Is this the best swans album?

Is this the best swans album?

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Then what is?

glowing man or soundtracks for the blind


fuck you

Yes, but pretentious post rock fags will say no.

the least pretentious

Post Punk > Post Rock

yes if you include blind on it

The seer

How does anyone finish a swans album without being strapped to a chair and sedated? Besides songs for the blind.


Get back to radiohead this is not for you

Don't assume I like fuckin radiohead very much just because I can't bare to finish a swans album 90% of the time. Gira makes annoying sounds. Do you think he's gonna write you a letter telling you how tough you are for listening to a bunch of noises in your ears?

>gatekeeps one of history's most popular hipster bands
You're not special for "getting" Swans.

It is. But only after the Glowing Man

Attached: swans-glowing-man.jpg (2048x2048, 348K)

Based user kicking a gatekeeper in the nuts

Attached: kobe.png (598x455, 224K)

Get back to radiohead this is not for you

Go llisten to creep, cause that's what you are! Meanwhile I'll be listening to wayne by chief keef, actual risk taking abrasive music.

Get back to radiohead this is not for you

great annihilator

Public Castration of SFTB

Not even top 5

Aww baby is mad I can climb over his baby wall-cage. Sorry kiddo, I stepped on one of your swan records. Oh wait, did you hear that crunching sound? That was a swan record I just made.

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Get back to radiohead this is not for you

Soundtracks or The Seer


Shall I get Into Swans? I'm into Current 93, PTV and Nurse With Wound.
Also for some reason I keep confusing the guys of Sparks as the guys on Swan, dunno why

All that other stuff is better, but sure go ahead. Swans is for super serious brooding assholes. Unless they can walk the tightrope of listening to them.

Children of God and then Soundtracks