anti-gun, anti-government involvement, pro equal rights in his music

Right libertarians are pro capitalist, big business, deregulation, low tax for millionaires etc though so not really left

Alice Cooper
Iggy Pop
Johnny Ramone
Gene Simmons
The Beach Boys
Moe Tucker (Velvet Underground)
Kate Bush
Ted Nugent
Kid Rock
Meat Loaf
Ian Curtis (Joy Division)

sounds like a lot of neolibs I know desu

he supported rick santorum, praises alex jones, is against illegal immigration, is a fucking christian, he’s a right-libertarian. if he’s anti-gun, idk what to say, right-wingers aren’t known for being educated or consistent.

associating all of “the left” with heavy government involvement and the right with the converse is a typical americunt rookie mistake.

The Beach Boys considered playing Trump's inauguration. Johnny Ramone was a big supporter of Bush. Moe Tucker is a Tea Party conservative. Ian Curtis loved Thatcher. Did I ruin your argument yet? You can be a creative genuis and be conservative. Grow up, guys

Dave is an American, nobody gives a fuck if he's left or right wing by some noname shithole's standards, enjoy your 150 ping and brown tap water.

James openly used to wear Nazi t shirts.

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assuming america is the only nation on earth is also typical of americans :)
and incidentally, this entire thread is about supposedly right-wing music, so what the fuck are you on about? go take your meds.

>some noname shithole's standards
You mean the entirety of political academia?

nick bertke aka pogo is definitely right wing or at least anti sjw (which almost ruined his career)

he definitely hates women and minorities which makes him pretty based in my eyes even though i don't understand how you can make happy music like he does and still have so much anger inside of you


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Link me a political academic that holds American citizens up to the political scale of a foreign country in order to prove a point. You're talking about the absolute pinnacle of sub-80 IQ dishonest political bait right now.

>hating women makes you based
I miss the classic brand of self-hating Yea Forums permavirgins, you new age incels are ridiculous

that’s exactly the point, america is a unique dystopia whose citizens have next to no actual understanding of real political metric (see: the fact that most americans see any real difference between republicans and democrats)

>political academic
Lol this is super gay. Your opinion is just an opinion, buddy. You hate America. You don't realize America is a melting pot of the whole world. We are as good as bad anyone over here. Don't believe what you see on TV or read in the paper. America is very cool. Your resentment kinda makes you look like a jerkoff. Whatever point you were making is destroyed by your hatred

Many countries have a unique political metric. You're literally projecting your views about how absolute and applicable your country's politics are onto Americans right now.

Are you having a stroke?

i think it's seriously not possible to be a heterosexual man and not hate women at least a bit

i'm not an incel btw, i don't think you can truly develop a real distaste of women until you dated and had sex with a couple of them

>most americans
don't presume to know what most americans know or don't know. i think you truly watch too many movies. you know absolutely nothing about what this country is like.

It's retarded to hate women when you've probably been fucked over in life by more men than women, but you don't hold men responsible for it.

>i don't think you can truly develop a real distaste of women until you dated and had sex with a couple of them
Of course you can. It might be a different type of hatred from your own, but it still exists.

>at this point in human development
Imagine still unironically believing in progressivism. The tenants of God are the foundations of reality, sweaty. You're probably a sodomite tranny. Keep coping until the grave.

kill yourself, you worthless bucket of horse shit

this board is hopeless. time to abandon it

>this blatant anti-intellectualism
the united states of america, ladies and gentlemen. nice vague talking points btw.

the rules over what constitutes left-wing and right-wing politics are universal, and if you disagree you’re simply uneducated. don’t take it personal.

i’m american myself buddy, this country is a cultural, economic, historical and sociopolitical toilet and always has been. stop clinging on to your nationalism spook to avoid feeling empty inside and accept the truth.

I'm a right wing musician and my music has been given lots of love from people on Yea Forums. Funny how much libtards try so hard to believe that their political opposition is incapable of anything human. I've even seen libturds on Yea Forums argue that right wingers aren't human, because of course they would. Why is the left so blatantly desperate to control all aspects of reality? Oh right, it's because they're wrong. Constant cope. You'll come to my shows and tell me how great I am, and you won't even know you're complimenting a right winger and his music. Stupid shits.

>context and nuance are uneducated
ok public school boy

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>It's retarded to hate women when you've probably been fucked over in life by more men than women, but you don't hold men responsible for it.

maybe but because i'm not attracted to men i don't give a shit about them. if i want i can completly stop interacting with men aside from work and nothing would change for me. biology forces me to interact with women though and if i cut women completly out of my life like a mgtow or whatever i would get deeply depressed.

i never claimed men are better than women. i guess they are in a certain way because most men i know at least have some sort of drive or passion or interest while most women i know just go through life aimless but that's another topic, overall men and women are both shit but i only care about women which makes me dislike them a lot (hate is too strong of a word)

context and nuance about what positions exactly? quit beating around the bush and speak up.

No I will not be doing that because to be a musician is to share joy and love and creativity, to emapathise, while the right is about quashing it. That's why no good right wing music exists

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I've never met a left winger who is capable of love.

You're unequipped to speak about the politics of specific countries when you insist on applying your undefined ideas of correct politics in every conversation. It immediately outs you as a dumbass teenager that's never learned about another country.

Protesting for the children of people you've never met before being kept in cages is the definition of love.

you're a miserable cunt and you want everyone to agree with your worldview. you're mentally ill and i pity you. what you feel towards america is actually a projection of how you feel about yourself. you are a sociopathic toilet. you hate yourself. the country is nice, with good people. i'm not a nationalist to say that, i'm just an observer of what is good. you can't see anything good because you're self-absorbed in your own misery. your opinion isn't fact. we won't all come around to seeing your truth. anyway, that's enough from me. you're a keyboard warrior and will probably do this all day but i'm already sick of your bullshit. i guess it's pol invasion. i'm not coming back to this site anymore. people like you take all the fun and interesting discussion out if it. you're really loathsome. so is the incel itt, or is that you as well? all the same. have sex and kys

Literally all artists ever before 2012 would be considered right wing by today's standards

Gee if someone didn't know better they'd think Bob Marley could be right wing. Quite a sneaky post. There's nothing right wing about 'One Love'

Lol, is this what conservahicks actually believe?

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Thanks for proving you lack thoughts of your own. Obama built those cages you know. He also deported way more than Trump ever will. I never hear left wingers say they love their enemies. But Christ said love your enemies. Who hates God? People who hate love. Who hates Trump? Hateful people.


not an argument, coward

so much projection out of leftfield, i don’t even know where to start. i’m not the incel, i’m a marxist-leninist; i’m a feminist if anything. i’m not a “sociopathic” (not that i trust you have any idea what that is), i’m not miserable at all, idk you’re weird dude.

>i think it's seriously not possible to be a heterosexual man and not hate women at least a bit
Stop projecting.
>i'm not an incel btw
Uh huh

you should kys you triggered roastie. take a long look in the mirror.

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based chadposter

>I never hear left wingers say they love their enemies

*kysses u* :3 I love u Cleetus-san

For sure take any artist from the past and they'll agree with cutting off kids' dicks off, open borders and blaming whitey for everything

>implying both obama and trump aren’t right-wing animals
typical american, desperately clinging on to his llusion of choice — encouraged and funded by the ruling class.

Passive aggression is the opposite of love.
I never said I stand by either. I'm a true right winger, a real nationalist, not a Jew enslaved Trump bot.

Wait are you saying that Bob Marley IS right wing? One Love isn't political at all, why did you put Bob Marley and right wing in the same sentence. That is quite sneaky. If someone had dyslexia, they might think Bob Marley is a right winger. AND that he is alive

Reported for sneakiness

>not a Jew enslaved Trump bot.

So much for loving your enemies.......


absolutely not, it's an EXAMPLE of charity, which is not love, but a coping mechanism for all the guilt you've accumulated in your life.

>not a Jew enslaved Trump bot.
literally 1 post earlier:
>Who hates Trump? Hateful people.

based schizo poster

>Stop projecting.

i'm not. have you talked to straight men about that? ask them if they hate women for their shit even if it's just a little. i'm assuming you are a woman by your low iq post so one more thing just as men who are not trying to fuck you, because those men will never admit to hating women. ask random straight men, best if they can answer anonymously

You've got me all wrong, I do love the Jews, and I want the best for them. But America should not be under the heel of Israel and that's become extremely obvious.

It's love for one's fellow man. I don't expect y'all to understand tho.

>But Christ said love your enemies.
2000 years of Christianity have shown that christians are very good at forgetting the principles of their religion when it suits them.

>i'm not miserable at all
>i'm american and say my country is a toilet
you're in denial, or you don't feel emotion, i.e. sociopath


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Nice failure of an argument. I never said I hate Trump or Jews or anyone. My point is that I'm capable of criticizing the president, and the country, while still having a general love for mankind, including Jews and Trump.


Can't fool me. No sir-eee

>i'm not
Yes, you are, and this post is further proof of that.
>everyone agrees with me I swear guys
>and if they say they don't they're lying
Just stop.

then say “zionist enslaved bot” you dishonest cretin. zionism and worldwide jewry are two incredibly different things. i’ll talk shit about zionism and israel’s stronghold on america all fucking day with you, but seriously, leave most jews out of this. i don’t have a single jewish friend who supports israel, and for good reason — colonialism doesn’t represent them.

Yes, anyone who has principles of any kind will inevitably be a hypocrite. It's impossible to follow any doctrine perfectly. Hence grace, in lieu of law.

you act like america does no wrong and it’s not right to criticize a nation you had no choice but to be born into. aggressively stupid.

Yeah but Jews run the entire media in the states as well, and most of those ones are left wing. The problem clearly extends beyond Zionism. The best for Jews is not subverting American culture, and they'll have to stop doing that, either by choice or by force. But why would we force something evil to stop? Because we love who that evil is affecting.

Wow, so this is how christcucks justify all the shit they do. Bunch of psychopaths.

that’s bullshit. strong principles are the very antithesis to hypocrisy. i can’t believe you just said what you said, ask how i know you’re an untrustworthy, shady asshole who couldn’t even be trusted with a chicken egg.

>Wow, so this is how christcucks justify all the shit they do. Bunch of psychopaths.
You clearly have no understanding of Christianity. Christ made it clear that nobody could be perfect or even "good," except for God. He said he came to fulfill the Jewish law, because no man was capable of following it perfectly. Try reading the Bible if you really want to criticize a 2000 year old religion with 2.2 billion followers.

>strong principles are the very antithesis to hypocrisy.
I stand by what I said. Nobody can follow any doctrine perfectly. We are all in sin. All we can do is strive for perfection, but nobody can be perfect, which is why Christ came.

glad i’m not the only one who recognized how empirically nuts that post was. unfuckingreal.

Go away, /pol/ you have your own board

You all look like seething little faggots

Yes that's right, upvote your fellow atheist. After all, all you have is each other.

>most media outlets in the US are calling for working class rights and the dismantling of capitalist exploitation
oh wait i forgot i’m talking with someone who doesn’t know what left-wingers ACTUALLY believe

go back to /pol/ you lost soul

What a flimsy doctrine. If Christian beliefs really were this loose, why is there such passionate disdain towards LGBT (especially trans) people if "it's clear that nobody could be perfect or even good"?

What're you on about, madman? Don't you think that's an incredibly generalized statement?
First you said that all artists before 2012(!) would be considered right wing. What about the artists who don't even have anything to do with politics? And then there's artists like U2 that have already been mentioned whose entire image was based on the liberal ideology. Enter shikari's another one that immediately comes to mind. Plus no one argues that The Smiths were right wing at any point. What Morrissey's doing right now is irrelevant. And then punks. How's Bad Religion for right wing? Something doesn't add up.

>following the words of elite Jews who run the media will save me and my buddies from having to pay for things
I understand you loud and clear.

And then you started talking about cutting of people's dicks.
Like, what?

Your hands sneak around to my chest and find my nipples. Pinching and pulling them mercilessly, I'm focused once more! You slide a hand lower and grab my cock. Stroking quickly, you bring it to attention and I feel an enormous urge to cum like never before.

Again, maddeningly, you surprise me. You've stopped. Not your cock pumping in and out but, rather, your hand. You lightly touch my cock-head and then your hand is against my mouth. Opening, I taste the smoothness of your finger and the undoubtable pre-cum you gathered; I suck it clean.

You focus my attention once more with a hard slap to my ass. Your slow but steady pace now becomes hurried. I again have the feeling of building to a huge orgasm.

Moments later, I feel the joy of cum oozing out of my dick...but, there's something wrong. The orgasm feeling is still there, but, also, disappointment and desperation as my dick goes limp faster than it ever has before. I've been cheated!

He got caught bullshitting and is shitting himself tryna deflect. Don't waste your energy. He's only going to double down on the deflection.

Still extremely horny, I suck your fingers clean. I've always wanted to taste my white and gooey cum, but whenever I've orgasmed in the past, the desire left immediately. Now, drained but still frustrated, I'm willing to eat it all!

Finally, you speak and I know your gender. What a surprise to know the answer to cock or dildo!

"Tell me you're my bitch," you command.

Readily, I softly moan, "I'm your bitch."

"Louder. I want to hear you convince me," you command as you get off the bed.

"Thank you for making me your bitch!" Still engorged with lust, I've lost control. "I love how you fucked my ass and made me eat my cum. I'm yours to use whenever ...and however...you want! Please... fuck me like the little cum-eating whore that I am!"

your intuition is flawed because you lack education. i used to be a right-wing dunning-kruger victim just like yourself, not too long ago, until i decided to challenge myself that is.

you haven’t read das kapital. prove me wrong.

>why is there such passionate disdain towards LGBT (especially trans) people if "it's clear that nobody could be perfect or even good"?
Speaking personally, my "passionate disdain" would come from the desire to bend the laws of reality to fulfill a degenerate fetish. We, as fellow humans, simply can't allow the trans to have that. But, after all, who tells you the truth, that you can't change what God made you? The one who loves you. Who tells you the lie, that you can, in fact, change your sex? The one who hates you, and wants you to destroy yourself. Reality has laws. To deny that is to embrace endless chaos and death.

>he thinks socialism is somehow about not paying for things
Please read a book.

well that's a mean way to put it

I haven't, but I'm not sure you could convince me that believing every word that comes from Chris Cuomo equals "education." Because every left wing friend I have (and I'm in California, so they're all left wing) can only do so much as mimic what the Daily Show said last night. It's not a deep crew you're working with.

What an embarrassing stereotype

I keep forgetting how truly schizophrenic Christian LARPers sound from the outside looking in. Just fucking lol.

You are a true master with your cock and establish a pleasing rhythm. My body is responding to you and any pain has completely disappeared. I'm about to break my promise not to speak until spoken to, when you brutally grab my ass checks. You gently release them only to let them lightly rove over my ass and back.

My cock is flapping as you pound into me; our flesh smacking together soundly. My orgasm feeling is receding and the embarrassment of my tiny, flaccid cock is returning. Still blindfolded, my sensations and thoughts are all on me. I feel the aching desire for orgasm, the helplessness of being bound and unable to reach my dick, and the body-jarring intensity of you pounding away relentlessly. I'm so confused by my feelings I'm becoming distracted.

Your hands sneak around to my chest and find my nipples. Pinching and pulling them mercilessly, I'm focused once more! You slide a hand lower and grab my cock. Stroking quickly, you bring it to attention and I feel an enormous urge to cum like never before.

Again, maddeningly, you surprise me. You've stopped. Not your cock pumping in and out but, rather, your hand. You lightly touch my cock-head and then your hand is against my mouth. Opening, I taste the smoothness of your finger and the undoubtable pre-cum you gathered; I suck it clean.

>Chris Cuomo
>socialist, let alone left-wing
>I haven’t
i know. believe me, i know.

>shit flinging with zero attempt at an argument
can't say I'm surprised

>desire to bend the laws of reality to fulfill a degenerate fetish

But isn't that given a pass under the belief of "nobody could be perfect or even good"

>We, as fellow humans, simply can't allow the trans to have that.

Why would you try to dictate how others live their lives?

>Who tells you the lie, that you can, in fact, change your sex?

I mean, it's been observed in the animal kingdom too. Certain species are able to change their sex. Don't tell me they're breaking God's laws too?

>the daily show
yeah you don’t know shit you fucking american

Yeah, you're smug, but your politics are wrong. And immoral. But keep telling yourself you love babr murder and sodomy because your "loving and empathetic."
I never said that. I said it's foolish to imagine that elite Jews are on the side of the working class. And yet, every left wing outlet is produced by Jews who are richer than you could ever dream to be. Funny that

i don’t take prudence from people who unironically think chris cuomo and the daily show are “left-wing”, sorry.

also stop pretending to love jews while you pedal around racialist conspiracy theories you mindlessly absorbed on /pol/, it’s really transparent.

Serbian song from early 1900s redone in metal. I like it.

>But isn't that given a pass under the belief of "nobody could be perfect or even good"
Not at all. We still have the ability to say what's true and what isn't. It isn't true that a man can become a woman. It's immoral to tell your kid otherwise. It's immoral to celebrate any sinful behavior, like sodomy.
>Why would you try to dictate how others live their lives?
Every person in a society dictates how their society functions. Some people are more active than others, but people claiming that trans is normal are people dictating the laws of a society.
>I mean, it's been observed in the animal kingdom too. Certain species are able to change their sex. Don't tell me they're breaking God's laws too?
This is completely irrelevant when humans can only "become a different sex" through some doctor's machinations. When nature does it, you can argue it's natural. The human version of changing your sex is very clearly unnatural.

You honestly think left wingers from the past would side with the batshit schizophrenic clusterfuck that is modern day leftism?

>not even American
hard yikes
Jews are people just like me. We're all created in the image of God, we just have different intentions and destinies for our particular groups. Anyone's evil should be called out, Jew or otherwise. Also, if you don't realize that the majority of the political left in the US are simply programmed by the media, such as MSNBC or Comedy Central, then you are out of touch.

saying that any ethnic group is biologically determined to act in a certain way is the very definition of racism, you socially isolated dunning-kruger victim.


The Jews

The Left



conspiracy theories









left wingers












Some do.
Also, don't refer to it as "modern day leftism". There are millions of normal, non-retarded people that have liberal views on most things. What those cunts are is SJWs and antifa

also, music music, music

see? this isn't offtopic anymore

>saying that any ethnic group is biologically determined to act in a certain way is the very definition of racism
Well, that's funny, because I didn't say that at all. Although, it may very well be true. The "very definition of racism" is actually just the discussion of race. It's not a positive or negative term, even though you've been subverted into believing that saying "racism" is an argument and not just a buzzword to control you into ceasing to think. Jews clearly have a very distinct path for their people and always have.

109 times























you’d have to go through every single individual case of jews being expelled to differentiate between conspiratorial scapegoating and legitimate reasons for expulsion, something you haven’t done because you’re intellectually lazy.


sodomy and usury. every time

>we wuz good boyz, dindu nuffin

proof the accusations were legitimate, and weren’t again, mere scapegoating? you have a lot of work to do here, so hop to it.

not an argument. i’m holding your new fancy worldview that you picked up from /pol/ to the fire, and you can’t defend it.

the only thing we're hopping toward is 110

your "eternal victim of those wicked goyim's scapegoating tactics" trope isn't an argument either, kike
nobody's buying your bullshit anymore


































i asked you to prove that all (by your own admission here) of the accusations that led to their expulsions were legitimate and you’re refusing to. sounds like someone hasn’t thought over his worldview very much!

by the way, i’m not jewish. not that it matters, though. you aren’t very principled if you can’t prove this simple thing to me.









i’m not surprised that all of the antisemites in this thread shut their mouths. hold their bullshit up to the SLIGHTEST neutral scrutiny and they completely fall apart, every single time, i love it. fucking cowards.

relax jew, we don't hate you. we just want what's best for our people.











so vague and pseudo-romanticist. grow up LARPer

stop telling lies. that's literally all you have to do. God bless.

I liked Xurious Music - Who Are We? (by Richard Spencer of the National Policy Institute). YouTube took it down though...

Attached: who are we.jpg (1280x700, 75K)

i already said i’m not jewish so please redirect your demands to the voices in your head.

Whoever is posting codes to the Zion mainframe, thank you

- The Machines

(P.S. Sending agents to all other posters ITT and you will be detained for questioning)

Christian != right-wing necessarily.

The Matthäus-Passion is a very religious but incredible piece of music. The two need not be mutually exclusive and I'm saying this as a p non-religious person myself.

OP here
I hate this thread
please delete

"The Beach Boys" doesn't even include Brian at this point desu. It's not even surprising that Mike Love would support trump if we're being real LMAO

nobody praises them

Even if you try to push the narrative that right wing music is only country, there's some amazing country out there

Daily reminder that Beethoven was a liberal and there is nothing you can do because he shits on all right-wing "artists" combined.

What is the anarcho-capitalist version of Rage Against the Machine?

Although science contradicts most religions, especially Abrahamic faiths such as Judaism and Christianity.

There is not a lot of right-wing music because music itself is inherently progressive art form.

It’s hilarious when you see threads like this because it only further exposes their ignorance lol

All the most ignorant posts in this thread are from l*ftoids

>your ignorant “because”
Nice one retard

>artistic creativity is directly related to how delusional your politics are

reminder that they have proven that disabling parts of your brain turn you atheist and liberal.

spoken with true ignorance lol

the absolute arrogance of leftists boggles my mind. You see yourselves as morally superior to everyone from every time period before now

"they" meaning "Colin Holbrook, Keise Izuma, Choi Deblieck, Daniel M. T. Fessler, Marco Iacoboni "

In a way it could be. To be creative you have to have a sense of delusion just idealistic types of fantasies that would inspire creative works. Most artists will be "left" but that also means that most artists have no business being taken serious in the ways of statecraft or social organizing. They are the dreamers that you take seriously when in their craft, but not when they are going on about policy decisions.

I can't tell whether someone means left wing as in
just liberal or as in commie

True, but, it's not hard to realise that you can be care-free and experimental in art and not in politics, the fact that most leftoids don't grasp this is legitimately sad.
By the way, pretty sure black people are very socially conservative and only vote left because it benefits their identity in america