Thoughts on Joji (filthy frank)?
Thoughts on Joji (filthy frank)?
We have this thread every week
the word starts with 'f' and ends in 'aggot'
he should've just stayed an e-celeb, at least he was entertaining then
he looked ok with his hair buzzed in that one music video but he's stupid and boring
Proof that Yea Forums is full of contrarian little bitches. Joji is great and Yea Forums just denies it because "duuur filthy frank bad". Fuck off back to r*ddit with your mob mentality bullshit. If you don't like him use the filters that every other normal person uses. Retards.
shut up retard
if you like him so much why don't you marry him? fuckin fag lol
retarded talentless faggot
generic bedroom indie isn't "great", get taste, stop posting on Yea Forums
No. Go back.
Wish I could lol. Kill yourself dog
>calling somebody a dog
fucking lmao. only ching chongs do this. fuck off back to r/asianmasculinity you fucking subhuman faggot.
He peaked on the Charlie Burbank shit; can only make good sadboi singles but nothing cohesive
I'm black u stupid honkey bitch. Lol I can just imagine your frail little pencil fingers clacking away at your $400 dollar keyboard. Stupid inbred whitey racist. Fuck u dog
>filthy frank making music
Doctor, how long have I been in a coma for?
why does he have the kanji for "woman" on his arm?
Generic sadboi music
muhfuggen bix nood
that's how deep his arm goes, metaphorically speaking, when he's arm deep in pussy
Lol angry cracker. Can't wait to see your future wife end up turning to black cock. Just you wait. She's probably already being plowed by a BBC as we speak.
Shit, but he brainwashed little kids into supporting whatever garbage art he makes
>I'm black u stupid honkey bitch.
Oh well that changes everything
imagine being this triggered
imagine being a nigger
don't make me legalize slavery again Tyquandrius
Call me what you want and say all the racist shit you want but you're slowly watching your race die out to their own hands. I'm laughing while you redneck Trumptards get whats coming lmaooooooo. Fucked one of ur MAGA girls a week ago. Loosest pussy I've had in my life.
this is just getting sad
No, Filthy Frank is great, Joji is absolutely terrible, besides the Chloe Burbank tape, that is great. I don't get how he regressed rather than progressed.
i think he breddy gud. joji and filthly frank have their merits as projects independently
scuffed post malone
>Joji is great and Yea Forums just denies it because "duuur filthy frank bad"
No, it's because Filthy Frank was amazing and he gave it up to pursue a career making mediocre Pop music. The music he was making while he was still making Filthy Frank content was better in every way.
He literally sold out. He is a talented musician but he saw his chance to enter the Pop music world and took it. I don't blame the guy for wanting to be successful, but he just makes trash now. Doesn't seem very fulfilling.
looks like a zoomer steve perry
lmao no. filthy frank was legitimately putting out more interesting music and breaking more barriers than joji.
Based retard zoomer
Boring lofi sadboi zoomer alternative shit
Filthy frank was much better
eh. liked his earlier Chloe Burbank shit but not really enthused about his recent output
This dumb gook just couldn't make it with the wolves, one too many rough bumps. That's totally cool that he's successful and happy with what he's doing but that's all just gay boring music
Yah I'm with you on this one user, honestly I'm sick of the Yea Forums hivemind to hate on everything
He looks like the guy who plays the Flash
Im just glad hes still successful long after most Youtubers have come and gone.
OP literally asked for thoughts on him, what the fuck is your problem?
Just because you like him doesn't mean he's great and everyone should like him too, fucking grow up.
Joji is GOD
Gay meme shit for 12 year olds
this board is underage as fuck