What the fuck Brandon?

What the fuck Brandon?

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Brandon hit THAT? DAMN.


He fucked up

Brandon, what are your thoughts on being one of the most (in)famous Yea Forumstants

whata hottie

busy exercising his right arm

>one of the most
at this point i think he is "the most"


Got yer vpn working hey faggot

Don't have a vpn, what makes you think that?

Uh huh

> P A R A N O I D

Of course

So this is what Brandon looks like...

It’s too bad someone lied when they said you killed yourself

>angles her head so the camera doesnt catch the full horror of her alien-like face

Of course

Does she have good tiddies? There are the occasional pics of her where they look promising like the OP, but then most of the time they look nonexistent


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ayy lmao

So is you being alive
Fix that will ya


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she is getting closer to showing full bobs!

Lol god damn

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on one hand, excellent cans these days.
On the other, those jowls. Hmmm....

brandon why do you still use a trip when everyone hates you

Attention, why does anyone use a trip?

bootyhole music and poontang
that's why.

Attention whoring

That too.

since you can't get lauren, would you settle for me? ;)))

Can you wear a wig, one of those mini dresses and do a mousey scottish accent for me?

who says i don't already do that?

Then we got a deal?

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shut the fuck up brandon
you know she still thinks of you you pathetic sack of shit.

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No she doesn't

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Girls throwing that boston ass party damn all that ass gone to waste

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Why do you consistently post on a Forum full of people who hate you

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I like music and memeing

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And carrying a torch for a girl who doesnt like you for years.

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Man hit the wall hard

Brandon's wanna be hipster-urbanite dream is dead and gone.

Damn she hit the wall pretty hard.

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> fucking BRANDON being a hipster
Hahaha no