I need to get it out of my chest. I was a bit drunk yesterday and listened to some of your music on sc, bc, etc. and I realized that we're not even close to even the most mediocre level of making music. Absoutely shallow, empty, try hard, pretentious, talenless, unlistenable, cringeworthy, pointless all it was. Like It's not even music, it's just noise. I was so dissapointed and upset, I had to recover by listening to some of the classics, Crazy diamond brought me back to life. I think that to make something beatiful, deep and timeless, you need to experience the other level of existence, feelings, and out of that experience bring something into our simple reality, where this creation will be received as something outstanding, epic, out of this world, otherwise it's just boring crap with nothing new in it. All of the famous musicians did that mind transformation, trip to the otherside, by using lsd, i.e. Hendrix was a random session player until he first tryed lsd, after that he became legend. Same is for the rest of the musicians, no exception. So apparently music only becomes deep and worthfull if it brought to our usual reality from the depths of transcendent worlds, or though similar experiences, the point is you can't do anything profound without having that depth, power and experiece in you. You have to see what others can't see, you have to feel what others can't feel, like shaman. You can't just sit and say, ok, I'll go through some chords now and come up with another stairway to heaven, it won't happen because you're empty inside, there's nothing in you to come out as a deep, profound creation, masterpiece.
I need to get it out of my chest. I was a bit drunk yesterday and listened to some of your music on sc, bc, etc...
Other urls found in this thread:
Gonna see how long it takes before someone just posts their Soundcloud link and leaves.
You don't necessarily need drugs to make yourself feel an out of body experience. Near death or mind opening experiences in general can get it. Looking through the eyes of someone else's perspective or researching what worked in the past. Try your own thing, make something you enjoy. Don't overthink it, just find yourself a goal and try your best to achieve it, as close as you can get it.
you don’t need to take acid to be in tune with the subconscious, the acid only makes it easier. But I do agree, a vast majority of music nowadays has zero soul and means nothing but some cliched timbres and progressions, and I believe you have to foster “inspiration” and it will be delivered to you from God, the spheres, the subconscious, the spirits, wherever the hell it comes from. I believe anybody can access it, (perhaps some are more in tune with it from birth but I think it’s there for anyone to take)
>Near death or mind opening experiences in general can get it
True, Jim Morrison had that transormating experience when he witnessed a car accident and saw a death, he even believed that the spirit had entered his body. But besides that he tottaly is a child of acid era, that gave birth to all the modern music.
youre being pretty edgy but i disagree, yeah theres a lot of bs posted in these threads but there are some actual gems ive found through this. now i shill
It's there, but it takes some very hard work to access it, even for those who try their entire lives barely ever reach any of it, while the one's who choose the easy direct way, take that substance and once and for all open their minds, release themselves from any boundaries and become in constant touch with the sacred world the inspiration comes from.
it all depends. some of the regular Yea Forums soundcloud shillers try to pump out junk at a rate of a song a day. this is pretentious bullshit, it will not work & in fact most times it results in mediocre garbage.
Rarely will a good song be produced with just a few hours work. maybe 1 per year, but the rest is pedestrain nonsense, and to pretend otherwise is also self indulgent hubris.
Some of the biggest names in commericial song production takes months just to prefect 1 track. some will take years. People need to slow down their output to get better. I would say 20-30 songs per year is extreme maximum for decent songwriting. out of this you'll get 2 or 3 bangers
i have never ever benefit from drug taking to improve songwriting. i have tried this process and in the cold hard light of soberness the next day, on review, the process results in just crap.
It's being off your face that convinced you that make you think you're actually producing something groundbreaking when in fact its all in your head.
its the same logical thinking that makes you think that being homeless and a starving sex worker in order to buy drugs is a good thing. its not.
You do realize that only so many stairway to heaven-esque exist in history, and I really doubt it’s gonna come from Yea Forums. And as for making a song a day, I’m currently working near that pace to learn the craft, so that in a few years from now I can make a bunch of songs and sit on them, then release a near perfect album. All while building a fan base now.
Your words are motivating but you also might need to slow your roll. But you were also drunk so I feel ya. I do agree with the LSD part though.
Nah this is just foolish, lsd doesn’t make you Beethoven lmao have you ever even taken acid? You’d know how dumb you sound if you have. Either that or you took it last week for the first time and think you’re enlightened or some gay shit like that
Hey everyone gonna work through ur clouds! :)
Commenting on soundcloud !
I have tonns of recordings on my hdd, mostly the small hooks and interesting instrument lines, verses, choruses, If I'll start to make one song per month, it'll take me 200 years to complete them in full songs, so I'd rather do 1 song per day, than leave them in dust as the years go by, when you hit 30-35, it's all over.
Indeed my friend...
Feedback is most valuable on the Cloud of Sound...
>Post Trap
>i have tried this process and in the cold hard light of soberness the next day, on review, the process results in just crap.
It's the aftereffect that matters, not the actual trip, when you can barely hold a guitar, also there are thousands of speeds, but only Izd has the right effect(saw it in the documentaries, haven't tried myself unfortunately).
not reading that
>suck it bitch
its already over by the looks of it desu
>saw it in the documentaries, haven't tried myself unfortunately.
so expertly you had to comment about it. dunning-kruger effect strikes again
imbeciles, your genius is only exceeded by your lack of hit making
thc-laced piano improv
nazis fuck off
op is a fag
>Art Rock
First new track in a good while - very happy with they it and the others have turned out, can't wait to release the album. Feedback very much appreciated x
well that's just like your opinion man
all feedback on soundcloud will be returned
Hella hit making imbecile
goddam son, this is fucking terrible
good thing i produce for rappers who constantly are microdosing
but fr alot of shit here is not so much bad but viciously unfocused
i think most people in sc threads are into drugs. I at least am. i think it get's old in a while it definitely becomes a drawback if it settles into a habit.
this is because of how easy as fuck it is to produce stuff nowadays. there was and always will be low effort, unfocused, shit music. its just that it was much harder to put your sound out there if it was shit before the internet, and the shit music from the 60s didnt stick around, much like the shit music nowadays no one in 20 years will know of.
i think a lot of people just dont pay enough attention to detail to realize how much work professional songs take. I blame shitty headphones and everyones habit of listening to music while doing other shit
>3rd side lofi
new album, 'Systemic Failure' out next week.
Real shit
>Three Things
It's not really as good if you can't get immersed in it, but very rewarding if you can.
> shill house
Arguable. Professional songs first of all come out of very strong melody/chord progression, that, when even played on a guitar made of an oil can and stick, still sounds super drivey and cool. One can spend months in the studio, twisting knobs and adjusting frequencies, while trying to make Rebeca Black-Friday sound top professional and super mastered.
excellent shitpost
We need to bring elitism and exclusivity back!
Dude I'm so beyond hyped for the release of your album!