Clairo confirmed cringe libtard.
Clairo confirmed cringe libtard
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Holy based. I'm gonna go listen to her music right now.
>implying this is her and not her team trying to hit those demographics
Protect them from money hungry plastic surgeons
Protect trans sneeds
Did you expect a person with a developing music career to say “fuck trans kids”? You fucking retard
peanut brain zoomer/millennial: protect trans kids. black lives matter. abolish ice. *deep exhale* damn im such a good person. im an activist
You really thought she would join the big leagues with Kid Rock?
The concept of trans kids is disgusting to me, they're kids, they have little to no concept of sexuality let alone gender identity, fuck people who try to push the transgender hysteria onto kids
>chemically castrate your gay son/daughter
>protect the yuppie moon goddess white women that do this
thank you clarry-o very cool
>trans kids
"And one day, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power."
Protect them from whom?
This is fucking disgusting. How about fuck Clairo instead. Let your kids be kids you fucking scum.
Owning the right wingers by subjecting myself to shit music.
she protec
>>chemically castrate
Hey dumbass. Trans kids are only given puberty blockers to stop to from growing into the wrong body.. They only get the heavy treatment when they reach a certain age. Blockers are absolutely reversible too. Do your research.
So many transaphobes, so little time
galaxy omega zeppelin brain zoomer: hmm yes today i will read urban guerrilla concept and openly threaten matt christman on twitter
Fucking lmao
at least she was straightforward
What a pile of shit you faggots come up with. Go die of AIDS.
no :-)
"Transphobia is no more." Clairo says with a smirk as she leans back into her chair. "My work here is done."
Transphobia is based.
The mental trauma of growing up with a misdiagnosed gender transition isn't reversible.
>promoting child abuse
people are really out there gritting their teeth through durian electro and hundred gex cause it's about touching dicks
Transphobia is Kathleen Hanna approved. How could the TERF queen of Riotgrrl be wrong?
God damn those transphobes, and their disapproval against people who increase their own risk of suicide by transitioning at a young age.
she's not backed by pfizer or military/religious lobbies
clearly wrong & a terrorist
TERFs are based and I unironically agree with a vast majority of their criticisms towards the transgender argument. Why they are so derided against in online discussion I have no idea
just like the trauma of being trans and getting through the wrong puberty, except that this one is about 1000 times more likely
>t. don't understand what I'm taking about
more like clairo confirmed based
Based. This board is filled with completely indoctrinated children.
Protect trans kids from their fucking parents
If only they were properly diagnosed with a mental illness that kids of that age can actually have, then they probably wouldn't experience the trauma of thinking their whole gender is wrong even when their brain is still developing into something new.
Who are you quoting
yeah transpobic parents should be killed
inner identities don't exist
lole chop ur weiners off incels
epic armchair science dumb faggot
epic slurs mrs activist chan
You don't need an armchair to see the painfully obvious problem with misdiagnosed transgender people.
Trans is not a real identity.
>offended by slurs
>on Yea Forums
Dumb faggot
For the love of Christ, far left people, commies, socialists, please go to reddit. Yea Forums is a place where humor is offensive and people are politically incorrect. I fucking hate radicals on both ends of the political spectrum, but holy shit, even the alt-right/incels on this board are more tolerable than you. Please leave. You left leaning people already have everything, all of Hollywood, all of the music industry, every mainstream social media company, they are all on your side. Please, just let us normal people have something for once.
>le by your logic
>painfully obvious problem with misdiagnosed transgender people.
prove it you delusional retard
epic slurs mrs activist chan
sure is corncobs ecksdee
More like NEGLECT trans kids am I right
>"trans kids"
>place where humor is offensive and people are politically incorrect
>even the alt-right/incels on this board are more tolerable than you.
seems like its pretty offensive then if it pisses you off so much
You're telling me that there are no transgender kids who have ever detransitioned because that wasn't the solution to their issue?
Y’all never stop, do you?
Agreed. And whenever TERFs argue against the idea of men claiming to be women to ruin female athletics (girls practicing sports her whole life to have her dreams shattered by a Brad going by Chelsea now) their lefty opponents just shame them by name-calling 'you sound like racist bigoted Trump supporters!' because they have no other real argument.
darn tootin partner
>That Sonic Youth video
i want to fuck her so bad. or worship her. or both.
>sexual identity does not manifest until the age of 18 and/or it can be easily changed anyway.
I'm sure you'll join me in fighting to raise the age of consent to 21. Developing minds, you know.
I also think we should raise the voting age to 30.
fucking isn't irreversible biological altering. why does this have to be explained to you? are you actually this stupid?
Pumping kids full of hormones is evil, it's bad enough adults are allowed to do it
there are some but every research shows that number is pretty low
its insane to give so much attention to a tiny fraction of a tiny fraction, especially when you dont give a shit about the first tiny fraction on its own
most people fighting for trans rights on Yea Forums are ugly trannies themselves, never forget this
They are more stupid than you can even imagine. I live around so many of these fucking idiots. They will never change. This will only get worse.
puberty is irreversible too retard
Children should be protected from corruption. As marriage is natural, it does not corrupt the sexually mature.
>Supporting children and young teens to make major choices with their own bodies they'll probably regret later
If we're talking about adults, fine, do what ever you want. A person's mind isn't fully developed until 25.
>protect trans kids
I mean, yeah, but I don't support children and young people to make such huge decisions with their own bodies at such a young age, and how it'll effect them down the road. Shouldn't treat them like shit though.
>Black lives matter
They do.
>Abolish ice
I don't agree with a lot of shit that they're doing, but if you want to come into a country, you should do it legally, or if you are illegal, at least try for citizenship.
Nobody wants those numbers to increase, which they very well may do given the confusion people face when they question their place in the now more broad then ever LGBT community.
lose weight you fat disgusting retard
cool blog post
Epic fourth grader level roast.
Does calling someone transphobic or homophobic or racist or sexist even mean anything at this point? These have all become such cliched buzzwords that resorting to flinging them at others seems like a concession that you have run out of real arguments. For what it’s worth, I am not offended whatsoever by homosexuals, transsexuals, bisexuals, drag queens, pansexuals, “gender fluid” individuals, feminists, etc. but I’ll be damned if I’m gonna waste my free time being an “activist” by throwing insults at strangers just because they have more conservative opinions on sexuality than I do. Most “activists” I know in real life are pathetic lumps who are $50k or more in debt from their sociology and women’s studies degrees and are just disgruntled because they couldn’t get a job after graduating.
Brandon, you need to become based and redpilled and embrace ethnonationalism. In the white ethnostate, you’ll be much happier.
Nice samefagging, faggot.
>muh suicide stats
who's to say the suicide rates where the same people were brainwashed into being forced to accept their dysphoric bodies wouldn't be higher in a counter factual? Bruce Jenner was made to feel unhappy his whole life. He had no positive external motivation to transition as a successful older male, but he had to do it. Some people have dreams for their lives that cannot be realized. And so they die young. As a society, I hope we will do all we can to ensure everyone has the ability and environment to be as happy as they possibly can.
really dropped trip off for this huh? you’re the biggest joke on this board you pedophile, end your life
Epic kindergartener level roast.
Homosexual actions, fornication, and desecrating the temples of their bodies in any way corrupts children and should be prohibited by a just society.
>As a society, I hope we will do all we can to ensure everyone has the ability and environment to be as happy as they possibly can.
I'm all for this, I'm not for people being against common sense. I've been chewed out to my face for speaking about how I'm for immigration, but I'm against illegal immigration. It's not hard to understand,spoken like I was defending ICE's fucked up tactics, and the actual human rights violations at the border. I was even called a Trump supporter for it.
Gay rights, trans rights, immigration rights, I'm all for it, I'm just not for the stupid shit that comes along with the shit and the uber or vaguely "leftist" bullshit that comes along with it.
Can my Jewish lover please come to the white ethnostate?
shut the fuck up pedophile
We're not going to go from supporting trans and gay rights, to supporting sex with children.
The fuck's wrong with you?
I think it should be illegal to fuck (rape) kids.
tfw even Islam recognizes trans people. Way to be on the wrong side of history AGAIN, conservahicks.
Stand by your principles. You can "hate the fanbase" You can hate the polarizing outrage culture that foments this ignorance and hostility. You don't have to toss the baby with the bathwater. Speak your mind, vote your conscience and don't give a fuck about ephemeral aesthetic arguments about how it "looks" to some people when you believe and act on something you know is right and moral. Nothing has to be a binary choice....yet.
glad I never clicked this meme thot's videos
lol these sheltered white shitlibs have no idea
Transitioning children and fucking children both desecrate the temples of their bodies.
You would have to be able recognize them to know who you're suppose to throw of the top of a building.
>desecrate the temples of their bodies.
this is some next level boomer speak
Her song "bags" is actually pretty good.
me under the bed
lol my boomer parents are the complete opposite, aging hippies
>protect trans kids!
Also libtards:
>ban guns!
I mean seriously, folks, i just don’t get it! I’ll be here all week.
Mike Pence is a muslim? That's news to me.
The real joke is on the person who took all of the time to illustrate that shit.
I said I don't agree with transitioning children,but where's all the weird pedophilic shit coming from?
Why not? If a child can consent to having their bodies mutilated, they can surely consent to fucking.
>Mike Pence is throwing fags off buildings
I wish your delusions were true
Clairo Donkey Kong stream for trans rights when?
Brandon you faggot, try learning about US foreign policy during the cold war in the exact countries immigrants are coming from (like Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador). America owes them a bit of a favor
he did tho. He just had a mask on to protect his identity.
I thought they were trans?
Homosexual actions, fornication (premarital sex), and transitioning are all assaults on the dignity of people and should be prohibited until 18. As marriage is natural and thus not an assault on the dignity of people, it can be permitted at 14 (for women) and 16 (for men) according to the teachings of the Catholic Church.
who are we protecting trans kids from?
>Ban guns
Yeah, I'm not down with this either. We Americans really do have the weird obsession with guns but I don't think guns are to blame at all. Here was 3 people just caught the other day that wanted to carry out mass shootings, and they were all hate related. We have a big problem.
what's the difference?
circumcision needs to be banned
Not an argument
>wasting all that time quoting every person that triggered you ITT
Rent free, baybeeee
The US government has banned transsexuals from the military. The US government is pushing for guidelines allowing US businesses to remove or refuse to hire transsexuals. Let's not forget bigoted individuals, institutions and communities that informally shun, discriminate, ridicule and assault them constantly.
>muh communism
harris brewis is a pedophile
"natalie parrott" is a racist sex pest
that organization the stream was for is run by homophobes
graham linehan did nothing wrong
Gross. Fuck you honestly, and all that have this ideology. Pedos, all of them.
prior to this being astroturfed into a civil rights crisis nobody gave a fuck
That feel when transphobes are even too scared to reply to you directly. LOLOLOL
fuck off seething graham
Yeah, that's fucked. "Reversible" or not, there has to be some serious changes in the human body that still remain effected. Why the fuck would you want to let CHILDREN do this to themselves?
youve been talking for too long, namefag
okay m'fellow "channer" whatever makes you feel better
what's the endgame of such a scheme?
where's the money for the astroturfing coming from?
what's motivating this in your view?
>Why the fuck would you want to let CHILDREN do this to themselves?
Because it's their bodies and they should be allowed to do whatever they want to them? Do you want to ban children from eating red meat because it could potentially cause irreversible heart conditions in the future?
People who want to make it socially acceptable to fuck kids
Take your pedo shit somewhere else, like on the end of a noose.
>Because it's their bodies and they should be allowed to do whatever they want to them?
if a child decides it wants to cut its own nipples off for pure enjoyment we should let them
cause puberty is not reversible either and its probably going to kill them you fucking retard
Children cannot consent to sex. Children cannot consent to transitioning.
Oh shit, I just realized. You didn't want to reply directly because you didn't want people knowing that Graham's transphobia backfired so badly it ended up raising $340,000 for trans rights. Thanks Graham!
why do you think everyone is a pedo?
is it because you yourself are afraid you might be a pedo deep down?
there is nothing wrong with being transgender. please get your prejudiced shit off my shitposting boards
pharmaceutical companies and right wing elements
>Children cannot consent to transitioning
How so? If I go to McDonalds and buy a hamburger, I am consenting to eating red meat.
no one I know who believe that trans people should have the right to control their destiny and happiness believes that adults should fuck children. This may not mean much to you. But it's the truth.
Ayyoo the child consented tho
Children cannot consent to mutilating their bodies. A just society should protect them from this.
no problem mrs activist chan
it was my pleasure
False equivalence
children can also consent to eating poison
>Children cannot consent to mutilating their bodies.
How so? If I go to McDonalds and buy a hamburger, I am consenting to eating red meat.
Presumably you are not a child.
McDonalds regret is easy. MTF transformations, notsomuch. Fucking child abuser.
agreed, trans kids need to be protected from going through puberty, cause it would mutilate their bodies
This attitude is false. Puberty is natural.
"posting is my job"
Yeah, that's what I said. It's fucked. I mean has their been actual trials of this shit and what it does to people? During, and during this co-called "Reversal" (during or after puberty)? And these kids, wouldn't their parents have the power to also decide for the child that wants to, for some fucking reason, transition? Could you imagine the sick fucks that'd be like "Yeah, Little Johnny's going to be Little Suzy now! :D" and expect it to actually be accepted in today's world? It's disgusting, perverse, and pedophilic. I will not accept it.
>McDonalds regret is easy. MTF transformations, notsomuch.
Irreversible heart conditions from eating red meat goes a bit beyond just "regret".
Nope. I'd love to hear you elaborate on why.
It really doesn’t mean much. Because it’s obvious the lib elites at the top have an appetite and you’re just the salt of the earth people trying to do the right thing oblivious of the pederasty.
Blockers cause osteoporosis in lower doses than what trans kids are normally prescribed. The idea that they have zero side effects and are 100% reversible is an urban legend.
My three year old wants to be a cat. Should we do something about that? You’re fucking retarded.
Children are impulsive and impressionable, they don’t understand gender or its implications until puberty. Pumping a child full of sexual hormones and putting them on blockers is blatantly wrong, and forcing a full-fledged gender identity on a child at a young age is sexualising them. You aren’t supposed to look at an 8 year old child as whatever they sexually identify as, you’re supposed to look at them as what they are: a child.
nature isnt a real thing you delusional retard
Number one, nobody sets out to get a heart condition for McDonald’s.
Number two: the 95% of people that have problems from McDonald’s can reverse them when they realize their actual will. Not so when it comes to genital mutilation bro
Levels, my dude. Eating one hamburger is not going to give you an irreversible heart condition. And children don't even get to choose what they eat. Their parents do. Why should they be able to choose to mutilate their bodies?
Why would it matter to anyone else how OTHERS choose to present themselves?
Shit the actual FUCK up. What a stupid fucking retarded homosexual statement.
What did he mean by this?
When you’re a parent... you raise a child, maybe someday you’ll get there.
epic appeal to nature boomer
try again
>Number one, nobody sets out to get a heart condition for McDonald’s.
Nobody sets out to get a terminal illness from transitioning either.
>Number two: the 95% of people that have problems from McDonald’s can reverse them when they realize their actual will
How do you reverse an irreversible heart condition? On the trans side of things, you can still influence your hormone levels later in your life.
>And children don't even get to choose what they eat. Their parents do
Maybe in your abusive household. Children have the choice of not opening their mouths and swallowing the food presented to them.
based anprims
Shut the fuck up.
So would/should your parents just let you eat mcdonalds foe every meal?
Ah, a vague non response. That's the closest we'll get to hearing a transphobe concede in one of these threads.
>Nope. I'd love to hear you elaborate on why.
>eating a hamburger is the same as having your genitals permanently mutilated and your body morphed into a bizarre in-between freak show, which prevents you from ever experiencing a normal fulfilling life involving sex, romance or procreation, and every day you have to gaze upon the absolute devastating monstrosity this is your body, the one that your psychotic parents inflicted upon you out of social pressure, the one that could have been something you were proud of and one that allowed for a fulfilling life if not for insane people treating your childish behavior as some sort of cry for them to distort your being into horrors only imagined in the depths of hell, until you finally build up the courage to embrace the sweet relief of death
What kind of hamburgers are you eating senpai?
Tell me how aging naturally is akin to mutilation.
He's not even being transphobic.
A fake pair of genitals is a fake pair of genitals. I think I am more concerned with authenticity and what God provides, and you think that science and hormone pumping can produce new things that we create. A transition penis is not a real penis, that is my point. It disgusts me that you want to push fake reality and call it real.
Now now. No need to get upset just because you're bad at defending your viewpoints.
Who's going to stop them?
stopped reading there
You have to be so dense to not think that there is a nature force
Why do you care about my dick man
Then why does it matter to you if kids are allowed to be mutilated or not?
based senile hippie
It's because yours are stupid. Sometimes everything doesn't need a thought out response to get the point across.
I really couldn’t give a shit about your dick, but I give a shit about THE dick. Flappy little patches of skin that have been produced by plastic surgeons are not cocks.
Trans ""people"" are mentally ill faggots who have basically taken a million steps backwards in evolution and live as long as early humans
>The mutilated medical experiment virgin vs the All-Natural Chad
Damn, that's some next level projection.
>eating a hamburger is the same as having your genitals permanently mutilated
Eating red meat can lead to irreversible heart conditions that can permanently alter your life. You still haven't been able to dismantle this point in our little discussion.
i want to go shoulder deep in your anus actually
Do you get this upset at people wearing wigs? LOLOLOL
Damn son
Eating red meat can permanently fuck up your life. Mutilating your genitals can also permanently fuck up your life. A lot of seemingly innocuous things can permanently fuck up your life. What exactly is your argument here?
better not get treatment when your get ball cancer
i heard its not natural
What's stupid about them?
You wanting to equate wigs with the dichotomy of genitals tells everything.
Do i pass mu
People aren't arguing the point because it's stupid, and barely has any actual relevance to the discussion.
Therapy is not the same as mutilation.
The hero of this thread that proves the trad position. Everyone can see this is a gross disgusting male born body.
Kids consenting to do things could potentially harm their bodies in the long-run in both cases. Yet you don't see transphobes stopping kids from eating red meat.
It is relevant to the discussion. See The point being that you can't police what people do with their own bodies.
There’s actually a pretty big, and religious community that is anti-McDonald’s, bad food, etc. I have far more respect for them.
They likely also dont have their kids eat it for every goddamn meal. Why are you so fixated on this? Lmao.
Parents can and should police their children's behavior.
>both early transitioning and eating fast-food are bad decisions, not to be left in the hands of children
Glad we can agree
It’s called grasping at straws
better dont get your appendix taken out if it gets inflamed you dont want to mUtIlAtE yourself
Both are bad decisions, but early transitioning is a far more dramatic activity than getting your genitals mutilated.
You can police children from taking pills and getting body altering surgery.
I knew two people who are trans, saw them go through the whole thing and I was really supportive about it. I thought it was brave, and took a lot of guts to be like "this is really who I am" and saying a big "fuck you" to anyone who had a problem with it. They were full grown adults, not pre-pubesent children.As far as I know, they're living great lives.
But letting kids do it, and trying to justify it is wrong.
It's called presenting an argument you can't refute so you lash out in anger, as evidenced by
>people just arbitrarily choose their yender 'dennity bro it's basically like getting sleeve tats or chick-fillet's
>they're born a certain way and can't help it
epic coherent position dude
Atheist doesn’t believe in God, therefore God-given/nature given things are not sacred. That’s the whole thread
'Can' is a lot different to 'Will'
Can is taking a risk, a very low risk that you most likely can manage through responsible moderation
Will is an inevitable.
To compare the two as if it's the same thing is beyond retarded.
When discussing kids, both of this is up to the parents, as the kid doesn't understand either.
A parent giving their kid food that has a low chance of health risks if managed properly is like any risk in life, walking down the street carries a risk.
Them choosing to have their child's bodies surgically or hormonally mutilated is beyond a risk, the act only has one end result, the complete and utter destruction of the body and the mind, that is the only purpose.
You would have to be an absolute psycho to think these are comparable.
one is like handing out a piece of candy and the other is murder, sure the candy might kill like anything else on earth, but murder is the expressed intention to kill and nothing but.
Yes you look beautiful:)
Keep doing you sis
Both early transitioning and genital mutilation are things that kids should not participate in, dramaticism doesn’t really matter, you don’t exactly have to pick a lesser of two evils.
>muh argument
God is dead
epic strawman
inb4 she really means the high schoolers in her audience
that's what you're saying
is it deterministic or does it not matter?
is it a fashion scene or a mental disorder?
basically this
fuck god and fuck boomers
senile religious retards shouldnt be posting on 4channel anyway
>There’s actually a pretty big, and religious community that is anti-McDonald’s, bad food, etc
What percentage of transphobes are part of this community? You know given how much they care about the well being of kids.
>They likely also dont have their kids eat it for every goddamn meal
No one's forcing these kids to eat McDonalds. If they're seeking it out themselves, they're consenting to harming their own bodies.
So much for freedomz, eh?
Eating a hamburger raises your risk of heart disease. Taking transitional hormones raises your risk of [insert whatever trans specific disease that is].
You’re on the opposite side as me pal. I think natural generals are beautiful, and surgically added ones are ugly as sin. Ugliness is objective.
As long as youre consenting to harm your own body its ok? Or are you just arguing its inevitable?
Do you realize how sick this is? They are sexualizing children by calling them trans while simultaneously virtue-signalling their desire to protect them. The trans kids issue is what really separates the far left sjw psychos from literally everyone else on the spectrum of belief.
My point was health nuts are way more righteous than SJWs.
Based. Don’t eat fast food and don’t be a tranny freak. This guy gets it.
>They are sexualizing children by calling them trans
what did he mean by this?
Who am I to decide if it's okay or not? I'm just pointing out that transphobes don't actually give a fuck about the well-being of kids.
>Taking transitional hormones raises your risk of
becoming sterile among other growth defects, especially if you take them before puberty. Advertising them to children is absolutely fucking disgusting and anyone who does it is more vile than cheeto hitler in cheef.
Imagine if conservahicks freaked out this much everytime they saw a kid eat at McDonalds.
theres lot of research showing that trans people before transition have brain structure corresponding more to the opposite sex
Good thing eating a cheeseburger doesn’t magically change your gender you fucking idiot.
>Advertising them to children is absolutely fucking disgusting
Oh boy, wait till you learn what a Happy Meal is.
It's pretty self-evident if you aren't a far left cultist. Better get to killing yourself, tranny.
Yeah, so we hand them pills, and let them have surgery that'll change their bodies forever
Oh shit and
>muh mcdonalds and red meat
wew, almost forgot
Who's arguing that eating a cheeseburger changes your gender? LOLOLOL.
Please stop sexualizing me
Its more of a philosophical question.
>They are sexualizing children by calling them trans
now this is quality bait
>risk of heart disease is proportional to the amount of red meat ingested and can be reversed with a change to a proper diet and exercise
>risk of stunted growth to bone structure, musculature and sexual organs from pre-pubescent hormone blockers is 100% and irreversable
Exactly. Go eat a cheeseburger and ease up on that onions.
Oh, you are underage? I assumed you were merely stupid.
>Yeah, so we hand them pills
If they ask for it.
>and let them have surgery that'll change their bodies forever
Most kids get braces. Kids getting medical procedures isn't taboo.
No, I just don't want you to fuck me, faggot
yeah lets get them puberty that will change their bodies forever
that will surely not make them kill themselves
That’s gonna be a big yikes from me doggo
>and can be reversed with a change to a proper diet and exercise
That's not reversing. That's compensating. You could do the same amount of exercise without having eaten said cheeseburger and be in better health.
>I'm just pointing out that transphobes don't actually give a fuck about the well-being of kids
Which is objectively incorrect. In fact its the opposite. If you care about your kid, you don't want them becoming a suicidal hypersexual weirdo.
Damn did puberty leave you a manlet or something? Sorry bro
>Sue Donym
stopped reading there
some fedora tier shit except for terfs
Ok, now share how a man who was forced pubery blockers can compensate for his sterile micropenis.
The libtards honestly buy in to the identity thing though. It’s like an identity from a carte blanche, which goes hand in hand with abortion.
a cheeseburger from mcdonalds or anywhere else isnt going to kill you
good argument
Good thing it wasnt one
That's one hell of a hole you're digging yourself into.
>If you care about your kid, you don't want them becoming a suicidal hypersexual weirdo.
How do you know eating McDonalds isn't going to do the same?
You’re kind of embarrassing yourself with the McDonald’s thing to be honest.
they will be demonstrably more suicidal if they dont transition though
By marrying someone with a sterile microvag
kids commit suicide
oh fuck bros im so horny i want to kill myself
For me, its the mcchicken and hormone blockers
This is everything your ideology is based on and is totally unprovable.
>mcdonalds this mcdonalds that
lmao this nigga must be having some midnight cravings
Bros whats your go to Micky Ds order?
Kids commit suicide, it's a sad thing but it happens. What are use basing this claim off from?
It raises your risk of developing irreversible heart conditions.
Transphobes ITT are butthurt because the McDonalds example caught them off guard. There's no Steven Crowder or Prager U video that counters that viewpoint, so they don't know how to respond to it yet.
Can you blame them? Those fried nuggets are amazing. Much better than a gender crisis.
hamburger..... Ketchup and pickles..... living that life
Now imagine if transphobes tried stopping you from eating said nuggets. Checkmate.
double mcfish
hella sprite
Nah, because if you regret the Nuggets they have passed through your digestive system.
And caused irreversible damage to your heart/arteries
McNuggets meal
Vanilla milkshake
Barbecue sauce
If you eat nothing but fast food, yeah. Some guy on /fit/ lost weight eating just Mcdonalds. It's like everything else, you dont gorge yourself on it.
Double cheese burger
Trump is woker than people realize! He’s a friend of the retarded, what have these Blue check marks done lately besides enable their Hollywood predator buddies???
It’s actually not irreversible, fasting and dieting can do amazing things. Doctors would have you believe that it is irreversible, as well as hormone treatment on kids not being a destructive thing on society. Doctors like to make money, but if you take control of your life you can actually do amazing things.
Assuming they are in fact trans and always will be, and not just kids going through a phase where they enjoy wearing a dress or playing with dolls.
>Completely missing the point
>Some guy on /fit/ lost weight eating just Mcdonalds
Indicates nothing about the condition of his heart/arteries from the damage of consuming that cheeseburger. Won't someone please think about the children? :-O
Because the mcdonalds argument works against you retard. The argument is that eating mcdonalds raises your risk of heart disease right? And the comparison is that transitioning as a kid increases risk of suicide/health issues. You are working against your own interests when you compare your own viewpoint with something you think is bad.
>Doctors would have you believe that it is irreversible
Ah, the old "experts are actually wrong" argument. Surely they're being funded by Big Vegetable.
You're annoying as shit, do you know that? You're Cheeseburger argument isn't really applying here. Plus, one isn't going to do that extent of damage. Calm down.
No, I’ve just lost a whole bunch of weight and have a six pack.
kids that like playing with dolls or going through short phase dont get diagnosed as trans you deluded cretin and they dont take fucking hormones or get surgery
You just admitted to wanting to fuck kids, whore.
>The argument is that eating mcdonalds raises your risk of heart disease right?
The argument is that if kids are allowed to put food into their bodies that could cause permanent damage because they feel like it, it's hypocritical to suddenly decide to police what they put into their bodies when it comes to something related to gender just because it conflicts with your religious views.
As far as a gamble goes, because I think that’s what the lbgtq is saying, I’d take a nugget over a fake peen
Not as bad as tranny kids.
Bros, my life is in shambles, I can't tell which is worse; my crippling self hatred and isolation due to my unhealthy self-image concerning my decrepit, malfunctioning, malformed, unlovable, inhuman body, destroyed long ago by the people I trusted most when I was most vulnerable...
Or that hamburger I had for lunch
I'm not gonna fuck you, kid, give it up
Good on you. But it says nothing about the condition of your heart/arteries. They'd be in better condition if you worked out the same amount and never ate McDonalds in the first place.
I think the end goal for you fags is to destroy gender altogether. You want some micropenis giant clitoris shit on every child.
It's okay. The heart disease means you'll be released from your misery soon.
Nigga the argument makes no sense because kids don't buy their own food
But I am.
>muh arteries
I bet you buy into climate hysteria and think pewdiepie radicalizes kids too.
cool reddit citations dude
i don't care
I don’t know about that man, I think I’m in way better shape as far as arteries go than the fat guy sitting next to me. True, I may have issues that I can’t see and my condition might be throwing me off, but I think it as a general rule if you’re fat you got fucked arteries and you can actually start to at least slow down the process by getting in shape. It’s almost like doctors tell fat gamers what they want to hear.
>because it conflicts with your religious views
You will find most irreligious people disagreeing with tranny kids. His point still stands.
But those kids will sneak around you and buy hamburgers!
Of course they do you retard, there is no way to discern between that phase or transgenderism.
Transgender diagnosis simply comes down to how the individual self-identifies. There is no magic machine that does it objectively.
If the boy say's he's a girl then he gets the diagnosis.
"trans kids rights" is all about delaying puberty with hormone blockers, they're actively trying to make this a thing.
>kids don't buy their own food
They can choose to not eat something if they want.
These bloody Cultural Marxists will stop at nothing to eradicate western civilization and everything we hold dear. It's time to stand up, stop being silent, and name names. Nefarious, shady actors with their noses in everybody's pot. Left, right, let's say it. Jews. Yep. Jews. Jews.
It doesn't just happen in Israel; it happens everywhere. In fact, it's not even an issue for America when it comes to radical Islamic terrorism and Islamic supremacism. What has caused so much terror is Jewish infiltration into America by Jews. Jews have become American political leaders, business leaders, educators, academics. Jews have become politicians, business leaders, economists, lawyers, doctors, teachers. The number one threat to the American people today is Israel
You’ve never heard a toddler beg for McDonald’s before...
>replies instantly
underrated post
Again, I'm glad you care about staying in shape. I was just pointing out that you'd be in even better condition if you worked out the same amount without having consumed said fast food in the first place.
And nobody is arguing that mcdonalds advertising onions and glass in food to kids is a good thing, that should also be changed somehow. Just because something bad is tolerated, doesnt mean something worse should be tolerated. Fuck off schizo retard.
teenagers can buy their food and anyone younger that that isnt transitioning anyway and even then its just reversible stuff
is this a copypasta
Why do they even know what McDonald's is in the first place? The parents gave it to them.
You don't need to let a toddler boss you around, you pussy.
>clairo trans thread hits bump limit
All you bored, summer-wasting faggots need to get the fuck on back.
>reads tranny forums
Dat nigga is also begging for hormone blockers and buttplugs, and you would give it to him, fag.
Eh, again, I believe more in the power of the human body. Eating McDonald’s is not going to do some permanent damage like you are saying if you drink enough water and exercise enough and mostly eat the right kinds of food.
>ive been proven wrong so i dont care now
so this is the power of transphobe arguments
I’m a coparent, you fucking faggot. I have no choice what my ex shows my daughter. Get fucked in the anus by a clown with a giant big black cock.
>Just because something bad is tolerated, doesnt mean something worse should be tolerated
Neither should be tolerated, but at the end of the day no one bats an eye when a kid chooses to eat a happy meal.
>thinks having a meme on your computer means its oc
You're totally not retarded or anything
My point still stands. Clearly you think both eating mcdonalds and gender transitioning are both bad for kids, so why defend one over the other? Why not let kids eat mcdonalds AND transition, or alternatively not let them do either? You can’t set up two arguments beside eachother, claim they’re equal, and then attack one while defending the other.
Pedo projecting, mods...
>we're uhm having a DEBATE, acshully, hun, kay?
This hit bump limit, had a good time. From the deepest of my heart, at the most genuine,
you're all fags.
>calls his fap folder "memes"
>Left, right, let's say it. Jews. Yep. Jews. Jews.
assuming it's true what do you think about bad non-jews people cunt?
there are literally complicated guidelines and long processes you have to go through to get diagnosed specifically to avoid cases like this
stop talking out if your ass faggot
Its also not advertised as some wonderful socially progressive issue that makes you a bad person for disagreeing with it.
>Why not let kids eat mcdonalds AND transition
I'm fine with that. Kids should have the freedom to do what they please with their own bodies.
Truly Brandon, you were the most faggot of the fags. Fuck you faggot and have a good nightT.
people would however get upset if you declared your child identified as The Fat Kid and started feeding them nothing but value meals
(this analogy is fucking retarded)
Trans rights are human rights. Sleep tight, bb.
>no one bats an eye when a kid chooses to eat a happy meal.
Many do, and eating one happy meal is nowhere near as harfmul as taking hormone blockers and being sexualized as a child. You are an idiot to ccompare the two, to bh.
I dont think society needs more chris chans
>wahh ban someone for edginess
>if you declared
Why would it matter what I declare? The child has the freedom to choose what they want to consume.
eat your broccoli tyler
Depends where you live and who your doctor is. Doctors have a financial motive, you naive snowflake.
>eating one happy meal is nowhere near as harfmul as taking hormone blockers and being sexualized as a child.
That's assuming heart-disease is less lethal than transitioning.
Oy vey
have sex and dilate
Fuck kikes trannies niggers spics
enjoy your racism ban
We're here to stay, babe.
They market Happy Meals to kids! KIDS!!!! We can't have kids putting things into their bodies that could cause them harm.
Enjoy being based
nobody is here to stay actually on account of a growing surplus population and the ruling elites' willingness to liquidate assets
oh well bud at least you got a sweet bolt on
Just kill all the livestock bruh. Extinct em
reject the ideology
I violently kek'd thanks sir
yes, reject conservativism