What's he listening to?
What's he listening to?
The matlock theme song because he knows a fuckin sick beat when he hears it, that's why he's judging us mere mortals for our shit tier taste.
cmon that was funny
have a (you)
no they were both me but damn it I'm so proud of it.
A mixtape of Jewish tricks
Stock instrumentals used in corporate motivational videos
King Crimson
Wagner? Actually, I kind of doubt that he is listening to music. One of those self-tour programs that gives you info on a museum's current exhibits? The audio of a youtube "how-to" video giving him instructions on how to accomplish some project he has planned to get done around the house when he gets to go home? Radiolab?
Anthony Fantano podcasts
idk, i didn't know old white men listened to music
hissing and other weird reptile shit
He's a mongol jew.
The sound of his thoughts mixed with the Universe's frequency.
The protocols of the elders of zion on audiobook.
Strikes me as a velvet underground fan for no particular reason
Rolling for potato
Hava Nagila
The screams of white children
Lcd soundsystem
the whining of conservatives
Is that George Soros?
reports of antifa's victory in portland
jews are white
lets see
harsh noise and field recordings
NOFX - Kill All the White Men
jokes aside old rich men almost exclusive listen to classical, he's probably no exception
crying babies in autotune
hoes mad
Oloff - Doing It Stealthy
He's still a mongol, though.
he's Chinese?
Pls Mexican or Nigga wizard get
Sotos, Soros, all demented pervs
The qabbala
My balls slapping his taint
The sound of white children being slaughtered
rolling for autumn, the best season
god fuck this band
yet another thing to hate them for
Haha, no. Nice try, though, kikey.
U2 are the worst band of all time.
rolling for rave
He was forced to listen to this song over and over until he learn his lesson.
no u
but that's not jew at all
Bono actually hangs out with Soros? I thought that was a meme. I actually like U2 but shit
Now I discovered why u2 "cares" so much about the enviroment
American IdIot
>I actually like U2
boomer idiot fell for the meme