Are people who obey the culture industry, tastemakers, cancel culture, and so on just a new form of bootlickers?
Are people who obey the culture industry, tastemakers, cancel culture, and so on just a new form of bootlickers?
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do you even know what that word means?
Yes and the people who perpetuate bourgeoisie sensibilities and attempt to police humor are lizards
>do you know words?
I only know soul and feeling.
No, they just have an incredibly shallow taste.
What Capitalism is doing to culture and art is a good thing in the end. Soiboys get mad because it doesn't create stuff specifically curated to them but in the end it creates art very quickly and efficiently that appeals to the greatest breadth of audiences.
The world doesn't revolve around you
The commoditization of culture has ruined this country and if the globalists have their way its gonna continue to ruin other countries as well. Its already begun with shit like Coke, McDonalds, and sweatshop sneakers becoming popularized everywhere.
The redpill is the blackpill is life isnt worth living and the people have been brainwashed into mindlessly following along as we forget what it meant to feel fulfilled.
Nah, bootlickers are out of touch ppl, not those in touch with the present like those in the OP.
As if anyone ever knew what it meant to feel fulfilled. Don't kid yourself thinking "things were better before" - it's just another episode of humanity circling the drain.
>high schooler discovers nihilism
Neitzsche said buy a coke and you'll be fine
these aren't mutually exclusive
>the world is a fuck and nothing matters, buy a coke and you'll be fine
>attempts meme for the first time
lmao @ the alt right
yes yes no
now what faggot
I never said they were nor did I imply that they were, although, if the world is a fuck and nothing matters a coke isn't gonna help
Yes, of course they are. All the epic little rebels are just corporate piggies. Look at all the "edgy" rock guys falling over themselves to praise Bill Eilish
>yes yes no
Oh so science is ok with you then?
Cool, what are your thoughts on trans rights? You know the transgenderism is backed up by science, right? Anyways, we can all smell the reddit on you. Go back.
the world is a fuck and nothing matters, buying a coke is not going to make things matter or make the world nor a fuck
it will, however, give you a coke
No no yes
Now what faggot.
Nah bootlickers are little corporate piggies that follow whatever their "influencers" tell them to think.
And probably some tooth decay
>science mentioned
>first thing that pops to mind is I'M DEFINITELY A REAL GIRL YOU BIGOT
I don't give a shit about your dickgirl hysterics, keep it in your pants and use the bathroom you pass for, no I'm not fucking you
nice strawman, keep seething. you're a joke.
>what do you think about trannies
>here are my responses to several common trans issues
you asked for my thoughts on trans rights and I gave them nigger
>bathroom laws are dumb
>angry trannies are dumb
>I don't care whether you get surgery or not
>I'm not fucking you (whether you have to fuck trannies is a trans issue)
you asked a question, I answered your question, that is not a fucking strawman, you're the reason people hate trannies
>literal wall of seethe
seek help
not a political thread again,god
>be tranny
>get called a dumb tranny
you're not coming off well to any of the people reading this
I'm not a tranny :)
Projecting much?
>inb4 b-b-but only a tranny could care about human rights issues!!!!!
Fuck off Joe Rogan you commie cuck
What you like to do :)
>im rubber ur glue
>ackshully the seethe is u
big cope
big seethe
have sex
what you should do :)
>im rubber ur glue
>ackshully the seethe is u
big cope
big seethe
imagine having the save opinions as Raytheon and the Pentagon
raytheon and the pentagon pay thousands of people far smarter than I am large amounts of money to accurately predict society to further their own financial and societal goals
communist china is a big yikes of a country but they turn tracking, prediction, and cultural control into an artform
You are all bootlickers. There's no way to be freed of mental slavery. Embrace your role
>I watch Contrapoints because leftistm(tm) is still the edgy counter-culture and is totally against the establishment, we totally "punch up" when we punch homophobes!
>won't someone think of the poor homophobes!!!
he's right about the false counterculture and you aren't even denying it
I dont watch contrapoints I just thought it was funny that user felt the need to jump to the defense of homophobes
I will, contrary to the western liberalized fake"""left""", I support the Iranians in their struggle against american gay-imperialism.
You on the other hand would literally go to war for poopdick.
it's not a defense of homophobes retard it's correctly pointing out that when every single major corporation is "woke on pride", fagging it up isn't a "brave counterculture"
No, I literally wouldn't.
>corporations define our culture
Bootlicker detected
>Acknowledging that corporations control our culture means I agree they should
Are you missing the part of your brain that lets you see things that aren't strictly aligned with your worldview?
>he thinks america has a culture
>he thinks culture exists in a meaningful way under liberalism/capitalism
Corporations dont control our culture retard. Stop posting.
Just because America's culture is shit doesnt mean it lacks one. Every country has a culture.
this is cope
>Corporations, like today's sponsors Disney, Marvel, Sony, Warner, Facebook, Snapchat, and Apple hold no influence over our proud Coca-Cola™ loving nation!
Open a dictionary and look up what culture means.
My dude are you actually trying to argue that fucking Disney has no influence on culture
lmao wtf how can you be so wrong
America is not a "country" like others.