What are some musicians whose lyrics are simultaneously dumb and smart? Like, cleverly saying stupid shit?

What are some musicians whose lyrics are simultaneously dumb and smart? Like, cleverly saying stupid shit?

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OG Lil' Wayne

Father John Misty also.

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Danny Brown is good at that every now and then

Kanye West

or basically every good mainstream rapper

best choice for this, especially in his first two albums

who is this clown? looks like he's in loads of PAIN

Bloodhound Gang

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lil b

Le literally this. Also the Weeknd

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Syd Barrett.

>reading article about Syd Barret
>"oh thats pretty cool I wonder what albums he inspired"
>inspired wish you were here
>stop reading

Greatest of all time.

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No, Father John Misty is only smart, not smart and dumb. Except for Pure Comedy

>Except for Pure Comedy

Especially Nicki Minaj

he founded Pink Floyd


" you ain't from Russia so bitch why you rushin' "

>listening to Pink Floyd
>"wow this is stellar! I wonder who founded this"
>Syd barret founded pink floyd and inspired subsequent albums after his departure
>stop listening

Yeah, I didn'tt enjoy that one nearly as much, I love Honeybear though and his debut

>multiple PF albums about Syd
Waters is a faggot

yeah but all those albums and songs are good so

Father John Misty does dumb like Rembrandt does chiaruscuro

>Her stories are boring and stuff
>She’s always calling my bluff

I like this from Eno.
It's half absurd, half anti war song written from the point of view of a soldier, but somehow it makes sense


In my town, there is a raincoat under a tree.
In the sky, there is a cloud containing the sea.
In the sea, there is a whale without any eyes.
In the whale, there is a man without his raincoat.
In another country, with another name
Maybe things are different, maybe they're the same.
Back on the trail,
The seven soldiers read the papers and mail
But the news, it does't change.
Swinging about through creepers,
Parachutes caught on steeples
Heroes are born, but heroes die.
Just a few days, a little practice and some holiday pay,
We're all sure you'll make the grade.
Mother of God, if you care,
We're on a train to nowhere
Please put a cross upon our eyes.
Take me - I'm nearly ready, you can take me
To the raincoat in the sky.
Take me - my little pastry mother take me
There's a pie shop in the sky.

>people talk so much shit about me at barbershops
>they forget to get they hair cut
classic kanye line

Talking Heads