Post some of your lyrics, I'll do my best to cover it. The more people that attempt a "cover", the better the thread

Post some of your lyrics, I'll do my best to cover it. The more people that attempt a "cover", the better the thread.

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If I had lyrics I would post but bump regardless. I like this idea.


final bimp


give me the scent of a smell
do not dwell on the cherry
of the angus
giveth the five or giveth the knight
sky all around me i cant see it
but i can smell it
i cant smeel it but i can feel it
corrupt and touched by blankets
is the blackest night every
gazed upon by your swollen naked eyes
burning with the desire to run and hide
naked and alive

bathtub arbiter
the hat goes long with
the hand outshaken in the night
he sips the sauce between
the bristles of the moptop liprag
sings his song of broken brains and charlies
but tonight hes up to his neck
in his little pool of rosemary
and sock lint
baby its too long im too long gone
smoke me if you got me


it was the groupon for the ghost of me
harley haunters and sickly jaunters
the group that came was the same that came
circuit bread box diving bored to ruinious
spires of insanity on the inside
not even looking outside
only looking further inside
further and further
where the loops circle spheres
down the drain and into the void

im the only oak that grows here yucca
between the mulberry bush
and the green onions side pockets
ive been known to forage for pinenuts
and clover, everything youve ever
known at some point in time
has been stuck between my toes
as ive run through this expanse called life
maybe not now and maybe im clean
or stubbled up and broken between branches
you think you've mastered or some youve never seen. but dont be afraid of the illusions
let out your tongue and ask me
maybe i can be the one to show you
your next universe

im old and im blind
and my brain lags behind
in a wagon of mine
with a wheel unaligned
that drags and reclines
with the bumps and binds
but still it can carry
the message divine

no more pockets tonight.
the dinner bell rings silent in an empty hall.
its all straight pants tonight carrol.
not a pocket or a rucksack to carry us back.
its straight legged slacks tonight
no cargo at all.
turn off the static redactive boxes
and dial the phones back to zero
and let them ring into infinity
because the boys without pockets
are here tonight
and the boys without pockets
have no fear
as they swing their wallet chains
between the essence of the universe
between matter and antimatter
into an approximate perimeter of the gods
with red cheeks and wild eyes
dear sweet lord they hold no load
in those pocketless pants
and they dance without time
to rhythm of rededemtion for the whole human race

you "covering" this johnny?
or am I just wasting my time?

DAMN IT, another crover thread ruined.

thanks for nothing johnny....
try to actually COVER something next time

I have been actively involved in Yea Forums since 2008 and with cover threads since 2011, this is by far the worst one i have ever seen

thanks johnny..

you wore your dads favorite tie everyday but one day it wrapped around your neck and never let go and you pulled and you thrashed and it only got tighter and you cried but finally accepted it and drank every day but the pain was constant discomfort neverending until the day that you died they buried you in that tie and you look handsome and calm for the first time in your life and your family surrounds you thinking of the good times they remember when you were a child and they try to forget what you became. and the shame. and the casket lowered and for what it’s worth it didn’t hurt. the earth. the dirt. your castle of worms.

I'll thrown some random lyrics down right now.
>Sunkissed Rose floating down riverside
>Graceful and dreamlike, drifting side by side
>Reminds me of a time when I was a child inside
>Looking for sticks in the woods to bring by fire side

>Oh I was wild once like you, but a tame man now
>Like a two legged cow, chewing on cud and trailing through mud, but in the big city, packed in sardine tight, stumbling through fog
>Thought I could, reconnect. But my mind has defects.
>All I can feel now is regret

>Sweet Innocence. Its gone, and I'm all forlorn. Futile to reminisce. Take a look ahead now. An old man lonely.
>The beauty in me is now long worn out.
>But even so, things aren't so bad,
>Just mad

>If we took the time to stop. Look outside, walk away from concentrated drops and take in clean air, we could pack the desks away.
>Take the suits of our backs.
>And re-humanize. Its never too late.

>shame. and the casket lowered and for what it’s worth it didn’t hurt. the earth. the dirt. your castle of worms.
these two aint me joghnny.
just forget them, they are low bro trash, just focus on ME the TALENT, dont get caught up with pulp pap trash like this. its worms for your brain

wont cover it for me
pulls up the covers made out of bologna


sounds awful, sorry guy

youre a god johnny. dont let this town break you

She got down on hands and knees
one ear against the ground,
Her breath to hear something
But the dirt made not a sound


My only regret is that I did not keep scrolling :^)

holy fuck I actually fucking lost it

wan moar