Lately im getting into Stevie Wonder, ive already listened to the trilogy and loved it, especially Innervisions.
Which one do you recommend next?
Lately im getting into Stevie Wonder, ive already listened to the trilogy and loved it, especially Innervisions
which trilogy? The one that starts with Talking Book, or the one that ends in Key of Life?
I've always wondered about him and only bumped into the biggest hits. Guess I should look where I'm going, I'm starting to become superstitious.
Innervision, fullfilness and key of life, i dont know about the talking book one.
You should, his the best corny music I've heard. Just listen to him when you feel troubled and dont worry bout a thing.
Listen to Talking Book asap
It's not a trilogy, it's a quadrilogy. Get Talking Book.
Based, thank you user. What is specifically good? Song-wise.
Music of my mind is where he started to come into his own, so you should check it out. Talking Book is the more refined version of momm and a must listen as said before.
Hotter Than July is good, but I haven't heard enough of post 70's Stevie to recommend other albums from the period. I personally really loved Where I'm Coming From, I think it's a great pre-Music of my mind stevie album, and Signed, Sealed & Delivered is also good, but not a must listen.
Id say except the hits which are great (as is currently my favorite) you should hear living in the city and joy inside my tears.
Thank you for sharing that knowledge with me brother.
I thought I'd really like joy inside my tears, judging by the title. I really don't care for it much though. I'll try living in the city now.
That mostly instrumental double album soundtrack he made for the documentary about grass
Yep, I already like this much, much better. I hate living in the deep south and inside of a city.
Oh shit that sound good where can i find that
Oh I meant living in the city, I haven't heard the grass thing yet. he will prolly deliver.
He's meming. Stevie followed one of the greatest 5 album streaks of all time with this incredibly bizarre and controversial soundtrack. It has some great moments though
Thanks for taking me seriously at least. I can't tell when people are memeing or not sometimes. Everyone's different interpretations get all fuzzy and I am just trying to have conversations about music or whatever.
It's honestly pretty cool
You're both wrong, it's a pentalogy. The albums are
Music Of My Mind
Talking Book
Fulfillingness' First Finale
Songs In The Key Of Life
It's Stevie Wonder's Classic Period.
Nah music of my mind is rarely considered part of it
Obviously it's useless subjective semantics but I personally don't consider Music of My Mind as part of the series. He's only just learning his way around the synthesizer and the song writing and structures are still in the earlier Motown soul place.