Holy shit

holy shit

Attached: onex.png (483x509, 91K)

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The 2 minute 47 second mark of Animal I Have Become, when the drums kick back in, fucking chills every time. One of the most well composed pop rock song moments of all time

Same for Pain honestly, "well-composed pop-rock moments" is what this album is, definitely the peak of Post-Grunge to the point it's still somewhat pleasant to listen to.
There are some songs on B-side I'd leave out, Riot is still terrible.

I listen to Just Like You almost every time I workout lol. It's funny you mention that because Pain, Animal I Have Become, Riot, Never Too Late, and Over and Over all use that exact same "drop everything out except the vocals and maybe one instrument before bringing it all back in for the climax" thing

Yeah, it is an album that sticks to its guns a lot, I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of the songs do that on the album, it sticks to its formula but it works.
I do love that quiet part in Pain in particular, sounds really nice.

i can still probably word for word this whole album back to back.
thanks for nostalgia OP

go to bed jason

No problem user, sometimes I still listen to it and it is still as pleasant as before.


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you could at least get rid off the VEVO thing at this point if you do intend on keeping up with me and are in this with me for the long road.

Generic radio rock, but sincere, it has a heart, it also has good song-writing and melodies, so it wins out

I always think of this old NASCAR game I had for ps2 when I was a kid when I see this because they had a song on the soundtrack

heh alright. I didnt even notice it there actually

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Thank you user
I was reminded of this album when I was buying new headphones and I fucking heard "Anima I Have Become" blasting off in there.

this one

just listening to it for the first time and I really like it.

That is a weird fucking song to pick for a racing game.
I wonder in how many games/shows three days grace got into.
I expected to hear riot or something

shill the debut already

Does anyone else listen to Saint Asonia

Is that the Adam's band? (The guy who did the vocals on the first three albums)
