Hong Kong is part of China forever. Music for this feel?

Hong Kong is part of China forever. Music for this feel?

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Winnie the Pooh

Boy These Boots Are Making Me Thirsty
- The Costanza's

I don't get the whole conflict.

Mind filling me in?

China is the biological father of Hong Kong. But Hong Kong was adopted by Britfags for 100 years. By the time their lease was up Hong Kong resembled the West far more than it did China and they were happy with it. Now the courts have given Hong Kong back to China but with the agreement that China doesn't impose its will on Hong Kong for 50 years. China is not respecting the decision and Hong Kongers have decided to not just stop at the initial issue that caused protests, but to go all out and protest China to fuck off forever in general. Mostly because China went mask off and showed how much they already infiltrated Hong Kong's government and police force.

There is also this copypasta out there that is a great alternate answer.

Based Chinks
Hapas btfo, they should fuck off to Britian if they want white cock In their women so much

You are wrong to believe that the majority of the Hong Kong population supports the protests.

desperately missing the copypasta right now lads

warning it's catchy

This explanation is pretty good desu. I'd like to add that Hong Kongers need to realise that 100 years of being owned by the British doesn't make them white, nor will the west actually help them become independent. As we can see from Us military installations set up in Asian tiger states and Us support of military dictatorships in S Korea and Taiwan, the West does not actually care about democracy. They only care about pitting the East Asian region against each other to curb the influence of China (a rising competitor to the western hegemony).

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>Hong Kongers need to realise that 100 years of being owned by the British doesn't make them white
Why do people say this? Sure some romanticize British control, but they ultimate just want to have unrestricted autonomy.

Post source you horse

This is a good thing for stability. Democracy at this point is just another sales item pitched to impressionable reactionary youths. They then become useful idiots to enact political destabilization for western interests. China sending in troops is their last resort. Hopefully the general populace of HK will counterprotest the disruptions to the daily way of life and finally get the protesters to simmer down; it won't be easy.

it's from a study from the hong kong university. the link to the study is sadly broken for me (see pic related) but its cited in for example this news article too

oops forgot the pic. you can see its the study from the preview, but can't be opened for some reason.

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Physical independence is impossible due to proximity to China and their dependence on China for energy and water. As long as they are physically dependent on China, unrestricted autonomy is also unrealistic, that's just how it is. Honestly, China doesn't go around bagging citizens left and right; this would cause dissent that leads to these big protests that China fears the most to begin with. The autonomous laws in HK were more intended to make it an unrestricted playground for shady financial practices by investors the world over. They also have the effect of turning HK into a refuge for criminals from mainland China. In other words; the general HK populace (who aren't foreigners, rich or mainland criminals that the Chinese bill targeted) have nothing to even lose from some of their precious HK autonomy being reduced.

Jackie Chan singing at the Beijing Olympics 2008. He loves his motherland!

That's interesting, they were too young when the handover happened to be alive or be aware of it. I wonder what shaped their worldview, but it looks like they just want the status quo and are totally unwilling of being absorbed into China in 2047 as planned. And I would like to see those numbers today. This was obviously a wake up call.

>nothing to lose
Clearly not how Hong Kong feels


Taiwan Numbah One

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If you knew within 50 years you'd have to start worrying about your twitter/facebook/chinese alternative posts from your early teens being used to affect your ability to do things like leave the country or get a job or get social benefits via social credit, you'd be really fucking pissed too.

it was never leased, but the occupation was formalised later. they took it as the spoils of winning the Opium Wars, like americafags took whatever they wanted, like the Philippines and bits of central america


I feel like Hong Kong doesn't have anything to loose but a lot to gain from becoming part of China. See for example poverty statistics. Poverty in HK is at an all time high with 20% (!) while poverty in for example Beijing is only 3%. Do you think the 20% in Hong Kong who live below the poverty line can enjoy their freedumb?

>I feel
They feel
ya mark

Was lucky to visit HK for a week 6months ago & the general feeling then was they were all starting to freak out. As part of the 50 year British "agreement" the chinese were never allowed to even occupy parts of HK except their civilian admin offices. Nah fuck lets build some army barracks, and a new railway station. Kowloon HST Station is also considered Chinese soil, as its occupyed by the Chinese military.
Can't wait for WW3 to start - invasion of Taiwan

Blind feelings driving activism/revolutions rather than an informed, unified front is exactly why the worlds general populace have not taken control of their political destiny and future as a whole.

Being politicized by strong emotions makes you easy to manipulate and leads to infighting with other political factions.

Yes, a minority. But most don't.

He has too many businesess on the mainland at stake to piss the off the CPP

Funny how dorks like you always imagine WW3 starting from China, a nation that has barely shown any aggression in other countries. While the US starts a new war every year. China isn't currently drone bombing and aiding terrorists in the middle east.

you want to know the REASON?

The poll you posted said most do

Finally someone who understands Chinese mentality and culture. Most of them would rather fuck over fellow Chinese than outsiders. For an imperialist superpower, you could definitely choose far worse national cultures to be one.


Funny how everyone surrounded China sees them as a major threat and they're constantly aggressive in the South China Sea. I just want to know if you're Chinese or a retarded leftist(been seeing a lot of apologism from them after they've been screaming for a while now that they're not actually commies).

If you're referring to those poll numbers, no, most do not support becoming a part of China. It said they support the status quo(in 2017 that is). And it's one poll, at one college, with one age group. That same age group fast forward to today is having one of the longest biggest protests in recent memory. A lot changed recently and people got confronted with the reality of their future.

China is most definitely socialist. All the leftists who don't think that are either libertarian socialists who don't believe anything was ever socialism, left-communists who similar to libertarian socialists believe nothing was ever socialism because they are orthodox purists, or left-liberals of the Bernie-variation who believe scandinavia is socialist.

Aggression in the China Sea? China just likes to copy. They are merely copying the American model of hyperaggressive military expansion in the past century or so. They aren't quite at the endless imperialist wars against hapless third world countries stage though.

i bet the Tibetan people, and Indian & Pakistan would disagree.

>fast forward to today
these student lead protests have beein going on for years. pretty sure it was just as big in 2014 already. if anything this shows that even under students who are the main force in that protest it's a minority opinion.


So China is nothing to worry about because America bad, who China is copying. Ok.

Wait they aren't socialist, China literally produces commodities for the entire world. That is about as un-socialist as you can be.

Yes, as I said left-communists also do not believe it is socialist. By the way, the soviet union, the german democratic republic, cuba, the peoples republic of vietnam, they all produce/d commodities! Nothing is ever socialism!

They are going about it behind the scenes, and being total sneaky fucks. Colonialism of Africa 2.0. The Sprately Islands Airforce/Naval bases with Attack Missles installed.
Those bases are nowhere near China's mainland. Vietnam & The Phillipines are pissed off about that.
You're projecting your obvious Choagness pal

Show proof. I want to see the numbers today.

Are you dumb?

Are YOU dumb? Do you knot know what "today" means?

What does Tibet, India, Pakistan and China all have in common? Being created or having autonomous regions created out of them with the heavy involvement of the British. The British played them all perfectly. Their mutual hostilities are exactly what the British wanted and serves the west well in keeping the Asian region in check to this day.

They're both bad; as imperialist superpowers obviously are; but the world has nothing to gain from China weakening to further America's own interests either. The last time a superpower void was left in the form of the USSR's collapse, the US proceeded to destabilize half a dozen countries in a row and completely empty its coffers to the suffering of its own citizens.

Lol, because 2017 is that long ago... It has data from 2015 and form 2017. It showed that support for independence even reduced from 2015 to 2017. And that even though these protest were already at an all time high in 2014! Now these numbers can't be trusted because they are 2 years old? Because there are protests now? Protests have been there for years..... Fucking clown. Where do you want me to pull out stats from today now. 2 years ago is more than good enough to show a relatively current picture.

>14 posters
I have to go, someone please take up the mantle to the 50centers

I see what you mean. Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics is 'Socialist in spirit' right? Only time will tell if China is using capitalist methods to propel itself to prosperity so it can transition to a greater socialist state. Or whether China has just gone full state capitalist. Knowing the Asian tendency for corruption and autocratic rule, I bet its the latter.