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Does this album sound like the cover looks like?
>inb4 this heat
I've been listening to this heat for years and this is a lazy as fuck comparison
it's not the same thing at all
they're like sonic youth and fleet foxes or something, some of it sounds quite velvet underground-ish
the only stuff that sounds truly like it is the stuff that came after it from the same canadian contingent
link more stuff from the same canadian contingent
True story Alex Calder introduced me to this album via instagram dm.
cool got any more?
pics or it didnt happen
Lower Dens - Twin Hand Movement
Connan Mockasin - Forever Dolphin Love
Cate Le Bon - CYRK
Chris Cohen - Overgrown Path
Grizzly Bear - Shields
Candy Claws - Ceres & Calypso in the Deep Time
not really man. I guess Omni's other album and Cindy Lee? both not exactly there but honestly I would have absolutely no idea where to look for stuff that sounds similar
I think it's because Public Strain moves between genres quite a fair bit, it's hard to capture exactly what's so good about it as a whole
different parts of it sound quite far removed from each other
There was a whole scene in Calgary of this stuff. I call it Post-Women-Core. there is alot of stuff here that scratches that itch.
Dories- Stripped. (my fav and closest thing)
Telstar Drugs- S/T. (similar vein)
Viet Cong- Cassette, (members of Women formed Viet Cong who are now Preoccupations)
Chad Vangaalen- Diaper Island (Chad produced public strain)
Chris Reimer- Hello People (Lead of Women who died posthumous album of unreleased songs its really sad/ambient)
Palm- Shadow Expert (Animal Collective + Women had a baby)
Cindy Lee- Act of Tenderness great for this song alone
and to a lesser extent:
Freak Heat Waves
Faux Fur- Pretty much a women ripoff
Fake Palms- (toronto Viet cong ripoff)
Phern- upbeat angular guitars
Un Blonde- making waaay Better/different music now under Yves Jarvis
not Canadian but in the same vain as the bands mentioned
Deeper - Deeper
also this is pretty similar
women had the best fucking album covers
thanks i got all of these but this post is always appreciated
good looking out
Glad to see there's a Women thread up. They only have 2 albums but I'll be damned if they don't deserve to be talked about regularly.
I moved to calgary shortly before they broke up, pissed never got to see them, viet cong not as good
Props to the guys for going on with VC but yeah, nothing has really come close to Women for me
they went went the
>I wanna sound like Joy Division mode
and sucked eggs
I know OP is usually considered their masterpiece but s/t is just as amazing imo
The only issue I have with the s/t is that there are like 4 songs in there
Yea yea i know the noise/drone ones but I dont really consider those songs
that's sort of how I felt about it too, but the more I listened to it the more I felt like every piece on that album just fits really well, even if there are stretches without proper songs. Oh and Flashlights is a banger
shaking hands tho
nvm i just listened to it again and you right