>death growl
Why do people like this shit? It doesn't sound cool or scary, it's just retarded.
Death growl
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When you realize it's an actual human making that noise a lot of vocals in music become a lot different.
The vocals are the only reason I can't really get into extreme metal genres. I would prefer instrumental death or black metal.
I agree with you there. I like the instrumentals, I just can't get past the vocals.
This. It's just another vocal technique like singing or rapping.
>implying they don't amplify their voices 200% and it's actually just retarded whispering and vocal techniques, and zero human skill is involved
Metalheads are retards
Except with singing or rapping you can actually understand what they're saying
I can understand death growls. Not my fault that you can't.
Literally any man can death growl with ease. There is no skill involved.
>amplify their voices 200% and it's actually just retarded whispering
Vocalist here. You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. It's an actual scream/growl, and it's loud as fuck.
Do it and record yourself. Let's hear it.
As someone who is actually into death metal (not him) and in a band... No. It is most definitely not a scream. Fuck off poser.
>I can understand death growls.
reading the lyrics is cheating
why don't you like that shit? are you stupid and retarded?
Stop lying on the internet. It's a real scream and it's extremely loud. Nobody is whispering and amplifying it. That sounds awful, and if your singer is doing that, he probably fucking sucks.
>I can understand death growls.
I love DM but you're full of shit
It's really not hard to understand, even without lyrics. Are you deaf?
You can literally look up videos of people doing it on YouTube. There's a technique and it's very loud. It will tear up your throat if you don't do it right.
I'm also a metal vocalist, so maybe that has something to do with it. I can understand most extreme metal with ease.
Honestly Death's early stuff took a minute for me to appreciate, principally because of Chuck's less developed/polished vocal delivery. It's really better to start at Symbolic or even Sound of Perseverance and work your way back.
This. Upload it to Vocaroo.
Are there seriously people ITT who don't believe that it's even real screaming/growling? Holy shit lmao
Actually false. There is technique and it takes a lot of practice to not completely fuck up your throat every time. Scream the way you do right now and try to sustain it for more than 5 minutes without your voice going out. Not as easy as you thought
ok tell me the words they are singing, and remember, no cheating!
Early death metal vocals were basically just Slayer vocals with more screaming. As the genre evolved people wanted more and more abrasive vocals to go with the increasingly abrasive music.
You are so full of shit.
I wasn't talking about scene kid pig quealing nonsense. I mainly listen to OSDM.
These are clear as day to me.
I actually believe this. There was a time where I could understand a lot of them as well. It takes a trained ear but it's possible
What are the lyrics?
I'm still waiting. Let's hear it. Anybody can do it, right?
That's what 99% of death metal is you fucking moron. You just posted the 1% that is actually understandable.
No, but english isn't my first language so that might be the problem.
Most OSDM is pretty understandable. Same with black metal, if it's in English.
ok here's an OSDM band and it's totally clear right?
can I audition for your death metal musical group?
lol no
Because it fits the sub perfectly and is great when done right, you just have virgin ears.
nigger at least 4/5 of dm has intelligible vocals. For every wigger slam and bdm band you post I can probably post 2-4 other dm bands with clearly sung vocals
Let's turn this thread around, what's the death metal band with the most comprehensible vocals?
>Most OSDM is pretty understandable. Same with black metal, if it's in English.
this is bait
most melodic death metal bands have decently intelligible vocals, but then again the OSDM crew would say they're gay and not really death metal.
>this is bait
It's not, you're just a tourist.
Death or Obituary
DT, IF and AtG post TRITSIO + GoG EP is crap.
Early MA stuff is rather audible, so is Malevolent Creation.
no, you're just baiting, cunt. Or do you really want me to believe you can actually understand Darkthrone or Mayhem
you can probably force a wonky one a few times before your voice fucks out
Not him but yeah. It's like picking up a dialect. After listening to it for a bit you can start to understand what they're saying.
What does this post even mean? Am I having a stroke? Someone explain
I can understand every word of every metal song of any genre.
>distorted guitar
Why do people like this shit? It doesn't sound cool or scary, it's just retarded.
it does though
>it doesn't sound cool
listen to some Black Sabbath and say it again you zoomer cunt
I feel I would love metal if it wasn't for the vocalists. This is why noise rock is much cooler honestly.
Why do people like this shit? It's just some guy banging on tubes with sticks like a retard.
The next time you listen to a song just realize that the person singing that is making that sound (the singing) with their vocal chords. This is also really interesting when you think about language and the fact every word we say is actually just a sound that you've applied symbolic meaning to. Think about the word "eat", you've been saying this word you whole life, so you've probably never stopped to consider what you're actually say. Just say it a few times out loud and after a while you hear the word like you're hearing it for the first time, without any connotation or attached meaning. It just becomes a sound that your mouth is making and no longer a word.
This has literally nothing to do with death growling.
It has everything to do with death growling, what I'm saying is you're so focused on what the words are saying you don't just hear the sound of the person's voice, or at all consider that as a attribute to the song, and you especially don't consider how unusual it is, or how much skill is actually required to do things like death growl with your voice.
me like heavy song me no care about lyric me like noise
I know you faggots can understand this.
holy shit based
I grew up in a house where 95% of interaction was screaming so it naturally was a fit
i hate slayer
>modern music uses amplification
Who knew?
for me is akerfeldt
Depends on which era.
holy fuck lel
For me it's Impetigo
b a s e d
I used to hate extreme vocals but now I prefer them. Death metal would sound like shit if it was just some guy singing in a normal voice.
fucking based
That's called metalcore user
I don't think many people liked the growl immediately.
For me the guitarwork was enough to make the vocals bearable, but then I started to like it.
No it wouldn't. It already exists.
>it has to be comprehensible or i no like
Its shit if its not catchy and I can't sing along.
>song has to be catchy
Godamn normies