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Other urls found in this thread:

this is the thread

wtf is that shit?


This is what America does to you

mina tier fat

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this is unfortunately the thread

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For me, it's Jo Yuri

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apologize to mina

for me, it's twice

they toured in america and now they’re obese

our freakin girls again

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Attached: CgqD7HuUoAAem_L.jpg (1000x1500, 309K)

we out here

twicecord got their gaypop friends to cover their asses


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How did dr kim change her face so much

Reminder that the mentally ill Sluganti/falseflagger/loonalarper/twiceanti/sanaanti is a mentally ill sodomite gaypooper from /gaypg/ on tranny2.

He and that nogger from Barbados are shitposting every single night because they hate mukpg and want to make it insufferable for normal straight people to post here

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Yeji mogs that busted goblin so hard
That's why loonatrannies are always mad

bangtan niggeondan

which thread is it

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good job sisters

This one. Don’t migrate to old threads

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chuu mogs itzyuggos

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where is she...

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Twice cb when?

ok good

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How pure is IZ*ONE?

Chaewon is so fucking cute, wizbros

Attached: ECI93u7UwAAdwbg.jpg (1571x2048, 455K)

you've called me half of those names and I've never posted there or anywhere but Yea Forums. literally everybody here contributes to the spamming and shitflinging

gaypop is always off topic

Gaypooper genocide soon

Attached: 1541023352941.jpg (643x600, 229K)

unless they are twice ones like about 5 earlier today, right?

11/12 are impure.

Attached: 26.jpg (333x406, 60K)

no doubt. both in visuals and talent

very soon but without mina

I want to pump this chimp

didn't jyp confirm one recently

so everglow is antigay?

based mods deleting the old sluggo thread

Attached: Rain Slug.webm (950x534, 2.91M)

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at my place being loved and appreciated

I like how the dude signed it and everything I respect that.


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Why do you come to /kpg/ friend? Its not a waste of time, it's the highlight of my day.

Good taste, friends.


You are a fag into gaypoop though therefore you are trash. Explains your mental illness and histrionic personality you are acting like a c*nt with all the attention whoring. kys sodomite


Friend you posted some sloots again, im starting to think that you might actually be serious. Please post our actual girls next time

Rosie :)

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Her face when

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a wyatt mann is based

fine here's our actual girls

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sluganti and loonatranny are two different people and only sluganti is a gaypopper. both are mentally ill

fattest shit

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Why are the mods genociding non gaypop threads

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the other thread was old and uggo

what happened to him
good night friends nobody said good night yet

Attached: 1558268714000.png (857x478, 480K)

i couldn't name a single gaypop idol or song off the top of my head


old threads are only good when they fit our narrative am i right sisters? now give me some yous on my epic post


theyre genociding early threads

some people just gain weight easily and in suga's case, his face has always been round

just remember that twiceshitters favored a gaypop thread over an "old" girlpop thread (which they have been making and migrating to all day)

notice how twicecord shitters never call their own kind out in posts like this

t. sodomite abomination

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back 2 chen

>seething this much

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they're the same people

sounds like twiceshitters love dicks in their ass

who cares? sluggo is ugly. suga is a better choice

tranny2 fags in tears

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yes girlies damage control more


oh no she’s angry

i post wherever i want to

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never ever say that again

The mod is a blink tho, not once

if people can stop constantly reminding me of how pathetic they are I have no complaints

comfy rv thread is up join me

>neurosistranny having another meltdown
Just to remind you guys

i am every bogeyman you can think of including all of the twicecord posters

bad time, huh?

i hope /our girls/ do well on queendom

Attached: cuties.jpg (1280x720, 116K)

>sluggotranny spamming off topic shit because her ugly shit got btfo and dumpah dumpah flopped

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>i'm unaware of it so it doesn't exist

it's easy being more attractive than slugoblino, suga is cute when he's round and fat
i hope he doesn't get bullied too much by fans

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dawn you greasy cunt
the boyz flopped again kek

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she’s very sad but just ignore her

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it was much more peaceful during blackpink hours

kick mamamoos' asses!

you can stop defending your twiceshitter friends, binnieshitter. both of you start all of the fighting here every day

why did this make me laugh so hard

nigga you gay

He is posting on tranny2 literally right now

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everybody gains weight the same. nigga just ate too much that's it.

Are you pathetic?

>literally 1 poster in the thread

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no one cares lol

man in a wig

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stay in your containment site, kiddo

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nice damage control discord roastie

why did you do that i just said good night and posted a good song

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you should go back too

user you realize sluganti has existed before ****2 was created, right?

why do you even browse chengdu

Is there really a twice discord? I wish I was invited

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Even mindless shitposting is better than brapstink posts

we sure showed them, girls! now let's regroup in the twicecord raid channel and plan the next attack!

Attached: DPtVGOXVAAEBNm--orig.jpg (997x1420, 172K)

So I went to KCon this weekend and it feels like the discussion isn't there for them here. Did I just get bottom barrel stuff?

newfags and discord trannies, the kpg killer


Attached: EB8FsR6U4AESDjp.jpg (1470x2048, 552K)

BlackPink >>>>>>>>>> Twice.

And that's a fact.

dont falseflag using itzy roastie we all hate granny velvet

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It's called doing research. Also found out that n*gger cripple is also posting there. LMAO filthy fags

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sine you were at kcon you missed all the posts about kcon. its all we talked about

t. mentally ill tranny

spoiler that shit


twiceshitters fit into both of those groups and make up the majority of each

get her ass

you are mentally ill

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>being this mad your sluggo thread got deleted
it's okay just post twice with us, we all like momo

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I falseflag as myself


way too much meta garbage, please post cute girls

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why do you even care that much... just filter ugliest shit or sluggo

goodbye, au revoir, adios

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more damage control ladies we will mislead them soon!


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t.mentally ill tranny

Anyway if anyone cares the spam and shitposting will continue forever until the fag and tranny gaypoopers from tranny2 are wiped off the face of the earth.

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thats a turbouggo


everyone here is a pathetic fuckhead but whining like a little bitch just makes the rest of us feel bad

i can agree with this

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twicebros... don't let them figure us out...

At some point i thought sluggo looked cute desu, thanks to kpg i reflected on my mistakes and i realize she's a silly looking girl lol

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For me it’s Yeri

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>new rv song
>new everglow song
>they both suck
goddamit it’s not fair

we all agree she’s very ugly

Attached: 1564783357622.webm (1000x562, 2.72M)

girls, get ready to shift targets to change the narrative again! don't let them get away with insulting twice!

the ugliest pokemon

Seek medical help

Attached: 1557297579859.jpg (1500x1000, 832K)

rv song is just boring, non-offensive rv summer fare
everglow is a crime on the ears

the cutest girl

fucking finally

pikachu is cute, however sluggo is very hideous

i matched with 5 whales on tinder and im ghosting them all
kpop for this feel?

seek a dilator

Bona can get my bona om her feet hngg

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So letting a couple of underage faggot gaypoop trannies and a malnourished disabled n*gger from a third world country shitpost with impunity and make this place hell for 8 hours a day is OK to you?

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is chewy's skin naturally light now?

Attached: D5T1duJUwAAg14Y.jpg (1749x2259, 709K)

What do we think about RV new song?
I think at least it's better than zimzalabim

its great

best pikachu

ok good night for real friends

Attached: 1560312605784.jpg (918x1228, 356K)

it is a banger

which kpop got the best soles in the game?


Attached: 1553309668075.gif (450x450, 3.29M)

we're winning this fight girls! just a few more threads and they'll be defeated. twicecord never loses!


freakin CUTE

Attached: pikaslug.jpg (1000x1499, 316K)

anything is better than zimzalaflop

Putting gaypg trannies in the meat grinder head first

Attached: 1559687173911.png (1104x1164, 1.94M)

kate bush nod

i'm glad i don't have shit taste like you retards
you don't know me is one of the best songs this year

I strongly doubt it. Also that would be a big shame if it were true, she looks better with her natural skin tone.

Attached: 1566121101977.jpg (500x737, 136K)

the ugliest idol in kpop

humans are so ugly

you're being more cringey than actual discordfags you know that?

Gonna hear it again rn, but first impression wasn't good. Any decent gg song is better than zimbalaballs.
MV was pretty fapworthy tho

Cutting gaypg trannies into pieces and feeding them to dogs

Attached: 1561583299421.png (705x767, 564K)

gonna give the other songs a listen but adios sucked

>MV was pretty fapworthy tho
this is all you keep saying all day

no one fucking cares about your fapping habits

cope twice anti you cannot stop us!!

Booking gaypg trannies on a tour to a working gas chamber

Attached: 1549293516003.jpg (1024x898, 654K)

OH really did this place a number

Attached: 1562812140405.jpg (1024x684, 84K)

this fag is kpg born and raised

I'm not, I'm a chad

so ugly

sluganti, loonatranny, and cripple have nothing to do with OH

yet another thing twiceshitters brought here that wasn't here before

She doesn't look Brown here

Fags and trannies are ugly not just physically but also spiritually. If you are a fag reading this you are a horrible evil person and you were born like that

Attached: 1542592133294.jpg (2342x2683, 1.12M)

why are there two mentally ill guys with tranny folders here


You don't know that. There are some strsnge fellows in this thread. Also i don't think is the same people all day, unless you have literally no life.

but twicecucks do, and you keep conveniently neglecting to mention them in your posts
funny that

you forgot to falseflag

Her sluggo thread got deleted so now she's lashing out

one of the slugantis is a gaypopping scottish whale from OH

word that song is complete shit

Attached: oh more like no.jpg (1280x720, 131K)

Fags can't help themselves the mental illness is part and parcel of their identity. They are reprobate they were born fucked up ion the head and can't be saved.

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just want to post seulgi without all the shit flinging bros

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perfect nose

Attached: D9KkwyyUwAALSNo.jpg (1920x1280, 236K)

the nigger that spams trannies should neck but if you actually defend some discord faggots and "hurr just filter it" you're part of the problem

>Also i don't think is the same people all day, unless you have literally no life.

post seulgi's wet pussy!@!@!!!!

don’t make us vomit

Attached: ECWG3wmUwAE6t4r.jpg (1333x2000, 267K)

that video where she has no makeup really highlights how much she contours her nose to make it not look like a nigger nose

>you don't know me
we're talking about adios mouthbreather

Attached: EBNPMX5UYAEa08G.jpg (1800x1200, 152K)

God created AIDS to punish fags for being reprobate sinners. If you are a sodomite reading this you are fundamentally evil and can't be fixed.

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that doesn't fit the narrative I'm trying to push here... don't make me sic the girlies on you

its all muscle memory for bona

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its true and this is one of my all time favorite kpop pics

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it's a single retard

not wet but should do

Attached: unnamed.png (720x378, 340K)

freakin cute pussy ma'am

yeah and it's dogshit
what does it being a single change?

everglow in your area

tranny2 gaypooper probably having a panic attack right now

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Choi Yena

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>dorsal hump

perfect person

Are there any normal posters here

i didn't know koreans could be this ugly

who has better feet, bona or irene?

cute girl

yeah i love slug yeji and oogie
and chuu


cub is hot

Attached: 1544235638419.jpg (1039x1400, 136K)

why do tw*ceshitters start all this drama then pretend they didn't?

the single is good actually

leave chuu out of your uggo harem

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Attached: 142.jpg (1080x1594, 181K)

because their servers mod told them to

kitten posting time?

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get her

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Leviticus 18:22(KJV) - Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
Leviticus 20:13(KJV) - If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them

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we're always here

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This thread got pretty fucked up real quick.
Im just gonna post my waifu and leave for now.

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I love you
You're one of the few good guys in this shithole

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is that ugly SEAmonkey going to eat that cat?

what does this uggo have to do with your post

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fuck neurosistranny


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anyone heard of kpop

come back soon

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Sex with Basedeon at the beach.

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wtf who did that to slug?

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Attached: Hana10.jpg (1280x1920, 1.14M)

nah I thought /kpg/ was just the shitposting general and (You) farm

this thread is beyond embarrassing and 90% of you should kill yourselves

our girls

twiceshitter copeseethespam next thread

mina the best
and same

Attached: 1540273247579.jpg (1400x1025, 152K)

She was always that ugly.

best twice

Irene but bona looks less like a choding and more like a succubus.

Attached: 1565155740883.jpg (2160x3840, 1.33M)

Sana has a beautiful Roman nose and anyone who disagrees must be a homosexual

I know fags and n*ggers are very cringe

so just like every thread today

Itzy is so full of uggos holy shit
The only breedable one is Yeji

Attached: 1561146702799.jpg (1039x1400, 89K)

on the real i hope all of you faggots die a horrendous death

rip my nigga javier

Finally a cute girl

another successfully raided thread for the twicecord, keep it up girls!

Explain please

Attached: 1563491430388.jpg (1039x1400, 131K)

Squid and Lia could be removed from Itzy and nobody would care.

how is the smallest girl also the thiccest

itzy could disband and no one would care

Attached: 1562312355217.jpg (1400x1400, 182K)


i think some people would care

this but omg

>another early falseflag

because that's how it usually works. less area for your fat to spread around. a short person will appear fatter than a tall person assuming they have the same %bodyfat.

i wanna explore her freedoms

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