What do they listen to?

What do they listen to?

Attached: 1565846576068.jpg (1639x1323, 478K)

The cries of triggered roasties

police officers trying to isolate and radicalize them

based. women and minorities fear the sleeping wrath of the white man denied a comfy life

From knowing several of these guys, mostly:
-Anime/video game OSTs
-"Metal" but watered down, mainstream stuff like Sabaton, Iron Maiden, etc.
-Dad rock, but only singles and that sort of thing (actually anything just kind of on the radio as a hit, with a fair amount of "they don't make music like they used to" sprinkled in)
-really, really shitty dubstep, nightcore, and shit like that.

the smiths


country, post grunge, anime shit

I indeed used to listen to these, kek. Yea Forums was my first encounter with decent music.


Mind if I save this image OP? I love making /pol/ racists mad.

wrong, smiths are for Sad Chads

You may not save this image.

Is there a way to undo your incelness?

No one's a racist, you're just obsessed. And another thing, you need to paint everyone you disagree with as racist because you have no other method of attacking their arguments, because your brain has been brainwashed by late night hosts and fake news. I can't wait until your radical agenda falls to pieces and your terrorist antifa friends are behind bars.

I saved it but I just deleted it. Have a nice day.

If you look like those guys in op and have the toxic incel mentality, very low chance. These geeks would never get casual sex and rightfully so, if that's why they're mad it's not changing unless they go for literal 2s.

You wrote a lot but it amounted to nothing. Fuck off back to /pol/ incel racist. Have sex.

Maybe that's because you have no reading comprehension. Get hooked on phonix leftard illiterate. Lose weight.

Anime and video game music.

if you look like that and still want some cute girl out of your league you either have to be rich or fun, and if you're an /r9k/ poster that's not you

honestly I'm willing to be money that 50% of those dudes there aren't incels. there are uglier motherfuckers that get laid. inceldom comes from more than looks

These types want girls way better looking than them and think they're entitled to it, then shame hot girls for being "sluts" for not being interested. Of course the toxic misogyny, unwarranted self importance, lack of accomplishment, and creepy autistic mannerisms don't help.

there are incels that are quite socially decorous and whose standards aren't low
>creepy autistic mannerisms
you are getting there

Ugly people shouldn't breed
It's simply nature

> aren't low

Yes. Most of them need to start taking care of themselves, work out a little, get out more, and then the big one is mindset. Most of them seem to only recognize two modes of being, which is their current loser-state or an "asshole". They need role models honestly.

I never see guys under 35 with a girlfriend. Glasses are your first class ticket to a sexless existence.

>based. women and minorities fear the sleeping wrath of the white man denied a comfy life

Attached: vou5geks8j831(2).jpg (750x992, 118K)

>casual sex
>a good thing

For most of them it’s the hair and the glasses tho

the incels get very upset over things like tinder, virginity, "chads" """stealing""" women etc which seems like sour grapes from not being able to get quick sex

incels are the only heroes we have left.

incelism is ideological and not a state of being

>he thinks pol doesn't despise these incels
Welcome to 4channel, enjoy your first day here

They're not some righteous Christian chaste monks or some shit bro, these dudes fap constantly and buy camgirls/Thai prostitutes and shit. It's just bitter wannabe womanizers who are too ugly/autistic/offputting to hook up with most girls so they begin to obsessively hate the entire gender for not giving them what they want.

yeah they're equality of outcome types. of course only because they are on bottom